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1. Alexander Hamilton - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In September, Hamilton wrote a pamphlet (Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Hamilton | |
2. Major General Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton was born in Charlestown, Nevis, in the West Indies on January 11, 1757 (or 1755)*, to James Hamilton, a Scottish merchant of St. http://www.ushistory.org/valleyforge/served/hamilton.html | |
3. Alexander Hamilton -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on Alexander Hamilton New York delegate to the Constitutional Convention (1787), major author of the Federalist http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9039033/Alexander-Hamilton | |
4. Portrait Of Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton was a founding father, a member of the Continental Congress and Constitutional Convention, coauthor of the Federalist Papers, http://www.earlyamerica.com/portraits/hamilton.html | |
5. Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton First Secretary of the Treasury ALEXANDER HAMILTON was born a British subject on the island of Nevis in the West Indies on January 11, http://www.john-adams.org/alexanderHamilton.org/ | |
6. Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton was born on the island of Nevis in the West Indies. His Scottish father and French mother were not married. Early in life he showed great http://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h367.html | |
7. Alexander Hamilton Quotes And Biography. Alexander Hamilton Quotations. Read Alexander Hamilton quotes, biography or a speech. QuoteDB offers a large collection of Alexander Hamilton quotations, ratings and a picture. http://www.quotedb.com/authors/alexander-hamilton | |
8. Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton, the American statesman and economist, was born, as a British subject, on the island of Nevis in the West Indies on the 11th of January http://www.nndb.com/people/183/000022117/ | |
9. ALEXANDER HAMILTON Alexander Hamilton, who represented New York at the Constitutional Convention, was a brilliant political theorist and a leading advocate of centralized http://www.army.mil/CMH/books/RevWar/ss/hamilton.htm | |
10. Federalist Papers Authored By Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton postcard Portrait by Daniel Huntington circa 1865, based on a portrait painted by John Trumball. U.S. Treasury Collection. http://www.foundingfathers.info/federalistpapers/hamilton.htm | |
11. Alexander Hamilton - Wikiquote Alexander Hamilton (175501-11 or 1757-01-111804-07-12) was an American politician, statesman, writer, lawyer, and soldier. He was the principal author of http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Alexander_Hamilton | |
12. Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamiltonborn at Nevis in the Leeward Islands in either 1755 or 1757emigrated to New York in 1772. There, he entered King s College (now Columbia http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/a6/alexander_hamilton-ii.htm | |
13. Alexander Hamilton - Mahalo Alexander Hamilton was a soldier, lawyer, politician, financier, and the first United States Secretary of the Treasury. Fast Facts Birthplace Nevis, http://www.mahalo.com/Alexander_Hamilton | |
14. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Alexander Hamilton Alexander Rudolf Hamilton. Ph.D. University of Cambridge 1993 UnitedKingdom. Dissertation Low Dimensional Transport in BackGated Heterostructures http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=112984 |
15. NewMexiKen: Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton. Friday, January 11, 2008 was born in the British West Indies on this date in 1757 (or possibly in 1755). Hamilton Ten Dollar Bill http://newmexiken.com/archives/2008/01/0012697.php | |
16. JSTOR Alexander Hamilton ALEXANDER HAMILTON. ONE cannot note, writes Professor Bryce, the disap pearance of this brilliant figure, to Europeans the most interesting in the early http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0032-3195(189003)5:1<1:AH>2.0.CO;2-T |
17. Alexander Hamilton ALEXANDER HAMILTON 17551804 by Charles Willson Peale, from life, c. 1790-1795 Oil on canvas. H 24, W 20 in (H 61, W 50.8 cm) Independence NHP INDE 11877 http://www.nps.gov/history/museum/exhibits/revwar/image_gal/indeimg/hamilton.htm | |
18. Founding Fathers At-A-Glance: Alexander Hamilton - The Liberty Lounge Political Founding Fathers AtA-Glance Alexander hamilton alexander Hamilton was born on the island of Nevis in the West Indies on January 11, in either 1755 (as. http://www.libertylounge.net/forums/1007-founding-fathers-glance-alexander-hamil | |
19. From Revolution To Reconstruction: Biographies: Alexander Hamilton USAproject, biographies-area, biographical dat regarding alexander hamilton-indexfile. http://odur.let.rug.nl/~usa/B/hamilton/hamilxx.htm | |
20. HAMILTON, Alexander - Biographical Information hamilton, alexander, a Delegate from New York; born on the island of Nevis, British West Indies, January 11, 1757; immigrated to the United States in 1772, http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=H000101 |
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