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Green Simon R: more books (103) | |||||||||||||||
21. Simon R. Green Drinking Midnight Wine Reviewed By Rick Kleffel simon R. green has delivered a slippery novel that will appeal to fans of both genres, and a much wider reading audience as well. Yes, the plot sounds like http://trashotron.com/agony/reviews/green-midnight_wine.htm | |
22. Simon R. Green@Everything2.com While not always the deepest, or most meaningful, of books, you can count on green to provide some great adventure, with entertaining characters and great http://everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1213028 |
23. BOOKSAMILLION.COM (BAMM.COM) - Search And Browse by simon R. green / Paperback / Jan 2007 / ISBN 0441014607 In Stock Usually ships within 24 by simon R. green / Hardcover / June 2007 / ISBN 0451461452 http://www.booksamillion.com/ncom/books?id=4009471577106&type=author&find=Green, |
24. Simon R Green — Blogues, Fotos E Muito Mais No WordPress! Something From The Nightside by simon R. green. Private eyes come in all shapes and sizes, Find other items tagged with simonr-green http://pt-br.wordpress.com/tag/simon-r-green/ | |
25. Green, Simon R. In this tale, simon R. green s detective finds himself inundated with offers he can t refuse. The Grail has come to the Nightside, but not the one you might http://members.aol.com/skyedrake/green.html | |
26. Literature-Map: Simon R. Green What else do readers of simon R. green read? What else do readers of simon R. green read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like http://www.literature-map.com/simon r-2e green.html | |
27. Simon R. Green Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris Alibris has new used books by simon R. green, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Green, Simon R. | |
28. Strange Horizons Reviews: The Man With The Golden Torc By Simon R. Green, Review And thereby hangs the tale of The Man with the Golden Torc , Book One of The Secret Histories, a new series by simon R. green (book two, we re told, http://www.strangehorizons.com/reviews/2007/08/the_man_with_th.shtml | |
29. REVIEW: The Unnatural Inquirer By Simon R. Green | Avidbookreader.com REVIEW of The Unnatural Inquirer by simon R. green, urban fantasy review. http://avidbookreader.com/2008/01/06/review-the-unnatural-inquirer-by-simon-r-gr | |
30. Darque Reviews: The Unnatural Inquirer By Simon R. Green The Unnatural Inquirer by simon R. green. The Unnatural Inquirer A Novel of the Nightside, Book 8 simon R. green ACE Penguin Group January 2, 2008 http://darquereviews.blogspot.com/2008/01/unnatural-inquirer-by-simon-r-green.ht | |
31. Simon R. Green - An Orion Author Find information about simon R. green including Author Profile, books, Audio CDs, Audio Tapes, Author interviews, Author Profile, Author QandA and Reviews. http://www.orionbooks.co.uk/1547-0/Author-Simon-R.-Green.htm | |
32. Review Of The Unnatural Inquirer (Nightside, Book 8) By Simon R. Green | Revish simon R. green s Nightside series enables me to indulge both pleasures. The books are a quick, fun read, kind of a literary sorbet to be consumed between http://www.revish.com/reviews/0441015581/Max/ | |
33. Simon R Green Books : Lovereading UK simon R green,Read a free first chapter extract and online book review for simon R green and hundreds of other authors such as Wilbur Smith, Stephen King, http://www.lovereading.co.uk/author/Simon R Green/gd | |
34. Something From The Nightside By Simon R. Green Book Review, A Novel Approach Fro Recommendations for Something from the Nightside (simon R. green). Book Synopsis John Taylor is not a private detective per se, but he has a knack for http://www.storycode.com/lcompare.php?r=1953 |
35. GREEN, SIMON R. - Search In SFB - Santa Fe Books green, simon R., Santa Fe Books. 100 results found about the word green, simon R. Show only results related to. Por autor. Filter results http://www.santafebooks.com/resultados.aspx?key=GREEN, SIMON R.&criterio=autor |
36. Simon R Green: Drinking Midnight Wine - An Infinity Plus Review Not the sort of fantasy where the hero wields a magical sword and saves the world by fighting original and interesting. http://www.infinityplus.co.uk/nonfiction/midnightwine.htm | |
37. The Best Reviews: Simon R. Green, Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth Review by simon R. green Ace Books February 28, 2006 ISBN 0441013872 256 pages simon R. green has written a captivating tale starring heroic and endearing http://thebestreviews.com/book19482 | |
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39. City Of Lavergne Library Search Results Search Results for green, simon R., 1955 There were 15 matches The man who had everything sound recording) / by green, simon R., 1955- ; simon R. http://library.lavergne.org:124/(mainlib)AuthorSearch?p=Green, Simon R., 1955- |
40. Authors - G green, simon R. Blue Moon Rising 1 1991 Blue moon rising 2 1992 Blood and honour 3 1994 Down among the dead men Hawk and Fisher http://www.gaslightbooks.com.au/4part/authorg.html | |
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