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21. Continental Detective Agency - Dashiell Hammett, Life, Works And More An exploration of the life and works of dashiell hammett, author of the Maltese Falcon and founder of the school of the hard boiled detective. http://www.transki.freeserve.co.uk/ | |
22. Dashiell Hammett, Page 01 A Short Biography Born in Maryland in 1894, Samuel dashiell hammett dropped out of school at fourteen. Over the next several years he held a string of menial jobs, http://www.mikehumbert.com/Dashiell_Hammett_01_Short_Bio.html | |
23. Dashiell Hammett, Mystery And Suspense Writer hammett, dashiell, Red Harvest, 1929. Character Continental Op hammett, dashiell, The Continental Op, Random House, New York, 1930. http://www.hycyber.com/MYST/hammett_dashiell.html | |
24. Feature | Dashiell Hammett: Let's Talk About The Black Bird Featured are an excerpt of The Maltese Falcon s first chapter, biographical information about dashiell hammett, extensive lists of his works and the books http://januarymagazine.com/features/hammettintro.html | |
25. The Dashiell Hammett Tour - Hosted By Don Herron The dashiell hammett Tour. Travel with Don Herron over the fogshrouded hills stalked by Sam Spade, the Continental Op, and other hardboiled characters http://www.donherron.com/tour.html | |
26. Dashiell Hammett: Perfect Standard For The Hardboiled Detective 18941961. Samuel dashiell hammett was an American author, most often credited for creating the hardboiled detective genre. Although not the first to write http://www.vintagelibrary.com/pulpfiction/authors/Dashiell-Hammett.php | |
27. Rodcorp: How We Work: Dashiell Hammett, Author How we work dashiell hammett, author. hammett published nothing after he was 39. In his later life, he said that he stopped publishing after The Thin Man http://rodcorp.typepad.com/rodcorp/2004/12/how_we_work_das.html | |
28. IACW/NA: News dashiell hammett Street, San Francisco. THE PRISONER OF GUANTÁNAMO NAMED WINNER OF NORTH AMERICAN hammett PRIZE The North American Branch of the http://www.crimewritersna.org/news/index.htm | |
29. Vintage Crime/ Black Lizard dashiell Samuel hammett was born in St. Marys County. Written by dashiell hammett Trade Paperback Vintage Fiction Mystery Detective http://www.randomhouse.com/vintage/blacklizard/catalog/results2.pperl?authorid=1 |
30. Dashiell Hammett's Legacy Lies Not Only In His Writing, But In His Living -- Rou dashiell hammett s legacy lies not only in his writing, but in his living rough, wild and on the edge. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/02/07/DDG3DB68LD1.DTL |
31. Mark Coggins - 891 Post Street Don Herron, leader of the famous dashiell hammett San Francisco tourand author of the accompanying guidebookwas also present. http://www.immortalgame.com/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=DashiellHammett.891PostStreet |
32. Dashiell Hammett Life Stories, Books, & Links Stories about dashiell hammett s life and A Daughter Remembers, The Maltese Falcon, The Thin Man. With links to essays literary criticism and analysis. http://www.todayinliterature.com/biography/dashiell.hammett.asp | |
33. Dashiell Hammett (1894 - 1961) - Find A Grave Memorial Search Amazon for dashiell hammett. Burial Arlington National Cemetery Arlington Arlington County Virginia, USA Plot Section 12, Lot 508, Grid Y/Z23 http://www.findagrave.com/pictures/438.html |
34. Dashiell Hammett Bibliography - Checklist dashiell hammett UK bibliography , Sam Spade ,crime fiction ,dust wrapper, dust jacket , uk first editions ,. http://www.classiccrimefiction.com/hammettbib.htm | |
35. Hammett Bibliography dashiell hammett This is hammett s output, with year of publication, alternate titles (if any), Swedish titles, and the detective of the story. http://hem.passagen.se/orange/hammett.htm | |
36. Dashiell Hammett [1894-1961] At BlackHat Mystery Bookstore One of the acknowledged masters of the noir detective story dashiell hammett s novels other books, works by others about him, and movies/videos audio http://www.genordell.com/stores/blackhat/Hammett.htm | |
37. Metroactive Books | Joan Mellen dashiell hammett and Lillian Hellman were the reallife Nick and The three-decade-long relationship between dashiell hammett and Lillian Hellman ranks http://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/07.18.96/books-9629.html | |
38. Dashiell Hammett An internet bibliography for dashiell hammett, from LiteraryHistory.com. http://www.literaryhistory.com/20thC/Hammett.htm | |
39. Dashiell Hammett News - The New York Times News about dashiell hammett. Commentary and archival information about dashiell hammett from The New York Times. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/h/dashiell_hammett/in | |
40. Samuel Dashiell Hammett, Sergeant, United States Army February 14, 2005, marks the 75th anniversary of the publication of dashiell hammett s The Maltese Falcon that riveting tale involving a San Francisco http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/shammett.htm | |
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