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41. The Reading Warehouse Is America's #1 Book Source For Teachers And Schools. Beyond Representation Television Drama and the Politics and Aesthetics of Identity, harris, geraldine, Hardcover, 0719074584 / http://www.thereadingwarehouse.com/search.php?AUTHOR=true&s=144803 |
42. Geraldine Harris Books On The Book Faerie Hardcover, exlibrary. Greenwillow, first American edition, 1982. In very good condition, usual library markings, bottom of boards show wear. http://www.bookfaerie.com/ap_geraldine_harris.html | |
43. Witness List Display harris, geraldine R. State Registrar (Dept. of State Health Services Vital Townes, M.A., Trevor Director, harris County Family Court Services (harris http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlodocs/80R/witlistmtg/html/C5502007051613301.HTM | |
44. Magers & Quinn Booksellers, Discount New And Used Books Beyond Representation Television Drama and the Politics and Aesthetics of Identity. by harris, geraldine ISBN 0719074584 New. More about this title http://www.magersandquinn.com/index.php?main_page=index&author_id=119208 |
45. HARRIS, GERALDINE R. - Warren County, Iowa geraldine R. harris. Indianola IOOF Cemetery Warren County, Iowa. Uploaded on 10/22/05 by Imagegpa Email. No Contributor Comments http://iowagravestones.org/gs_view.php?id=184442 |
46. AHDS Cross-Search Catalogue harris, geraldine, and Aston, Elaine, Women s Writing for Performance Basingstoke, Hampshire; New York Palgrave Macmillan (part of the Performance http://ahds.ac.uk/catalogue/collection.htm?uri=pa-1051-1 |
47. Witness List Display harris, geraldine (DSHS / VSU). Mayhall, M.D., C. Glen (Society for Healthcare harris, geraldine (DSHS). Robbins, Chet (Texas Funeral Service Commission http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlodocs/80R/witlistmtg/html/C4102007031408001.HTM | |
48. From Snark To Park Lessons Learnt Moving Pervasive Experiences Eric harris, geraldine Fitzpatrick, Yvonne Rogers, Sara Price, @misc{ harrisfrom, author = Eric harris and geraldine Fitzpatrick and Yvonne Rogers and http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/harris04from.html |
49. Volume 4 1941 - 1945 Index H harris, C.G., 2 Lt. harris, Carl Wesley. harris, Ens. William, USN. harris, Eugenia M. harris, geraldine Roberta. harris, Jack, M/M http://www.rootsweb.com/~casfvgs/v4h.html | |
50. Verso - Auto-Graphics, Inc. AUTHOR harris, geraldine 1 through 1 of 1. 1. Gods pharaohs from Egyptian mythology 1996, harris, geraldine. J 299.31 HAR http://ppl-verso.auto-graphics.com/scripts/perlsoc1.pl? AC|HARRIS,*GERALDINE |
51. Secrets Of Ancient Tombs Teacher's / Parent's Guide #2 harris, geraldine. Ancient Egypt. New York, N.Y. Facts on File, 1990. Online resources harris, geraldine. Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ancient. http://www.digonsite.com/grownups/TGTombs2.html | |
52. Perkin Transactions 1 Articles Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1992, 1287 Mary McCarrick, Bei Wu, Steven J. harris, Dermot Diamond, geraldine Barrett, http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/P1/article.asp?DOI=P19900000431&type=Forw |
53. HARRIS, GERALDINE: Chaos.com harris, geraldine Chaos.com. harris, geraldine. Results 13 of 3 for harris, geraldine. Add harris, geraldine to your Artist Watch list http://chaos.com/artist/harris_geraldine_351241.html | |
54. Geraldine Harris Books On The Robb Inn 1984 Macmillan hardcover (reprint) in very good condition but will college bookplate and small stamps. Pages appear heardly read. Illustrated boards with a http://www.therobbinn.co.uk/ap_geraldine_harris.html | |
55. Rechercheergebnis (11287) harris, geraldine; Aston, Elaine 2006 Feminist Futures? AutorInnen, harris, geraldine; Aston, Elaine. Titel, Feminist Futures? http://db.genderinn.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/recherche/deutsch?w=tab&id=11287 |
56. Library : Children's Room : Pathfinder - Ancient Egypt harris, geraldine and Delia Pemberton Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt 932 HAR harris, geraldine Ancient Egypt http://library.ci.glendale.ca.us/pathfinderancientegypt.asp | |
57. Author Hitlist 3, harris, geraldine. Book, harris, Jacqueline L. Henry Ford. 92 FOR, IN. Book, harris, Janet. The woman who created Frankenstein a portrait of Mary http://library.sanjuan.edu:8080/webopac/author?searchtext=Harris, Geraldine. |
58. HARRIS, GERALDINE: Play4me.com.au Add harris, geraldine to your Artist Watch list (click for more information) harris, geraldine / BEYOND REPRESENTATION, BEYOND REPRESENTATION http://www.play4me.com.au/artist/harris_geraldine_351241.html | |
59. Home Fitness Delivered - HARRIS, GERALDINE harris, geraldine / ANCIENT EGYPT (3) Instructs readers not just about the geography and harris, geraldine / BEYOND REPRESENTATION Add To Shopping Cart http://www.homefitnessdelivered.com.au/artist.asp?intArtistID=351241 |
60. Katalog DMOZ : Arts : Literature : Genres : Fantasy : Authors : H : Harris, Gera 3 pages found in harris, geraldine. geraldine harris Author s own site with brief bibliography. http//www.chalcedon.demon.co.uk/grhp.html http://dmoz.e-php.pl/Arts/Literature/Genres/Fantasy/Authors/H/Harris,_Geraldine | |
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