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21. Pediatrics -- Table Of Contents (June 1992, 89, (6)) John C. Partin, Susan K. hamill, janet E. Fischel, and Jacqueline S. Partin Pediatrics 1992; 89 10071009. Abstract PDF http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/vol89/issue6/index.shtml | |
22. Person Detail: Janet Hamill - New York State Literary Tree janet hamill was born in Jersey City, NJ. She received her B.A. in English from Rowan University and spent many years living in New York City and travelling http://www.nyslittree.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/DB.PersonDetail/PersonPK/837.cfm | |
23. Patti Smith: Foreword To Janet Hamill's (Untitled) Foreword to janet hamill s Nostalgia of the Infinite. Nostalgia of the Infinite, Copyright © janet hamill 1992, Ocean View Books, BOX102650, http://www.oceanstar.com/patti/poetry/hamill.htm | |
24. Figure Skating :: Ice Shows -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Its stars have included Peggy Fleming, Dick Button, Dorothy hamill, janet Lynn, Charlie Tickner, Scott Hamilton, Kitty and Peter Carruthers, and ice dancers http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-222016/figure-skating |
25. CNU Professor Named Elector For The U.S. Figure Skating Hall Of Fame Current members of the Hall of Fame include such wellknown skaters as Tenley Albright, Dick Button, Peggy Fleming, Scott Hamilton, Dorothy hamill, janet http://universityrelations.cnu.edu/news/2007/11_16_07hines.html | |
26. Elsevier Article Locator The following individuals participated in the project s development Catherine hamill, janet Petitpierre, Paul Van Look, Theresa Harmand, Sue Lambert, http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0140673606696426 | |
27. Arts: Literature: Authors: H: Hamill, Janet : On A Mission janet hamill is a poet and artist who combines her talents with the music group Moving Star. http//www.janethamill.com/ http://www.onamission.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/H/Hamill__Janet/index.shtml | |
28. MySpace.com - 3Fe Apparel - 24 - Female - New York City And Westport, CT, New Yo Books, George Orwell, Dashiell Hammett, Orson Scott Card, Jodi Picoult, JeanPaul Sartre, Soren Kierkegaard, Albert Camus, Pete hamill, janet Fitch, http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=203687 |
29. Releases :: Moravian College Commencement List Joseph Raymond Fink; Jonathan David Gerber; Jessica M. Golm, Summa cum Laude; Rebekah Lynn Gordy; Tracy E. hamill; janet Skewis Hamman, Cum Laude; http://www.moravian.edu/news/releases/2001/047.htm | |
30. Register Of Maureen Owen Papers - MSS 0567 5, 12, hamill, janet, 1986 1999. Includes Nostalgia of the Infinite and miscellaneous poems. 5, 13, Hamlin, Louise, 1984 - 1989. http://orpheus.ucsd.edu/speccoll/testing/html/mss0567a.html | |
31. Janet Hamill Actress That Girl The Good Skate ( 2.2) . Visit IMDb for Photos, Filmography, Discussions, Bio, News, Awards, Agent, Fan Sites. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2081561/ | |
32. 'janet Hamill' By Janet Hamill (Search) - American Poems Search Nostalgia of the Infinite/ Journal of an. Nostalgia of the Infinite/ Journal of an Astronaut by janet hamill, George Sutton Breiding http://www.americanpoems.com/section/Books/Author/Janet Hamill | |
33. AGNES OF GOD * (Meg Tilly, Jane Fonda, Ann Bancroft) A Scene Where SNOW QUEEN, THE (*) (Sandra Bezic, Toller Cranston, John Curry, Dorothy hamill, janet Lynn, Jojo Starbuck) A Han Christian Andersen tale on the ice set to http://www.eskatefans.com/movie/original.txt | |
34. MUSSELSHELL COUNTY REPORT_DT - 10-SEP-06 MUSSELSHELL STATEMENT OF CLAIM 11290000 SESWNW 04 06N 24E 110 2 2001 hamill, janet L 40A GROUND WATER CERTIFICATE 116251-00 SESWNW 04 06N 24E 110 2 2001 hamill, http://dnrc.mt.gov/wrd/water_rts/wr_reports/well_reports/well_mu.txt |
35. BOMB Magazine: Interviewee Articles Articles about hamill, janet (2 total). previous next janet hamill. (Issue 14 Winter 1986, LITERATURE) . previous next http://www.bombsite.com/articles;interviewee?who=Hamill, Janet |
37. Index Of Our Previous Issues hamill, janet 34, 35 Hargitai, Peter 37, 38, 39 Harrison, Jennifer 15 Hersey, Eleanor 57 McBryde, Ian 1, 9 Norris, Ken 28, 29 Palma, Michael 53, 55, 56 http://www.thecafereview.com/Index_issue.html | |
38. MISS PORTER WEDS ROBERT L. HAMILL; Daughter Of Mr. And Mrs. H. Hobart ... - Arti Flinor Minor, Bmily and Itatherine hamill, Flinor Thompson. janet (roll and Cienevieve Babbitt. Theyore apricot colored satin with blue sashes. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F70F16FD3D5D14738DDDA90994D8415B8 |
39. James Hamill, 73 | Serving Henderson, Transylvania And Polk Counties | North Car He is survived by his loving wife of 46 years, janet hamill; a son, James W. hamill of East Flat Rock; and a daughter, Jennifer hamill of Asheville. http://www.blueridgenow.com/article/20071202/OBITUARIES/712020368/0/NEWS | |
40. Janet Hamill & Moving Star From Jackie Sheeler, Wed, 21 Feb 2001 165004 0500. http://babellist.xnet2.com/0102/msg00083.html | |
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