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21. Gunter Grass - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At Research gunter grass at the Questia.com online library. http://www.questia.com/library/literature/gunter-grass.jsp |
22. Harcourt Books Catalog Search Results Günter grass 0156155516, October 1991 Trade Paperback gunter grass Translated from the German by Michael Henry Heim 0151014779, June - 2007 Hardcover http://www.harcourtbooks.com/booksearch/search_results.asp?sf=author&tp=simple&s |
23. FrontPage Magazine In his voluminous political writings throughout the years, gunter grass always insisted that his role, as an artist and an intellectual of note, http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=24074 |
24. The U.S. Betrays Its Core Values by gunter grass. BEHLENDORF, Germany A war long sought and planned for is now underway. All deliberations and warnings of the United Nations http://www.commondreams.org/views03/0407-05.htm | |
25. American Historian To Discuss German Writer Gunter Grass, Observer Online (April In his Northwestern lecture, Gay will discuss last years selfrevelation by Nobel Prize winning author gunter grass arguably Germanys greatest living http://www.northwestern.edu/observer/issues/2007/04/12/grass.html | |
26. : : : : : Gunter Grass : : : : : Translate this page Empezó escribiendo teatro Tío, tío y Los malos cocineros (1961); estas obras teatrales de grass no fueron tan bien acogidas como las novelas que las http://www.epdlp.com/escritor.php?id=1781 |
27. Günter Grass - Gunter Grass Biography - Grass's Tin Drum German literature About Germany Tourist guide to German regions, cities, sights, culture and lifestyle. http://www.about-germany.org/literature/grass.php | |
28. Search For ' Gunter Grass ' In - PriceGrabber.com Results 120 of 141 matches for gunter grass Books Subtitle With an Essay on Loss by gunter grass Author gunter grass Rating Write a Review http://www.pricegrabber.com/search.php/bkcontrib_id=2038941 | |
29. Literature-Map: Gunter Grass What else do readers of gunter grass read? What else do readers of gunter grass read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both http://www.literature-map.com/gunter grass.html | |
30. Pierre Tristam: The Stoning Of Gunter Grass /Candide's Notebooks Then there was the revelation by Günter grass, whos spent his literary life as the conscience of German history and guilt, that hed joined the Waffen SS http://www.pierretristam.com/Bobst/Archives/CN081706.htm | |
31. Günter The Tin Drum Grass Criticism (Full name Günter Wilhelm grass) The following entry presents criticism on grass s novel Die Blechtrommel (1959; The Tin Drum). For further discussion of http://www.enotes.com/contemporary-literary-criticism/tin-drum-grass-gunter | |
32. Gunter Grass Biography And Bibliography At LitWeb.net gunter grass. German poet, novelist, playwright, sculptor and printmaker, who, with his extraordinary first novel die BLECHTROMMEL (1959, The Tin Drum) http://www.litweb.net/biography/137/Gunter_Grass.html | |
33. Gunter Grass's Tribute To Uwe Johnson. | International Fiction Review | Find Art gunter Grasss tribute to Uwe Johnson. from International Fiction Review in Arts provided by Find Articles. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_go2560/is_200401/ai_n7344718 | |
34. Gunter Grass And Frankfurter Allgemeine And Tin Drum The names of two of their fellow countrymen were constantly on German lips in those days Willie Brandt and gunter grass. The former was honored, http://www.drbilllong.com/CurrentEventsVIII/Grass.html | |
35. Guenter Grass Interview With Don Swaim Listen to the gunter grass interview with Don Swaim in RealAudio. http://wiredforbooks.org/guntergrass/ | |
36. Gunter Grass On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online LibraryThing catalogs yours books online, easily, quickly and for free. http://is.librarything.com/author/grassgunter | |
37. Gunter Grass — Blogs, Immagini, E Altro In Wordpress sophienews wrote 1 month ago El escritor alemán Günter grass demandará a la editorial que publicó su biografía, obra de Michael Jürgs, por haber afirmado http://it.wordpress.com/tag/gunter-grass/ | |
38. NOBEL WINNER GUNTER GRASS | Book News | Books | Entertainment Weekly Last week the last prize of the century belatedly went to a familiar face, 71year-old gunter grass, who worked as a farm laborer, miner, black marketeer, http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,271095,00.html | |
39. RN Book Show - 22 January 2008 - Gunter Grass's Peeling The Onion (review) Just over a year ago, when Nobel prizewinning German writer gunter grass was 78, he revealed that in his youth he d been a member of Hitler s Waffen-SS. http://www.abc.net.au/rn/bookshow/stories/2008/2123438.htm | |
40. Monkeyfist.com: Gunter Grass: Computers Suck Nobel Laureate gunter grass is quoted in Wired News. I have nothing against computers, he said. My secretary uses a computer and that s very useful for http://monkeyfist.com/articles/200 | |
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