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41. : : : : : Julien Green : : : : : Translate this page green pensaba que el escritor tiene dos deberesuno consigo mismo y otro con Dios. En 1971 se convirtió en el primer miembro extranjero de la Académie http://www.epdlp.com/escritor.php?id=1783 |
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44. Green, Julien - Ninemsn Encarta green, julien (19001998), French novelist, born in Paris of American parents. He was educated at the University of Virginia, served with the French http://au.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761555164/Green_Julien.html | |
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48. The American Side Of The Development Of ALGOL 11 green, julien (1959a). Possible Modifications to the International Language. 12 green, julien (1959b). Remarks on Algol and Symbol Manipulation. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1198352 |
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50. Toward A Positive Eschatology: A Study Of The Beginning And Ending Of Julien Gre julien green et l aventure du salut. Le Figaro litteraire (7 mai 1960). julien green, Chaque homme dans sa nuit. Mercure de France (ler http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3777/is_199701/ai_n8755624/pg_7 | |
51. Dreiser's Library - G green, julien. The Closed Garden. New York Harper Brothers, 1928. (49D826). green, Paul. The Field God and In Abraham s Bosom. New York R. M. McBride, http://www.library.upenn.edu/collections/rbm/dreiser/library/g.html | |
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56. Journal 1928-1939 By Green, Julien - Willis Monie Books Denise De Bravura. Pari Plon, 1954. Volume 1 only of the Journal. Nice copy in original glassine dj over paper wrapper.......green, julien. http://www.wilmonie.com/cgi-bin/wmb455/128424 | |
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58. Green, JulienMoira green, julien Moira. Le Livre de Poche 402, 1966, . . , , Paperback. Very Good. Frenchlanguage text. 243 pages. Mild edgewear, slight spine roll, http://www.popula.com/st/no_45/2283367.htm | |
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60. California State University, Long Beach Lectures de julien green. Société internationale d études greeniennes. julien green Actes du colloque International 12 mai 14 mai 1988. http://www.csulb.edu/colleges/cla/departments/rgrll/programs/french/people/jura | |
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