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Hamsun Knut: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||
41. :: Munseys: Hamsun, Knut, 1859-1952 not available. Tags hamsun, knut, 18591952 Influence. . Copyright © 1998-2008 Disruptive Publishing. Some Rights Reserved.......hamsun, knut http://www.munseys.com/detail/mode/tag/Hamsun,_Knut,_1859-1952 | |
42. Franz Kafka's Library (II) hamsun, knut Die letzte Freude. Roman Einzige berechtigte Übersetzung aus dem Roman von knut hamsun. Einzige berechtigte Übersetzung aus dem http://www.pitt.edu/~kafka/k_s_bibII.html | |
43. Norsk Litteratur - Hist & Hint knut hamsuns Sult (1890) regnes ikke bare som vår største og mest epokegjørende roman, knut hamsun er ikke blant de fire store (Ibsen, Bjørnson, http://www.kloken.no/litteratur/forfatter.asp?ID=17 |
44. FOLKE BERNADOTTE MEMORIAL LIBRARY GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS COLLEGE A H3 N9313 1929 hamsun, knut. Shallow soil. New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1929. PT8950.H3 S4613 1925 hamsun, knut. Segelfoss town. New York, A.A. Knopf, 1925. http://gustavus.edu/academics/library/Acq2007/June2007B.htm | |
45. Nordland: A Knut Hamsun Resource Page An English language resource page on the Norwegian author knut hamsun, winner of the 1920 Nobel Prize for literature. http://members.aol.com/wpwinter/hamsun/index.htm | |
46. Knut Og Marie Hamsuns Hjem Nørholm Informasjon om knut og Marie Hamsuns hjem. Bilder, utdrag fra bøker, avisartikler og lenker. http://www.hamsun.no/ | |
47. Scandinavian | Courses Consciousness in the Modernist Novel knut hamsun and Virginia Woolf The Nobel Prizewinning Norwegian writer knut hamsun was admired and considered http://ls.berkeley.edu/dept/scandinavian/courses/f06descriptions.html | |
48. Skolenettet.no/ Http://nrk.no/litteratur/forfattere/1591758.html http//nrk.no/litteratur/forfattere/1591758.html Fra NRKs arkiver. Inneholder mange ulike lyd og filmklipp med både knut og Marie hamsun. http://www.skolenettet.no/templates/Link.aspx?id=6856&scope=ScopeLaerAns&epslang |
49. Knut Hamsun In 1920, knut Pedersen hamsun received the Nobel Prize for literature, for his monumental work, Growth of the Soil . See also The Nobel Foundation and http://runeberg.org/authors/hamsunkn.html | |
50. Detektor Emneportal Dagbladets internettside om knut hamsun med kort biografi, Omfattende nettsted om knut hamsun som inneholder en god bibliografi med en kort omtale av http://detektor.deichman.no/index.php?action=subject&letter=H&subject=1228 |
51. Horizon Information Portal August / by knut hamsun ; translated from the Norwegian by Eugene GayTifft. Victoria a love story / by knut hamsun ; newly translated from the http://capemay.njstatelib.org/ipac20/ipac.jsp?aspect=subtab37&index=BC&index=CAL |
52. Ancestors From Norway Bookstore hamsun, knut Dreamers (New Directions Classics) Translated by Tom Geddes Paperback / Published 1996. Our Price $7.96 ~ You Save $1.99 (20%) http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~norway/bookstore2.html | |
53. Knut Hamsun On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online There are 25 conversations about knut hamsun s books. Wikipedia author page. edit delete. knut hamsun works available on Project Gutenberg http://www.librarything.com/author/hamsunknut | |
54. Klassikere: Lydbøker - Lydbokforlaget hamsun, knut Den siste glæde hamsun, knut En vandrer spiller med sordin hamsun, knut Rosa hamsun, knut Kjærlighetens slaver hamsun, knut Markens grøde http://www.lydbokforlaget.no/katalog/katklas.html | |
55. Pan (Mobipocket) Ebook Hamsun, Knut Diesel EBooks Pan (Mobipocket) hamsun, knut Download ebook in Microsoft, Adobe Mobipocket eReader. http://www.diesel-ebooks.com/cgi-bin/item/9780786598083/Pan-eBook.html | |
56. Hamsun, Knut - Kvasir Foreningen jobber for å skape interesse for knut Hamsuns diktning. Sidene inneholder informasjon og refleksjoner rundt flere av knut Hamsuns bøker. http://www.kvasir.no/c/lit/writ/hamsun/ | |
57. Knut Hamsun As A Travel Writer In Wonderland Henning Howlid Wærp He is the editor of a book on Cora Sandel ( De upåaktede liv , 2005) and of three books on knut hamsun (1999, 2003 and 2006). He is editor of the journal http://lettuce.tapor.uvic.ca/cocoon/journals/scancan/article_p5.xml?id=waerp_1_1 |
58. Hunger By Knut Hamsun (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris Alibris has Hunger and other books by knut hamsun, including new used copies, rare, outof-print signed editions, and more. http://www.bibliocity.com/search/books/qwork/3054433/used/Hunger | |
59. HFAA Bookstore Books Bly, Robert W.hamsun, knut. Growth of the Soil Eating the Honey of Words New and Selected Poems Holes the Crickets Have Eaten in Blankets A Sequence http://www.hfaa.org/reference/bookstore/bookstore.html |
60. J.W. Cappelens Antikvariat - Book List 51415, hamsun, knut knut hamsuns brev 1879 1895 (I). Utgitt av Harald S. Næss. Oslo 1994. 8vo. 511 p. Illustrert. Orig. bd. med vareomsl. http://www.antiquariaat.net/search.cgi?post=cap&id=zo2kpa2cph,1,0,-1&sq=cap&qs=s |
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