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61. FLATSIGNED.COM INVENTORY This copy of N Is for Noose has been Flatsigned by author sue grafton. Published in 1988 by Mysterious Press. Category sue grafton http://search.cartserver.com/search/search.cgi?cartid=p-1978&category=Inventory& |
62. An Interview With Sue Grafton On a sunny day in May I went along to a London hotel to talk to the American author sue grafton about the newest novel in her alphabet series, http://www.panmacmillan.com/Interviews/displayPage.asp?PageTitle=An Interview wi |
63. Simply Audiobooks - Audio Books By Sue Grafton Any reader who needs a smart and sassy P.I. would do well to hire sue grafton s Kinsey Millhone. . . . H is for Homicide continues to show the author in http://www.simplyaudiobooks.com/audio-books-author/Sue Grafton/609/ | |
64. Literature-Map: Sue Grafton What else do readers of sue grafton read? sue grafton. What else do readers of sue grafton read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone http://www.literature-map.com/sue grafton.html | |
65. Howstuffworks "Grafton, Sue - Encyclopedia Entry" Learn about grafton, sue. Read our encyclopedia entry on grafton, sue. http://reference.howstuffworks.com/grafton-sue-encyclopedia.htm | |
66. Internet Book List :: Author Information: Sue Grafton New York Times bestselling author sue grafton is published in 28 countries and 26 languages including Estonian, Bulgarian, and Indonesian. http://www.iblist.com/author937.htm | |
67. Sue Grafton Quotes sue grafton Quotes. Full sue grafton Quote Source sue grafton. If you could have it all, but only briefly, would the rush of love be worth http://www.people.ubr.com/authors/by-first-name/s/sue-grafton/sue-grafton-quotes | |
68. 60 SECONDS: Sue Grafton | Metro.co.uk Following a divorce, American author sue grafton wrote a crime thriller, A Is For Alibi, based on her thoughts about bumping off her exhusband. http://www.metro.co.uk/fame/interviews/article.html?in_article_id=13907&in_page_ |
69. Sue Grafton, Detective Novelist Like Sara Paretsky, sue grafton (b. 1940 ) developed a tough, feminist detective, in this case named Kinsey Millhone. The two authors first novels http://www.detnovel.com/Grafton.html | |
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