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Godfrey Martyn: more books (44) | ||||
41. Books And Links-Passageways godfrey, martyn. Mystery in the Frozen Lands. Toronto James Lorimer, 1988. 132 p. Berton, Pierre. Jane Franklin s Obsession. Adventures in Canadian History http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/explorers/kids/h3-250-e.html | |
42. The Journal Of Commonwealth Literature -- Sign In Page godfrey, Ellen Murder Behind Locked Doors Viking ( Markham, Ont) csd $19.95. godfrey, martyn Mystery of the Frozen Lands juvenile literature 160pp James http://jcl.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/24/2/36 | |
43. MGPL Webrary® - Grade 7-9 Fiction For Math And Science godfrey, martyn The Great Science Fair Disaster. Greenberg, Jan No Dragons to Slay. Haseley, Dennis Dr. Gravity. Huxley, Aldous Brave New World http://www.webrary.org/rs/flbklists/Math.html | |
44. Spaghetti Book Club Book Reviews By Author godfrey, martyn, Adventures In Pirate Cove. Godwin, Parke, W.I.T.C.H. Graphic Novel Meridian Magic. Goldman, Leslie, Night at the Museum http://www.spaghettibookclub.org/author.php3?find=1&first_letter=g |
45. Abstract: Super Villains (Supervillains.com) Book Collection: Supervillains Book by godfrey, martyn Media Paperback Published Jun 1996 Publisher Avon ISBN 0380775026. forward arrow The Monster from the Swamp; Native Legends about http://elists.com/supervil/books.htm | |
46. Vicky Metcalf Short Story Award 1986 Wieler, Diana J. The Boy Who Walked Backwards in Prairie Jungle; 1985 - godfrey, martyn Here She Is, Ms. Teeny-Wonderful ; 1984 - Archer, http://www.ucalgary.ca/~dKbrown/metcshst.html | |
47. THOMPSON-NICOLA REGIONAL DISTRICT LIBRARY SYSTEM D. Beadwinner J Far Farmer, N. A Girl Named Disaster J Fox Fox, P. The King s Falcon J God godfrey, martyn Mystery in the Frozen Lands J Gri Griffith, http://www.tnrdlib.bc.ca/RecommendedReading/ReadingLists/juvadvent.shtml | |
48. IPac2.0 Mystery in the frozen lands / martyn godfrey. Details copies. by godfrey, martyn. J. Lorimer, 1988. Call YA FIC. Add to my list. Add to my list http://ipac2.vpl.ca/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=Y2G0850R11741.117&profile=pac&uri=li |
49. NORTH AMERICA godfrey, martyn. Do you want fries with that? Scholastic Canada, 1996. Heneghan, James. The case of the blue racoon. Scholastic Canada, 1996. Holt, Gerald. http://www.bcpl.gov.bc.ca/src/src_1999/docs/namerica.html | |
50. Traduccions De Llibres godfrey, martyn. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Semblava bona idea. Pirene. 02/94. Juvenil, general. Aventures urbanes. http://es.geocities.com/eduardcastanyo/trad.htm | |
51. Horizon Information Portal by Waddell, Martin. Philomel Books, 1987. Call E W. Add to my list by godfrey, martyn. Avon Books, c1993. Call JF God. Add to my list http://ipac.regional-sys.lib.ok.us/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=KW&term=misfits |
52. CCL: Index Of Items Reviewed: G godfrey, martyn. Basball Crazy. 56 (1989) 7880. . Do You Want Fries with That? 93 (1999) 90-91. . Here She Is, Ms. Teeny-Wonderful! 43 (1986) 97-99. http://ccl.uwinnipeg.ca/indexes_e/items_g.shtml | |
53. FONR Trust Website Newport RFC directors, Will godfrey, martyn Hazell and David Watkins. Councillor John Guy and Mrs Joyce Guy. The parade and service were directed by Phil http://www.fonr.co.uk/news/news.php?id=000032 |
54. Canadian Literature | Search godfrey, martyn (Author). Mystery in the Frozen Lands Books in Review. 127 (Winter 1990) 124126. Gerson, Carole (Reviewer). Little by Little A Writer s http://www.canlit.ca/search.php?cmd=search&formsearch=Search&mode=fulltext&words |
55. Chapters.indigo.ca: Monsters In The School: Martyn Godfrey: Books Shelby Bennett is convinced no one listens to her. Determined to get some attention, she concocts a plan to amaze everyone by predicting the future with the http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/Monsters-In-The-School-Martyn-Godfrey/978043 | |
56. Volume 5 Index godfrey, martyn. More Monsters in School. Fitzhenry Whiteside, 1999. (52). GOLD, Bernice. My Four Lions. Annick Press, 1999. (52). GOOBIE, Beth. http://www.resourcelinks.ca/indexes/indexv5.htm | |
57. Author List -- G godfrey, martyn, All Books. godfrey, Rebecca, All Books. godfrey, Thomas, All Books. Godshalk, C.S., All Books. Godwin Parke, All Books http://www.fictiondb.com/GenreDB/AuthLettNon.asp?Letter=G |
58. Accelerated Reader Quiz List Alpha By Title (JKL) - Reading Practice 942 EN, Last War, The, godfrey, martyn, 3.8, 3.0 32207 EN, Light in the Storm The Civil War Diary of Amelia Martin, A, Hesse, Karen, 5.3, 4.0 http://www.chillicotheschools.org/ARlist_titleJKL.htm | |
59. Compass School godfrey, martyn. Please Remove Your Elbow From My Ear No one quite believes it when the DT Dregs form a hockey team; it even surprises the team members. http://www.compass-school.org/resources/summerreading.html | |
60. Martyn Godfrey Term Papers, Essay Research Paper Help, Essays On Martyn Godfrey Provides martyn godfrey research papers, writing for martyn godfrey essays, term paper help, book reports, college term papers on martyn godfrey, http://www.essaytown.com/topics/martyn_godfrey_essays_papers.html | |
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