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         Hamsun Knut:     more books (100)
  1. Growth of the Soil by Knut Hamsun, 2010-11-18
  2. Mysteries: A Novel by Knut Hamsun, 2006-08-08
  3. Hunger: A Novel by Knut Hamsun, 2008-02-19
  4. Hunger by Knut Hamsun, 2008-08-10
  5. Victoria (Penguin Classics) by Knut Hamsun, 2005-11-29
  6. Tales of Love & Loss by Knut Hamsun, 2007-04-01
  7. Enigma: The Life of Knut Hamsun by Robert Ferguson, 1988-05-01
  8. Hunger: A Novel by Knut Hamsun, 2009-10-22
  9. Knut Hamsun: The Dark Side of Literary Brilliance (New Directions in Scandinovian Studies) by Monika Zagar, 2009-10-15
  10. Pan by Knut Hamsun, 2008-01-01
  11. Pan: From Lieutenant Thomas Glahn's Papers (Penguin Twentieth-Century Classics) by Knut Hamsun, 1998-09-01
  12. The Ring Is Closed by Knut Hamsun, 2010-07-09
  13. The Women at the Pump (Sun & Moon Classics) by Knut Hamsun, 2000-04-01

1. Knut Hamsun
Knut Hamsun was born in Lom in the Gudbrandsdalen Valley in central Norway, as the fourth son of Peder Petersen, a skilled itinerant tailor,
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by Bamber Gascoigne
Knut Hamsun (1859-1952) - pseudonym of Knut Pedersen Norwegian novelist, dramatist, poet, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1920. Among Hamsun's most famous novels is Hunger , an intense story of a starving writer, which has attracted readers since its publication in 1890. Before and during World War II the author supported the Nazis. This separated Hamsun from other intellectuals and writers who supported the Soviet Union and Stalin. After the war Hamsun was consequently ostracized as a traitor. "If one only had something to eat, just a little, on such a clear day! The mood of the gay morning overwhelmed me, I became unusually serene, and started to hum for pure joy and for no particular reason. In front of a butcher's shop there was a woman with a basket on her arm, debating about some sausage for dinner; as I went past, she looked up at me. She had only a single tooth in the lower jaw. In the nervous and excitable state I was on, her face made an instant and revolting impression on me - the long yellow tooth looked like a finger sticking out of her jaw, and as she turned toward me, her eyes wee full of sausage. I lost my appetite instantly, and felt nauseated." (from Hunger Knut Hamsun was born in Lom in the Gudbrandsdalen Valley in central Norway, as the fourth son of Peder Petersen, a skilled itinerant tailor, and Tora (Olsdatter Garmotraedet) Pedersen. When Hamsun was three the family moved to the town of Hamarøy, some 100 miles north of the Arctic Circle. There Peder Petersen took charge a farm, owned by his brother-in-law Hans Olsen, who ran the village library and post office. Olsen became a victim of paralytic illness and claimed that the Pedersens owed him money. Hamsun was not allowed to play with the other children but he started to work for Olsen, keep the post office accounts, and chop wood, to pay the debt to him,. Later Hamsun returned in his works to his ill treatment - Olsen he called "red-bearded messenger of death."

2. Knut Hamsun - Wikipedia
Knut Hamsun (født 4. august 1859 i som Knud Pedersen, død 19. februar 1952 i Grimstad) var en av Norges mest betydelige forfattere, og er en av tre norske
Knut Hamsun
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G¥ til: navigasjon s¸k Siden er beskyttet For ¥ unng¥ h¦rverk kan ikke anonyme og nye brukere redigere siden. Eventuelle endringer kan foresl¥s p¥ diskusjonssiden Knut Hamsun
Knut Hamsun i 1890, 31 ¥r gammel Pseudonym(er) Knud Pedersen F¸dt: 4. august
eller V¥g¥ D¸de: 19. februar
ved Grimstad Yrke(r) Dikter Nasjonalitet Norge Sjanger Nyromantikk Debut: Den Gaadefulde P¥virket: Fjodor Dostojevskij August Strindberg Nobelprisen i litteratur
Knut Hamsun (f¸dt 4. august i som Knud Pedersen , d¸d 19. februar i Grimstad ) var en av Norges mest betydelige forfattere, og er en av tre norske nobelprisvinnere i litteratur . Hamsun regnes som en av de fremste representantene for nyromantikk i Norge. Han var misforn¸yd med hvordan realismen skildret stereotyper istedenfor «levende» mennesker, og ville sette f¸lelser i sentrum. Med hans egne ord: «Blodets hvisken og benpibernes b¸n.» Han ble kontroversiell p¥ grunn av sine politiske oppfatninger.

3. Knut Hamsun - Biography
Knut hamsun knut Hamsun (18591952) was born in Gudbrandsdalen, Norway, and grew up in poverty in Hamarøy in Nordland. From early childhood he was a
Knut Hamsun
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1920
Knut Hamsun Fra det moderne Amerikas Aandsliv (1889) [The Intellectual Life of Modern America]. The novel Sult (1890) [Hunger] and even more so Pan (1894) led to Hamsun's literary breakthrough and Sult is regarded as the first genuinely modern novel in Norwegian literature. Hamsun's work is determined by a deep aversion to civilization and the belief that man's only fulfilment lies with the soil. This primitivism (and its concomitant distrust of all things modern) found its fullest expression in Hamsun's masterpiece Growth of the Soil ]. His early works usually centre on an outcast, a vagabond figure, aggressively opposed to civilization. In his middle period, Hamsun's aggressiveness gives way to melancholy resignation about the loss of youth. The decay of age is the theme of such plays as Livets Spil (1896) [Game of Life] and (1898) [ Sunset], as well as of the novels Under the Autumn Star Benoni (1908), and

4. Knut Hamsun - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Knut Hamsun, born Knud Pedersen (August 4, 1859 February 19, 1952, is the most significant Norwegian author of all time, considered to be the father of
Knut Hamsun
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Hamsun, 1945 Pseudonym Knud Pedersen/Knut Hamsun Born August 4
Gudbrandsdal Norway Died February 19
, N¸rholm, Norway Occupation Author, poet, dramatist, social critic Nationality Norwegian Writing period Literary movement Neo-romanticism Debut works Hunger Influences Bj¸rnstjerne Bj¸rnson Fyodor Dostoevsky Friedrich Nietzsche Influenced Ernest Hemingway Isaac Singer Thomas Mann Maxim Gorky Signature Website
Knut Hamsun , born Knud Pedersen August 4 February 19 ), is one the most significant Norwegian authors of all time, considered to be the father of modern literature citation needed . In 1920, the Nobel Committee awarded him the Nobel Prize in Literature for his monumental work, Growth of the Soil . He insisted that the intricacies of the human mind ought to be the main object of modern literature, to describe the ‘’whisper of the blood, and the pleading of the bone marrow’’. Hamsun pursued his literary program, debuting in 1890 with the psychological novel Hunger Hamsun was a prominent advocate of Germany and German culture, and an opponent of

5. Knut Hamsun - Wikipedia
Translate this page Knut Hamsun wurde 1859 als viertes von sieben Kindern eines Schneiders geboren, mit bürgerlichem Namen hieß er Knud Pedersen. 1862 wanderte seine Familie
Knut Hamsun
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Knut Hamsun 1890 Knut Hamsun 4. August in Lom Fylke Oppland Norwegen ... 19. Februar in N¸rholm bei Grimstad ), geboren als Knud Pedersen, war einer der bedeutendsten norwegischen Schriftsteller des fr¼hen 20. Jahrhunderts und erhielt 1920 den Literaturnobelpreis f¼r sein Werk Segen der Erde welches 1917 als Markens Gr¸de in Norwegen erschien.
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    Knut Hamsun mit 12 Jahren Knut Hamsun wurde 1859 als viertes von sieben Kindern eines Schneiders geboren, mit b¼rgerlichem Namen hieŸ er Knud Pedersen. 1862 wanderte seine Familie nach Hamar¸y in Nordland aus und kaufte dort den Hamsundhof, von dem sich der sp¤tere Name des Schriftstellers ableitet. Der Vater bewirtschaftete den Hof als Kleinbauer. Als Neunj¤hriger kam er f¼r mehrere Jahre als Pfand f¼r die Schulden der Eltern zu seinem Onkel Hans Ohlsen in Presteide, um im Pfarrhof aus dem Bibelboten vorzulesen. In seiner Erz¤hlung Bj¸rger verarbeitete er Teile dieser Zeit, die er r¼ckblickend als Martyrium bezeichnet. Sp¤ter, nach seiner Konfirmation, war er bei dem Kaufmann Wals¸e in

6. Hamsun Knut
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Hamsun Knut
Knut Hamsun, forfatter, f. i Lom 4 august 1859, d. 19 februar 1952. Forfatteren vokste opp på Hamarøy i Nordland og reiste så til Amerika. Våren 1886 kom han til Kristiania. Hans første bok, Den Gaadefulle, kom i 1877 mens gjennomslaget var romanen Sult (1890) deretter gikk det slag i slag. Hamsun står som vår store internasjonale romanforfatter. Han fikk Nobelprisen i Litteratur i 1920. Hamsuns nazisympatier skapte en nedgang i interessen for hans produksjon under og etter 2. verdenskrig.
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7. Knut Hamsun - Britannica Concise
Knut Hamsun Norwegian novelist, dramatist, and poet.
Hamsun, Knut
Britannica Concise
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Knut Hamsun
orig. Knut Pedersen
born Aug. 4, 1859, Lom, Nor.
died Feb. 19, 1952, near Grimstad
Norwegian novelist, dramatist, and poet. Of peasant origin, he had almost no formal education. His semiautobiographical first novel, Hunger (1890), about a starving young writer, revealed his impulsive, lyrical style. It was followed by such works as Mysteries Pan (1894), and Victoria (1898), with which he established himself as a leader of the Neoromantic revolt against social realism. Growth of the Soil (1917) and his many other novels express a message of fierce individualism and back-to-nature philosophy. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1920. His antipathy to modern Western culture led to his support of Nazi Germany during its wartime occupation of Norway; he was imprisoned and tried after the war, and his reputation was seriously damaged. document.writeln(AAMB2); Images and Media: More on "Knut Hamsun" from the 32 Volume Hamsun, Knut

8. Knut Hamsun
Knut Hamsun 1859 1952. · Født på garden Garmostræet i Gudbrandsdalen. · Flyttet til hamarøy i Nordland tre år gammel. · Glade barndomsår, men flyttet ni
Knut Hamsun
· Født på garden Garmostræet i Gudbrandsdalen. · Flyttet til hamarøy i Nordland tre år gammel. · Glade barndomsår, men flyttet ni år gammel til en onkel som var streng mot ham (Hamsun ble trassig og full av opprørstrang.) · Dro som skreppekar og solgte varer - lærte av naturen og folkelivet. · Drev som jordarbeider, lensmannsbetjent, steinbryter. · Dro til Amerika, ble syk, lkom hjem til Norge igjen. · Bodde i Kristiania en vinter preget av nød og sult, skriver om dette i sin første roman "Sult". · Beundret Bjørnson, reiste som ham rundt og holdt foredrag, skrev avisartikler og var med i diskusjoner (også i andre land). · Skrev "Pan" - en bok med "få personer og megen sjel" - tilbake til naturen. · "Victroria", kjærlighetsroman hvor vi får høre om fattiggutten, møllerens sønn Johannes, og slottsherrens datter Victoria. Den ungde dikter som taper i kjærlighet, men seirer som dikter. · "Markens grøde" - viser Hamsuns kjærlighet til det enkle, primitive mennesket, vandreren som søker stillheten og lykken i naturen og mannen med øks og plog som bryter ny jord og blir herre i sitt eget rike.

9. Hamsun, Knut (1859-1952)
Svenn om Knut Hamsun skoleside oppgave; m. bokpresentasjoner og Den litterære grensen Knut Hamsuns ÓDronningen af SabaÓ Johan Schimanski nordregio Knut

10. Index Translationum
Hamsun, Knut Un vagabond joue en sourdine French / Régis Boyer / Paris Hamsun, Knut En el país de los cuentos Spanish / Pedro Camacho / Esplugas KNUT&ns=/xtrans/stat/xTransLi

11. Knut Hamsun - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Knut Hamsun
Hutchinson encyclopedia article about Knut Hamsun. Knut Hamsun. Information about Knut Hamsun in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. Hamsun
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Norwegian novelist. His first novel (1890) was largely autobiographical. Other works include Pan (1894) and
Hamsun was born in Lom, Jotunheim. After years of struggling to survive by manual work in Norway and the USA, he burst into the literary world with Sult 1949). He has since been recognized as a writer of genius, with a profound influence on modern European tradition.
His early novels (1892) and Pan (1894) are fascinating pictures of a man at odds with himself and the world, and also reveal an intense feeling for nature, particularly that of his native Nordland. hut(3)
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12. In't Profijtelijk Boeksken At
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13. Knut Hamsun - Wikipedia, Den Frie Encyklopædi
Hamsun var misfornøjet med, hvordan realismen skildrede stereotyper i stedet for levende mennesker, og ville sætte følelserne i centrum.
Knut Hamsun
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Knut Hamsun (31 ¥r gammel) i Knut Hamsun f¸dt som Knud Pedersen 4. august 19. februar ) er en af Norges st¸rste forfattere. Hamsun regnes som en af de f¸rende repr¦sentanter for nyromantik i ikke bare Norge, men i hele Skandinavien og Europa. Hamsun var misforn¸jet med, hvordan realismen skildrede stereotyper i stedet for "levende" mennesker, og ville s¦tte f¸lelserne i centrum. Han kritiserede realismens st¸rste norske forfattere som f.eks. Henrik Ibsen og Alexander Kielland Hamsun fik sin f¸rste anerkendelse i for romanen Sult . Romanen, som er delvis selvbiografisk, beskriver en ung forfatters forfald til vanvid som et resultat af sult og fattigdom. Bogen blev en af de mest indflydelsesrige romaner i det 20. ¥rhundrede. Andre vigtige v¦rker af Hamsun er Pan ) og Markens Gr¸de ), som han fik Nobels litteraturpris for i Hamsun st¸ttede Tyskland b¥de under og 2. verdenskrig , og var en bitter modstander af den britiske imperialisme og den sovjetiske stalinisme. Til trods for Hamsuns verdensber¸mmelse og store popularitet i Norge, blev hans rygte sv¦kket p¥ grund af hans st¸tte til Vidkun Quislings nazistiske regime under 2. verdenskrig. Efter et m¸de med den tyske propagandaminister

14. Landstrykere M/forfatterhefte Av Hamsun Knut » Bokkilden
Landstrykere m/forfatterhefte hamsun knut. Vår pris 277,- . Flere bøker av hamsun knut Sproget i fare (1918) - Knut Hamsun. Knut Hamsun

15. The Savage Kick Literary Magazine: Recommendations
Red Harvest Hammett Dashiell Hammett Knut hamsun knut Hamsun Hunger Hunger Hunger Hunger Knut hamsun knut Hamsun -Chester Himes Chester Himes

16. Knut Hamsun - Vikipedi
Daha sonralar Knut Hamsun ad n alacak olan Knud Pedersen, Norveç in kuzeyinde Gudbrandsdal s n rlar içinde Lom kasabas nda do du. Bir terzi olan babas ,
Knut Hamsun
Vikipedi, ¶zg¼r ansiklopedi
Git ve: kullan ara
Knut Hamsun Norve§li yazar Doğumu 4 Ağustos
/ Gudbrandsdal –l¼m¼ 19 Şubat
/ Grimstad Knut Hamsun , (d. 4 Ağustos , Gudbrandsdal - Norve§ 19 Şubat , Grimstad - Norve§ ). Norve§li yazar ve yılı Nobel Edebiyat –d¼l¼ sahibi.
Konu başlıkları
  • Erken Hayatı Edebiyatta Y¼kselişi Sağlık Problemleri
    değiştir Erken Hayatı
    Hamsun 14 yaşındayken Tran¸y' da Daha sonraları Knut Hamsun adını alacak olan Knud Pedersen, Norve§'in kuzeyinde Gudbrandsdal sınırları i§inde Lom kasabasında doğdu. Bir terzi olan babası, kalabalık ailesini alarak, daha kuzeye, Hamar¶y kasabasına g¶§ etti. ‡alışan ve işine bağlı adam, karısını kaynanasını, altı §ocuğunu terzilikle zar zor ge§indiriyor, ¼stelik oturdukları yerin sahibi rahibe bor§lanıyorlardı. Sekiz yaşında iken dayısının isteği ¼zerine annesiyle babası onu bir rahibin eğitimine verdiler. On d¶rt yaşında, doğduğu kasabaya gidip orada bir t¼ccar yanında tezgahtarlık yaptı. Bir yıl sonrada Tran¶y `de daha b¼y¼k bir t¼ccar yanında kalfalığa başladı. T¼ccarın kızına aşık oldu fakat t¼ccar iflas edince ayrılmak zorunda kaldı. Bu sıralarda "Esrarengiz Adam" adında k¼§¼k bir aşk romanı yazdı. Bu roman, gezginlik yıllarında tanıştığı bir kitap§Ä± tarafından bastırıldı. Buradan ayrılınca bir iki arkadaşıyla birlikte ucuz eşyalar satmaya başladılar. Kibrit, mum gibi şeyler satıyorlardı. Daha sonra ayrıldılar. Arkadaşı g¼neye Knud kuzeye gitti.

17. Knut Hamsun -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on knut hamsun Norwegian novelist, dramatist, poet, and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1920.
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Knut Hamsun Norwegian author pseudonym of Knut Pedersen
born August 4, 1859, Lom, Norway died February 19, 1952, near Grimstad Norwegian novelist, dramatist, poet, and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1920. A leader of the Neoromantic revolt at the turn of the century, he rescued the novel from a tendency toward excessive naturalism. His first publication was the novel Sult Hunger ), the story of a starving young writer in Norway. Sult marked a clear departure from the social realism of the typical Norwegian novel of the period. Its refreshing viewpoint and impulsive, lyrical style had an electrifying effect on European writers. Hamsun followed his first success with a series of lectures that revealed his obsession with August Strindberg and attacked such idols as Henrik Ibsen and Leo Tolstoy , and he produced a flow of works that continued until his death. Mysterier Mysteries Pan (1894; Eng. trans.

18. Knut Pedersen Hamsun Winner Of The 1920 Nobel Prize In Literature
knut Pedersen hamsun, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.
1920 Nobel Laureate in Literature
    for his monumental work, Growth of the Soil.

    Residence: Norway
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Hamsun, Knut
1859 - 1952. Knud Pedersen ble født i Lom i Gudbrandsdalen, endret senere navn til Knut Hamsun. Revolusjonerte verdenslitteraturen med sine romaner om menneskenes sjelsliv på slutten av 1800-tallet. Mottok Nobelprisen i litteratur i 1920.
Knut Hamsun - biografi

Hamsun-side med lyd og video-klipp

Publisert 23.01.2002 09:48. Oppdatert 02.08.2005 11:33.

20. Knut Hamsun Online - Books, Quotes, Photos, Biography And Much More
Complete overview of the life and works of nobelprizewinner knut hamsun, with bibliography, famous quotes, picture gallery, biography and analysis
Books (Bibliography) Gallery Famous Quotes Knut Hamsun of Nations ... Info
The writer Knut Hamsun is one of the literary figures so mythical that it takes time to realize what you are missing! But luckily... Knut Hamsun is alive! Information
Knut Hamsun is among the most important and influencial European writers in the last century. He is both novelist, dramatist, and poet, and won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1920. Among Hamsun's most famous novels is Hunger, an intense story of a starving writer, which has attracted readers since its publication in 1890. Also worth mentioning on this short note are his novels "Pan", "Mysteries" and "Growth of the Soil". Art gallery included - (Oct 2006) Galleries update - (Mar 2005) Knut Hamsun of Nations - (Dec 2004) Click on one of the links below to learn more about Knut Hamsun: Books Galleries Famous Quotes Knut Hamsun of Nations Knut Hamsun (1859-1952)
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