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1. Our Services : Zen Cart!, The Art Of E-commerce Displaying results 133 of 33 matches for query harris e lynn . Search took 4.8 sec. Author Harris E Lynn Format Mass Market Paperbound http://aepbooks.com/dgssearch_a/search.php?q=Harris E Lynn&r=50 target=_parent |
2. IPac2.0 Search Results (When available, use the limit menu to your right to see just your library s holdings.) Browsing results matching harris e lynn http://catalog.mvlc.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=mnr&index=AUTHOR&term=Harris E L |
3. E. Lynn Harris, Author Of I Say A Little Prayer Bestselling author E. lynn harris is back with another sexy, shocking, and immensely satisfying novel that explores some of todays toughest and most timely http://www.elynnharris.com/ | |
4. E. Lynn Harris, Author Despite his literary focus on black, young, middleclass, urban professionals, E. lynn harris and his three younger sisters were raised by their single http://authors.aalbc.com/e.htm | |
5. E. Lynn Harris - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia E. lynn harris is an Black American author, (b. June 20, 1955). harris writes primarily about African American men on the down low or in the closet; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E._Lynn_Harris | |
6. E. Lynn Harris E. lynn harris was born in Flint, Michigan and raised, along with three sisters, in Little Rock, Arkansas. He attended the University of Arkansas at http://www.randomhouse.com/features/elynnharris/about.html | |
7. Profile Of E. Lynn Harris Profile of New York Times bestselling author E. lynn harris. http://gaylife.about.com/od/index/p/elynnharris.htm | |
8. E Lynn Harris Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris Alibris has new used books by E lynn harris, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Harris, E Lynn | |
9. An Interview With E. Lynn Harris | Keithboykin.com E. lynn harris s memoir I first met E. lynn harris almost ten years ago. At that time, he was a young new writer with a dream. http://www.keithboykin.com/arch/2003/07/02/an_interview_wi | |
10. IBistro Montgomery County Dept. Of Public Libraries harris, E. lynn. 4 copies available at Aspen Hill Library, Olney Library, Rockville Library harris, E. lynn. 3 copies available at Little Falls Library, http://webcat.montgomerylibrary.org/uhtbin/cgisirsi/x/0/0/5?searchdata1=e. lynn |
11. Glbtq >> Literature >> Harris, E. Lynn In pageturning novels that appeal to a broad and diverse audience, E. lynn harris exposes the bisexuality and homosexuality within the black middle class. http://www.glbtq.com/literature/harris_el.html | |
12. E. Lynn Harris (1957â) - Encyclopedia Of Arkansas E. lynn harris was born on June 20, 1955, in Flint, Michigan, to Etta Mae Williams and James Jeter, who were unmarried. When harris was three, he moved with http://www.encyclopediaofarkansas.net/encyclopedia/entry-detail.aspx?entryID=328 |
13. E Lynn Harris A bibliography of E lynn harris s books, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/h/e-lynn-harris/ | |
14. The Seattle Public Library: Reading List [Detail List] E. lynn harris dynamic writing puts readers directly into the highpowered world of young African American professionals. Successful, sexy and on the move, http://www.spl.org/default.asp?pageID=collection_readinglists_category_detail&ci |
15. E Lynn Harris - Biography, Plus Book Reviews & Excerpts. A biography of E lynn harris, plus book reviews and book excerpts from one or more books by harris. http://www.bookbrowse.com/biographies/index.cfm?author_number=249 |
16. Free Books > Literature & Fiction > World Literature > United States > African A Free Books Literature Fiction World Literature United States African American harris, E. lynn. http://2020ok.com/284464.htm | |
17. E.Lynn Harris Speaker Profile At The Lavin Agency The Lavin Agency presents E. lynn harris A leading AfricanAmerican novelist. http://www.thelavinagency.com/college/elynnharris.html | |
18. The HistoryMakers® Video Oral History Interview With E. Lynn Harris Bestselling author E. lynn harris was born Everette lynn harris on June 20, 1955 in Flint, Michigan. harris grew up and attended elementary and high http://www.thehistorymakers.com/programs/dvl/files/Harris_E_Lynnf.html |
19. Black Expressions: Search Results ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWS by E. lynn harris Doubleday Co Inc / July, 2001 / Ready to Ship I SAY A LITTLE PRAYER (A NOVEL) by E. lynn harris http://www.blackexpressions.com/fslink?sequence=50347438&src_type=media&src=AS1_ |
20. BookPage Interview August 2003: E. Lynn Harris As preface to his remarkably honest memoir, What Becomes of the Brokenhearted, bestselling novelist E. lynn harris offers this epigram Work like you http://www.bookpage.com/0308bp/lynn_harris.html | |
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