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1. Stephen Jay Gould - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Stephen Jay Gould (September 10, 1941 May 20, 2002) was an American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and historian of science. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Jay_Gould | |
2. Powells.com Interviews - Stephen Jay Gould Stephen Jay Gould, From Brachiopods to Baseball Doug Brown, Powells.com It s hard to have a discussion of popular natural history and evolution http://www.powells.com/authors/gould.html | |
3. Stephen Jay Gould - Wikiquote My introduction to Stephen Jay Gould s work came in the 1970s, when I avidly read all his articles in Natural History (as I still do today). http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Stephen_Jay_Gould | |
4. Edge: STEPHEN JAY GOULD STEPHEN JAY GOULD was an evolutionary biologist, a paleontologist, and a snail geneticist; professor of zoology at Harvard University; MacArthur Fellow; http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/bios/gould.html | |
5. Stephen Jay Gould Stephen Jay Gould was an American paleontologist who was born in 1941. He revised Darwin s theory of evolution, introducing his own concept of punctuated http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/people/today/gould.html | |
6. Socialism Today - Stephen Jay Gould Stephen Jay Gould, who recently died of cancer, was an outstanding contributor to evolutionary theory. But more than this, he had the rare ability to http://www.socialismtoday.org/67/gould.html | |
7. The Unofficial Stephen Jay Gould Archive An extensive archive of gould s scientific and popular works. http://www.stephenjaygould.org/ | |
8. Harvard Gazette: Paleontologist, Author Gould Dies At 60 stephen jay gould, Harvard s outspoken and often controversial paleontologist whose groundbreaking work on evolutionary theory coupled with his http://www.hno.harvard.edu/gazette/2002/05.16/99-gould.html | |
9. Salon: Stephen Jay Gould An interview with gould from Salonmagazine.com s archives. http://www.salon.com/weekly/interview960923.html | |
10. Darwinian Fundamentalism - The New York Review Of Books By stephen jay gould. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1151 | |
11. Stephen Jay Gould Online Archive Contains online books and a selection of essays. http://www.sjgarchive.org/ | |
12. Stephen Jay Gould Quotes - The Quotations Page stephen jay gould (1941 2002) US author, naturalist, paleontologist, stephen jay gould; In science, fact can only mean confirmed to such a degree http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/Stephen_Jay_Gould/ | |
13. Presidential Lectures: Stephen Jay Gould: Introduction Includes biographical and bibliographical information, excerpts of various writings, reviews of gould s books, links to offsite interviews with gould, http://prelectur.stanford.edu/lecturers/gould/ | |
14. Stephen Jay Gould, 60, Is Dead; Enlivened Evolutionary Theory - New York Times stephen jay gould, the evolutionary theorist at Harvard University whose research, lectures and prolific output of essays helped to reinvigorate the field http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9F06E1D91238F932A15756C0A9649C8B6 |
15. Evolution: The Pleasures Of Pluralism stephen jay gould. New York Review of Books, June 26, 1997. ¶1 Charles Darwin began the last paragraph of The Origin of Species (1859) with a famous http://cogweb.ucla.edu/Debate/Gould.html | |
16. Stephen Jay Gould Books (book Reviews) Reviews of Bully for Brontosaurus, Dinosaur in a Haystack, Ontogeny and Phylogeny, Time s Arrow, Time s Cycle and Wonderful Life. http://dannyreviews.com/a/Stephen_Jay_Gould.html | |
17. Stephen Jay Gould America s premier science writer talks about the battles over evolution, the importance of dinosaur lunch boxes, and why no one s likely to top Ty Cobb s http://www.motherjones.com/commentary/columns/1997/01/outspoken.html | |
18. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Acclaimed Science Writer Dies stephen jay gould, one of the world s bestknown biologists and popular science writers, dies at the age of 60. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/1999341.stm | |
19. In Memoriam: Stephen Jay Gould To paraphrase Tom Lehrer, when Mozart was my age, he had been dead for twenty years. It s lives like his that remind you how little you ve accomplished. http://www.mondaymemo.net/020603feature.htm | |
20. Stephen Jay Gould 2002 Deaths â Infoplease.com September 10 Birthdays Sir John Soane September 10 birthdays Sir John Soane, Roger Maris, Randy Johnson, Colin Firth, stephen jay gould, William Torrey http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0903726.html | |
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