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Hamill Janet: more detail | ||||||||
41. BigCityLit.com: The Rivers Of It, Abridged janet hamill Poet and impresario Bob Holman has called janet hamill our Baudelaire. She is the author of four books of poetry and fiction Troublante, http://www.bigcitylit.com/bigcitylitspring07.php?inc=spring07/contributor_notes |
42. GOLD SILVER BRONZE 1914 Theresa Weld Edith Rotch Raynham Townshend 1968 Peggy Fleming Albertina Noyes janet Lynn 1969 janet Lynn Julie Lynn janet Lynn Julie Lynn Holmes Suna Murray 1973 janet Lynn Dorothy hamill http://www.put.com/Skate/sk/ld | |
43. Janet Champion -- Child Skating Star And Skating Coach Janet Champion Dorothy hamill Ice Skating Olympic Champion Dorothy H janet Lynn - U.S. Figure Skating Champion and Olympic B Linda Kola Alexander - Ice Skating http://figureskating.about.com/od/famousskaters/p/janetchampion.htm |
44. Downstairs At The Cornelia Street Cafe Poet, painter, and performer janet hamill is the author of four books Lost Ceilings (Telephone Books), Nostalgia of the Infinite (Ocean View Books), http://www.corneliastreetcafe.com/list.asp?sdate=11/9/2006&from_cal=0 |
45. Janet Hamill 118 PM, Does anybody remember a regular named janet hamill? She had blonde hair, was very pretty, and was a great dancer. I remember her as being one of http://www.marshasvintage.com/board/board_topic/1476059/112310.htm |
46. Janet Hamill - Keywords janet hamill on IMDb Movies, TV, Celebs, and more http://poll.imdb.com/name/nm2081561/filmokey | |
47. Janet Hamill & Moving Star Music, Discography, Biography, News, Albums, And More janet hamill Moving Star collaborative website, build by volunteers all you wan t to know about janet hamill Moving Star music, discography, http://www.music-city.org/Janet-Hamill-AND-Moving-Star/ | |
48. Troublante. By Juan [Janet?] Hamill : Riverrun Bookshop : by hamill, Juan janet?. Publisher Information Oliphant Press 1975. one of 100 copies. 9 pp of text. wrappers. Edition First. Binding Softbound http://www.riverrunbookshop.com/cgi-bin/rrbooks/31932.html | |
49. Q&A With Dorothy Hamill - TIME In the public s eyes, skater Dorothy hamill was America s sweetheart. . I always thought that janet Lynn was probably something realistic for me to,8599,1669437,00.html | |
50. Janet Hamill And Moving Star // Flying Nowhere On DAZ.com, Your A href= http//daz.com/releases/janet hamill And Moving Star/flying nowhere.html janet hamill And Moving Star // flying nowhere /A http://daz.com/releases/Janet Hamill And Moving Star/flying nowhere.html | |
51. Ruth Krauss Papers hamill, janet, The Temple (1980) (Dodd WPS 3011). Harms, Valerie, ed. Convocation! Women in Writing (1975) (Dodd A6646). Harriman, John, Taxi (1969). http://www.lib.uconn.edu/DoddCenter/ASC/findaids/Krauss/MSS19940007.html | |
52. Sensory Integrative Dysfunction: Parental Participation In The Child's Therapy P Authors, hamill, janet S. Descriptors, Adjustment (to Environment); Children; Intervention; Learning Disabilities; Neurological Impairments; http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=EJ360877 |
53. Virtek Directory :: Arts : Literature : Authors : H : Hamill, Janet Back to the top page of the Virtek directory. Search. Top Arts Literature Authors H hamill,_Janet. This directory section managed by Phil http://directory.virtek.com/Directory/Arts/Literature/Authors/H/Hamill,_Janet | |
54. DIRECTORY.TERADEX.COM - Entertainment/Literature/Authors/H/Hamill, Janet Add your Web Site, H - hamill, janet, Add Search to your Site janet hamill - http//www.janethamill.com/ - janet hamill is a poet and artist who http://directory.teradex.com/Entertainment/Literature/Authors/H/Hamill,_Janet | |
55. Myspace.com Blogs - WE LOVE JANET HAMILL - Heart Beats MySpace Blog Read the Heart Beats blog on MySpace.com. MySpace Blogs Search, browse, read create you own blog. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=105361429&blogID |
56. Malefice Margaret hamill and janet Donald, the last being executed. janet Donald was the wife of Humphrey Colquhoun, a clan at the time no strangers to malefice http://www.templum.freeserve.co.uk/history/witchcraft.htm | |
57. Antiquarian Books :: ILAB-LILA :: International League Of Antiquarian Bookseller Beller, janet . hamill, Peter (introdcution by ). Street People. New York MacMillan 1980, First Edition Hard Cover Near Fine Pictorial wraps a tad rubbed http://www.ilab.org/db/detail.php?lang=en&membernr=2359&ordernr=001242 |
58. Hamill, Janet Summary The official website of janet hamill, poet, painter and performance artist. issue out with five new poems by janet hamill . http://6go.biz/dwodp/index/Arts/Literature/Authors/H/Hamill,_Janet/ | |
59. Biochem Department News hamill Innovation Award, Kathleen M. Beckingham. hamill Innovation Award, janet Braam. 2007 George R. Brown Award for Excellence in Teaching, Mike Gustin http://biochem.rice.edu/news.cfm | |
60. Bibliopoly Rare Books Search Database, Rare And Antiquarian Books, Manuscripts, hamill, janet. THE TEMPLE. NY Telephone Books, 1980. 8vo, pp. 33. Paper wraps. VG. Poems and photographs. $US25. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by http://www.polybiblio.com/secondli/19002.html | |
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