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21. W. S. Gilbert Quotes - The Quotations Page W. S. gilbert; Merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude W. S. gilbert; No one can have a higher opinion of him than I have, http://www.quotationspage.com/quotes/W._S._Gilbert/ | |
22. The Bab Ballads. - GILBERT, W.S. The Bab Ballads.; gilbert, WS. Offered by HAMBURGER ANTIQUARIAT Keip GmbH. http://www.antiqbook.de/boox/ham/203227.shtml | |
23. AquaBrowser Library® - Columbus Metro Dev 2.2 Results 1 10 of 86 for gilbert, W. S. (author), sorted by Authors, Arthur Sullivan, Peter Gellhorn, Malcolm Sargent, W.S. gilbert, http://aqua1.columbuslibrary.org/accessible.ashx?q=author:Gilbert, W. S. |
24. UKBookworld.com Old, Rare And Out-of-print Book Database gilbert, W.S. and SULLIVAN, Arthur. GALA CONCERT TO CELEBRATE THE 150th Showing portraits of Richard DOyly Carte, W.S. gilbert, Arthur Sullivan, http://ukbookworld.com/cgi-bin/search.pl?s_i_DLR_ID=paramor&s_i_keywords=Gilbert |
25. THE MIKADOS OR THE TOWN OF TITIPU - GILBERT W.S / SULLIVAN ARTHUR THE MIKADOS OR THE TOWN OF TITIPU; gilbert WS / SULLIVAN ARTHUR. Offered by Lelivre.com. http://www.antiqbook.fr/boox/lelivr/RO50006488.shtml | |
26. Peoples Theatre Arts Group | A - Z Of Plays | G gilbert, W.S., Pygmalion and Galatea, 1913/14. gilbert, W.S., Pygmalion and Galatea, 1914/15. gilbert, W.S., Pygmalion and Galatea, 1915/16 http://www.ptag.org.uk/play_list/play_list_g.htm | |
27. Playslib gilbert, W.S. THE BAB BALLADS with which are included SONGS OF A SAVOYARD with 350 . Written by W.S.gilbert. Music composed by Dr. Osmond Carr http://www.gilbertandsullivanonline.com/playslib.htm | |
28. Greatest 19th Century Novels, And Other Influential Writings, Compiled By Richar The Great Galeoto gilbert, W.S. The Bab Ballads gilbert, W.S., and Sir Arthur Sullivan. Pirates of Penzance gilbert, W.S., and Sir Arthur Sullivan. http://gaslight.mtroyal.ca/greatest.htm | |
29. The Mikado. Ills.W.Russell Flint & Ch.E.Brock. - GILBERT, W.S. The Mikado. Ills.W.Russell Flint Ch.E.Brock.; gilbert, WS. Offered by Straat Antiquaren. http://www.antiqbook.nl/boox/str/N9-19-76.shtml | |
30. School Of Medicine Faculty Web Pages Reynolds JD, gilbert WS, Quinn GE, Dobson V, Hardy RJ, Palmer EA; Partial Retinal Reynolds JD, Dobson V, Quinn GE, gilbert WS, Tung B, Flynn JT; http://www.smbs.buffalo.edu/ophthalmology/people_jamesReynolds.htm | |
31. Continuum - Continuum Web Build At Dec 21, 2007 11:05:42 PM ANVLRecordTest entry who gilbert, W.S. Sullivan, Arthur what The Yeoman of the guard what The Yeoman of the guard what The Yeoman of the guard what http://builds.archive.org:8081/continuum/servlet/continuum/target/ProjectBuild.v |
32. Used, Rare And Out Of Print Books And Textbooks Are All Available Online At Grea You ve searched Used Books Keyword W. S. gilbert . The Best Known Works of W.S. gilbert With the Author s Illustrations. Unknown Binding http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/usedbooks/getSearchResults?author=W. S. Gilbert |
33. Music Collections - SJLibrary.org Sullivan, Arthur (m); gilbert, W.S. (w) full entry. Oh, Freedom. full entry. Oh, Gal, Ah Too Love You gilbert, W.S. (w); Sullivan, Arthur (m) full entry http://www.sjlibrary.org/research/special/music_coll/index.htm?t=1&l=0&g=O |
34. Sally Sayre W.S. gilbert, famous for the librettos he wrote for the music of Arthur Sullivan, was fortunate to live during Queen Victorias time. http://courses.wcupa.edu/fletcher/britlitweb/ssayreb.htm | |
35. [minstrels] The Major General's Song -- W.S. Gilbert ALL But still, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral, He is the very model of a modern MajorGeneral. W.S. gilbert http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/88.html | |
36. Cryotherapy For Retinopathy Of Prematurity (CRYO-ROP) - Outcome Study Of Cryothe gilbert WS, Quinn GE, Dobson V, Reynolds J, Hardy RJ, Palmer EA, CRYOROP Cooperative Group Partial retinal detachment at 3 months after threshold http://www.nei.nih.gov/neitrials/static/study32.asp | |
37. Buck Programmes librettist gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), Sir, 18361911. operetta 2 IOLANTHE. composer Sullivan, Arthur, Sir, 1842-1900 http://library.kent.ac.uk/library/special/Programmes/BUCK2.htm | |
38. World Literature gilbert, W.S., 18361911, Pirates of Penzance, The, 1879, Comic opera, Search, 2. gilbert, W.S., 1836-1911, Trial by Jury, 1875, Comic opera, Search, 2 http://www.ditext.com/archive/2a.html | |
39. W. S. Gilbert - Wikiquote William Schwenck gilbert (18 November 1836 29 May 1911) was a British dramatist and librettist best known for his operatic collaborations with the http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/W._S._Gilbert | |
40. Fermilab SSC Reports C.E.; A 40mm bore quadrupole magnet for the SSC; ssc-mag-286 gilbert, W.S.; New measurements of magnetic field decay in 1-meter SSC type dipoles http://lss.fnal.gov/archive/other/ssc/ | |
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