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Gotlieb Phyllis: more books (80) | |||||||
1. Phyllis Gotlieb - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Phyllis Fay Gotlieb, née Bloom (born May 26, 1926) is a Canadian science fiction novelist and poet. Her novel A Judgement of Dragons won the Aurora Award http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllis_Gotlieb | |
2. SFBook.com Science Fiction - Phyllis Gotlieb Phyllis Gotlieb. Name Gotlieb, Phyllis. Born. Author rating (0 ratings with an 0.0 average). Bibliography. Serie, Title, Copyright year, Misc. http://sfbook.com/modules.php?authorid=908 |
3. Phyllis Gotlieb Phyllis Gotlieb was born in 1926 inToronto. She grew up there, and attended the University of Toronto, where she earned her BA and MA. http://www.brocku.ca/canadianwomenpoets/Gotlieb.htm | |
4. Gotlieb Phyllis Books On The Book Keeper Hardcover 0312025831 St. Martin s Press, 1989. First Edition, first printing. very good book in very good dj. minor edgewear to dj GOTLIEB, PHYLLIS http://www.tbkbookstore.com/ap_gotlieb_phyllis.html | |
5. Gotlieb Phyllis Books On Sci Fi, Etc. Used. reading cover creases, edge wear, chipping on spine, wet stain on pages fore edge, page edges soiled, pages toned. http://www.scifietc.com/ap_gotlieb_phyllis.html | |
6. Gotlieb Phyllis Books On Books End 2, Gotlieb, Phyllis Birthstones Robert J. Sawyer Books 2007 trade PB Near Fine in Gotlieb, Phyllis on Anovelplace.net Gotlieb, Phyllis on Argosybooks.ca http://www.thebooksend.com/ap_gotlieb_phyllis.html | |
7. Gotlieb Phyllis Books On Cozy Book Cellar 1, Gotlieb, Phyllis Sunburst Fawcett Crest Mass Market Paperback Very Good Gotlieb, Phyllis on Anovelplace.net Gotlieb, Phyllis on Argosybooks.ca http://www.cozybookcellar.com/ap_gotlieb_phyllis.html | |
8. Gotlieb Phyllis Books On Abooktrader, Inc. 1st printing, foxing on edges, date stamp bottom edge, slight warp. http://www.abooktrader.com/ap_gotlieb_phyllis.html | |
9. Gotlieb Phyllis Books On The Bookish Pelican Book is tight with some scuffing, tanning and spotting on cover with moderate wearing to edges and corners, yellow tinted page edges , text clean and http://www.thebookishpelican.net/ap_gotlieb_phyllis.html | |
10. "Bibliographie De Gotlieb Phyllis" LISTE DES OUVRAGES ECRITS PAR gotlieb phyllis (USA, 1926 ) Récompense et prix littéraire de Science-fiction décerné à Phyllis Gotlieb http://www.allsf.net/Autrauteurs/G/Gotlieb.htm | |
11. GOTLIEB Phyllis SUNBURST 1st Printing FINE gotlieb phyllis SUNBURST 1st Printing FINE Price $4.95 By Phyllis Gotlieb. After the atomic sunburst . . . The people of Sorrel Park had been written http://www.shoporium.com/shops/SciFiBuys/view_item.php3?id=150751 |
12. PSYCATACLYSME, Une Oeuvre De GOTLIEB PHYLLIS, Proposée Par Chapitre Translate this page PSYCATACLYSME une oeuvre de gotlieb phyllis paru en 1976. aux éditions LIBRAIRIE DES CHAMPS-ELYSEES, en edition ancienne ou neuve, rare ou épuisée, http://www.livres-chapitre.com/-V0WBXD/-GOTLIEB-PHYLLIS/-PSYCATACLYSME.html | |
13. The Following Is A List Of Science Fiction/Fantasy Books. These gotlieb phyllis,Emperor Swords Pentacles,ACE,1982 gotlieb phyllis,O Master Caliban!,Bantam,1976 gotlieb phyllis,The Kingdom of the Cats,ACE,1985 http://home.att.net/~rod.pease/sf.htm | |
14. Phyllis Gotlieb Home Page The Homepage of phyllis gotlieb One of Canada s best-known poets and science fiction writers. http://pages.interlog.com/~ccg/ |
15. Interview With Phyllis Gotlieb Interview with phyllis gotlieb. Here is our complete interview with phyllis gotlieb. It also appears in Challenging Destiny Number 8. http://www.challengingdestiny.com/interviews/gotlieb.htm | |
16. RPO -- Selected Poetry Of Phyllis Gotlieb (1926-) phyllis gotlieb, born in Toronto on May 25, 1926, to parents who owned a movie theatre, received her B.A. (1948) and M.A. (1950) from the University of http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/poet/411.html | |
17. Phyllis Gotlieb A bibliography of phyllis gotlieb s books, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/g/phyllis-gotlieb/ | |
18. Phyllis Fay Gotlieb Biography In the work of Torontoborn author phyllis gotlieb, however, we find an incessant refusal to conform to this established hierarchical structure of discourse http://biography.jrank.org/pages/4367/Gotlieb-Phyllis-Fay.html | |
19. Emperor, Swords, Pentacles - GOTLIEB, PHYLLIS Emperor, Swords, Pentacles; gotlieb, phyllis. Offered by Grant Thiessen BookIT. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/grantt/500504.shtml | |
20. Authors - G gotlieb, phyllis Dahlgren 1 1976 O Master Caliban! 2 1989 Heart of red iron Judge Skerow 1 1998 Flesh and gold 2 1999 Violent Stars Starcats http://www.gaslightbooks.com.au/4part/authorg.html | |
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