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Govier Katherine: more books (29) | ||
41. Rasaka Theatre Company: Sponsors govier, katherine Carey, Michael Grady, Rebecca Grant, Michael Hoyer, Jasmine Hutchinson, Kat Mark Lala, Jayshree Prem Lulla, Rishi http://www.rasakatheatre.org/sponsors/ | |
42. Read About Arts, Literature, Authors, G, Govier, Katherine From Thumbshots.net Free thumbnails for your website! Free Web thumbnail preview image. Visualize sites in directory, search engine. View visual screenshot picture link. http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/Literature/Authors/G/Govier,_Ka |
43. 0786259264 Creation By Govier, Katherine (Used, New, Out-of-Print Alibris has 0786259264 Creation and other books by govier, katherine. New used copies, rare, outof-print, signed editions, and more. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/isbn/0786259264 | |
44. Govier, Katherine - Web-Helper.net Three Views of Crystal Water. Three Views of Crystal Water katherine govier Fourth Estate Fourth Estate List Price $35.10 Our Price $26.15 http://store.web-helper.net/r-70028/m-Books/b-1044192/Default.aspx | |
45. Brian Govier Intro Katherine Meehan Tim Zuck Books On John W. Doull, Bookseller, ZUCK, Tim. Learning to Talk ; introduction by Brian Meehan ; with a description of the artist s works by katherine govier. (Halifax) Art Gallery of Nova http://www.doullbooks.com/ap_brian_govier_intro_katherine_meehan_tim_zuck.html | |
46. BOOKpedia.Net Govier, Katherine Books govier, katherine Bookpedia.Net Book Store s features some of the best hardcover and paperback titles of the year, with spotlights on specific topics, http://www.bookpedia.net/17/10311/10324/1043954/1043958/1044192/ | |
47. State Library Of Tasmania: New Arrivals (Published 2007); govier, katherine., Three views of crystal water. (Published 2005); GRAY, ALASDAIR., Old men in love John Tunnock s posthumous papers http://newarrivals.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/afgeneral.htm | |
48. MGPL Webrary® - Best Books Of 2003 govier, katherine Creation Granger, Pip - Not All Tarts Are Apple (2) Grant, Tracy - Beneath a Silent Moon Grant, Susan - Star Princess http://www.webrary.org/rs/flbklists/best2003.html | |
49. Literary Review Of Canada Online - 2006-2008 LRC Contributors katherine goviers eighth novel, Three Views of Crystal Water, will be released in paperback by HarperCollins Canada in August 2006. http://lrc.reviewcanada.ca/index.php?page=LRC-Contributors |
50. CSP Syllabus govier, katherine, ed. Without a Guide Contemporary Women s Travel Adventures. St. Paul MN Hungry Mind Press,1996. Abbreviated as Guide, cited by travel http://faculty.oxy.edu/horowitz/courses/CSP/cspf2001.html | |
51. Biographical Novels Casanova in Bohemia Codrescu, Andre. CODRESC. Chang and Eng - Strauss, Darin. STRAUSS. Creation - govier, katherine. govier. Dancer - McCann, Colum http://www.firstcitylibraries.org/Booklists/biographical_novels.html | |
52. Penguin Litereature 45 govier, katherine . 56 GRACE ABOUNDING TO. THE CHIEF OF SINNERS . http://ppi-pwf.texterity.com/ppi/penguinlit2005/?pg=106 |
53. FPC Library Catalog Titles 28 Creation a novel / katherine govier. govier, katherine, 1948, 2003, c2002. 29 Creation a poem, Johnson, James Weldon, 1871-1938. 1993 http://library.franklinpierce.edu/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?CNT=50&Search_Arg=creÌ |
54. BPL - Readers Advisory Department - New Books - June 2003 govier, katherine Creation. Halaby, Laila- West of the Jordan. Houston-Davila, Daniel- Malinche s Children. Huebner, Andrew- We Pierce http://www.berwynlibrary.net/departments/ra_pages/ra_newbooks_june_2003.htm | |
55. Canadian Book Awards - Burnaby Public Library 1997 govier, katherine 1996 Gowdy, Barbara 1995 Burnard, Bonnie 1994 Urquhart, Jane 1993 Birdsell, Sandra 1992 Barfoot, Joan 1991 Clark, Joan http://www.bpl.burnaby.bc.ca/fiction/canawa.htm | |
56. CVCO - Overbooked: Bird Stars Author govier, katherine Publisher Overlook $ 24.95 ISBN 1585674109 Date 2003 star Booklist In this atmospheric and enthralling novel, govier tells the http://www.overbooked.org/booklists/subjects/animals/birds.html | |
57. Peter Martin Associates Finding Aid - The William Ready Division Of Archives And govier, katherine. 1976. 76. Graham, Elizabeth. 19721981. 77. Grahame, Gordon. 1968-1969. 78. Gray, Jack. 1968. 79. Hamilton, Ian. 1970-1979. http://library.mcmaster.ca/archives/findaids/findaids/p/pemartin.htm | |
58. HarperCollins Publishers Australia | Home katherine govier is the author of eight novels and three short story collections. She began her career as a journalist, writing for major magazines in http://www.harpercollins.com.au/authors/author_profile.asp?navaus=pr&navaus2=a&a |
59. BookClubs.ca | Books | Creation By Katherine Govier In a life so welldocumented, these next few months form a rare gap. It is as if the dark cloud and fog Audubon sails into transcends mere weather, http://www.bookclubs.ca/catalog/display.pperl?9780679311829 |
60. Nancy Spero Catalogue govier, katherine. Venus as Victim, Canadian Art, Fall, 1985. pp.6869, photo. Greenberg, Reesa. Critical Couplings; Letters, Vanguard, September, http://www.artnet.com/usernet/awc/awc_history_view.asp?aid=139851&info_type_id=5 |
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