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21. Authors On The Web - Sue Grafton Bibliography grafton, sue. ALPHABET SERIES A Is for Alibi (1983) B Is for Burglar (1985) C Is for Corpse (1986) D Is for Deadbeat (1987) http://www.authorsontheweb.com/features/lists/li-grafton-sue.asp | |
22. Sue Grafton - Authors - Random House sue grafton began the alphabet series in 1982 and is aiming to complete it by 2015 give or take a decade. She spends part of the year in Louisville, http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=10747 |
23. Novelist Sue Grafton, A Murder Mystery Series sue grafton Look for sue grafton, author of a series of tales starring Kinsey Millhone a rough and tumble female private detective. http://www.artbabyart.com/book2.htm | |
24. Daily Celebrations ~ Sue Grafton, That Small Voice ~ April 24 ~ Ideas To Motivat Celebrating writer sue grafton who helped popularize the mystery genre of the female private eye with her heroic character Kinsey Millhone. http://www.dailycelebrations.com/042402.htm | |
25. Sue Grafton Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris Alibris has new used books by sue grafton, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Grafton, Sue | |
26. McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Possible Titles For Future Sue Grafton Novels Aft sue grafton Novels After She Runs Out of Letters. BY CHRIS STECK. - - -. / Is for Slash. Is for Colon Cancer or Is It? F1 Is for Help http://www.mcsweeneys.net/links/lists/16ChrisSteck.html | |
27. Sue Grafton Books Reviews Analysis of the plot, theme, setting and characters of her books, plus links to similar books. http://www.allreaders.com/topics/Topic_124.asp | |
28. Sue Grafton Biography And List Of Works - Sue Grafton Books sue grafton Biography sue Taylor grafton (born April 24, 1940) is a contemporary American author of detective novels. sue grafton Biography and List of http://www.biblio.com/authors/570/Sue_Grafton_Biography.html | |
29. Sue Grafton On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online There are 96 conversations about sue grafton s books. released(23) series(366) signed(41) sue grafton(114) suspense(43) tbr(131) thriller(88) unread(94) http://www.librarything.com/author/graftonsue | |
30. Sue Grafton Resource - Biography, Pictures, History, Research Info, Images sue grafton all in one place, biography, info, pictures, history, books, images, philosphy, issues, significance. http://www.starpulse.com/Notables/Grafton,_Sue/ | |
31. Powells.com Interviews - Sue Grafton S Is for sue grafton In 1983, a novel called A Is for Alibi introduced the fictional town of Santa Theresa, California, and its soonto-be-famous private http://www.powells.com/interviews/suegrafton.html | |
32. Grafton, Sue - Mystery Net Community Discuss grafton, sue at Mystery Net Community. Mystery Net Community Discuss online mysteries, games, books, and socialize. http://discuss.mysterynet.com/scripts/discuss/community/books/authors/list-ghi/S | |
33. Sue Grafton : T Is For Trespass : R Is For Ricochet : O Is For Outlaw : J Is For Read a review of R is for Ricochet, O is for Outlaw at MostlyFiction. http://www.mostlyfiction.com/sleuths/grafton.htm | |
34. Doubleday Large Print: Search Results S IS FOR SILENCE by sue grafton The Putnam Publishing Group / December, 2005 / Ready to Ship Malice leads to murder in sue grafton s 13th Alphabet http://www.doubledaylargeprint.com/fslink?sequence=50348290&src_type=media&src=A |
35. Mystery Guild: Search Results T IS FOR TRESPASS by sue grafton Putnam Pub Group/Mbr Of Penguin Put / December, R IS FOR RICOCHET by sue grafton The Putnam Publishing Group / July, http://www.mysteryguild.com/fslink?sequence=50273997&src_type=media&src=AS1_20_3 |
36. Literary Guild: Search Results sue grafton s bestselling alphabet mystery series continues in this gripping A IS FOR ALIBI by sue grafton Henry Holt Company, Inc. / December, http://www.literaryguild.com/fslink?sequence=50347694&src_type=media&src=AS1_20_ |
37. Doubleday Book Club: Search Results A IS FOR ALIBI by sue grafton Henry Holt Company, Inc. / December, Q IS FOR QUARRY by sue grafton The Putnam Publishing Group / October, http://www.doubledaybookclub.com/fslink?sequence=50314702&src_type=media&src=AS1 |
38. Sue Grafton Married young, sue grafton had a daughter and a son. She later divorced, remarried and had a second daughter. She wrote movies for television for many years http://www.bastulli.com/Grafton/GRAFTON.htm | |
39. Review T Is For Trespass, By Sue Grafton Newsday.com It s been two years since sue grafton s last alphabet mystery S Is for Silence - and, judging by her newest, the vacation has invigorated both her and http://www.newsday.com/features/booksmags/ny-bkbotleft5508014dec23,0,4074936.sto |
40. 'T Is For Trespass' By Sue Grafton - Los Angeles Times It s been two years since sue grafton s last alphabet mystery S is for Silence and, judging by her newest, the vacation has invigorated both her and http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/la-et-book4dec04,0,7444684.story?coll=la-he |
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