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61. Pete Hamill: The Man Who Loves A City In pete hamills days on the New York Post, and mine, under hardboiled executive editor Paul Sann and manic managing editor Al Davis, there was a topflight http://www.nyc-plus.com/nycp2/petehamil.html | |
62. Great Interview With Fiction Writer Pete Hamill - Books Great interview with fiction writer pete hamill Books News. http://books.monstersandcritics.com/news/article_1340524.php | |
63. An Conversation With Pete Hamill pete hamill, newspaperman and author of North River I first became aware of pete through Earl Wilsons gossip column in the Daily News where he could http://www.paris-expat.com/interviews/5-07hamill.htm | |
64. Pete Hamill - Little, Brown Book Group hamill is a wellknown journalist and a popular novelist. His 1997 novel SNOW IN AUGUST appeared on bestseller lists (as well as the Booklist Editor s http://www.littlebrown.co.uk/Authors/H/1462 | |
65. Jim Lowney Photo - Bog: Pete Hamill Remembers Eddie Adams Thankfully, while trying to catch up and go through the evergrowing pile of newsprint on the floor, I came across New York Newsman pete hamill writing http://www.jimlowney.com/mt-archives/000265.html | |
66. Lection: Why Sinatra Matters The title of pete hamill s Why Sinatra Matters promises something it doesn t really deliver. We hear that Frank Sinatra mattered immensely to himself, http://www.uta.edu/english/tim/lection/030929.html | |
67. The Santa Barbara Independent Pete Hamillâs New Novel, North River Among mature people, love develops in a series of small moments, explained pete hamill, on the phone from New York City to discuss his new novel, http://independent.com/news/2007/oct/11/pete-hamills-new-novel-emnorth-riverem/ | |
68. A Review Of North River By Pete Hamill :: The Compulsive Reader :: A Haven For B pete hamill, a versatile writer of extensive background, has set North River, his tenth novel, in New York City during the years of the Great Depression. http://www.compulsivereader.com/html/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1634 |
69. Rambles: Pete Hamill, Downtown: My Manhattan For pete hamill, author of Downtown My Manhattan, New York City is home. It is a place he has witnessed constant change over the last seven decades. http://www.rambles.net/hamill_mymanh04.html | |
70. The Packer Collegiate Institute: Brooklyn Author Pete Hamill Caps Off "Common Re Brooklyn Author pete hamill Caps Off Common Read The Packer Collegiate Institute. http://www.packer.edu/page.cfm?p=552 |
71. Peter Hamill, Forever pete hamill s Forever has two main characters. One is Cormac Samuel O Connor, an Irish boy who grows up believing that his name is Robert Carson until he http://www.greenmanreview.com/book/book_hamill_forever.html | |
72. Baseball Hall Of Fame Opens Doors For Former Dodger Owner Walter O'Malley Send apologies to pete Rose. All moral arguments about who belongs in Cooperstown are over forever. Walter O Malley has been voted into the Baseball Hall of http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseball/2007/12/04/2007-12-04_baseball_hall_o | |
73. Peter Hamill: Chameleon In The Shadow Of The Night/Nadir's Big Chance Reissues Crud reviews Chameleon In The Shadow Of The Night/Nadir s Big Chance Reissues by Peter hamill. http://www.2-4-7-music.com/newsitems/sept06/peter-hammill_remastered.asp | |
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