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61. William Gibson Quotes william gibson The future has already arrived. It s just not evenly distributed yet. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/w/williamgib182912.html | |
62. Paragon-Asia Dataflow, William Gibson Website ParagonAsia Dataflow, Cyberpunk author william gibson Website,This web site is dedicated exclusively to william gibson. http://paragonasia.warp0.com/ | |
63. Technolgy In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein And William Gibson's Neuromancer Technology and its dangerous effects on nature and human life as perceived in Mary Shelley s Frankenstein and william gibson s Neuromancer . http://www.geocities.com/Paris/5972/gibson.html | |
64. Burning Chrome Live - Clive Barker Interviews William Gibson - Part One On December 13, 1997, Clive Barker conducted an interview with william gibson. Hosted by Next Theatre s Burning Chrome dramaturg, Charlie Athanas, http://burningcity.com/CB_WG_P1.html | |
65. William Gibson's Alien 3 Screenplay A L I E N I I I by william gibson Revised first draft screenplay from a story by David Giler and Walter Hill. FADE IN DEEP SPACE THE FUTURE The http://www.pointlesswasteoftime.com/film/alien3script.html |
66. Bookofjoe: Sign O' The Times: William Gibson Supplants André Maurois In a sign of the changing times it includes an introduction from william gibson, the cyberpunk author. (The original below, http://www.bookofjoe.com/2008/01/sign-o-the-time.html | |
67. Dorodango | About william gibson is describing the haunting elegance of hikaru dorodango. His essay in TATE Magazine, Shiny Balls of Mud william gibson Looks at Japanese http://www.dorodango.com/about.html | |
68. William Gibson: A Who2 Profile william gibson s 1984 novel Neuromancer took the SciFi world by storm, winning the Hugo, Nebula and Philip K. Dick awards for best novel. http://www.who2.com/williamgibson.html | |
69. William Gibson On The Unintended Effects Of Technology | The Cosmic Tap william gibson On The Unintended Effects of Technology The Cosmic Tap The intended effects of new technology are nothing compared to the unintended http://www.cosmictap.com/william-gibson-on-the-unintended-effects-of-technology/ | |
70. William Gibson : Spook Country : Pattern Recognition : Neuromancer : Iduro : Boo Read reviews of Sppok Country, Pattern Recognition, Neuromance and Iduro by william gibson at MostlyFiction.com. Site include bibliography. http://www.mostlyfiction.com/scifi/gibson.htm | |
71. Tomorrow's Man | By Genre | Guardian Unlimited Books The worldwide web did not exist when william gibson started to write his For a long time william gibson has threatened to become respectable; http://books.guardian.co.uk/departments/sciencefiction/story/0,6000,948208,00.ht | |
72. Salon.com Technology | Riding Shotgun With William Gibson 7, 2001 Sitting in the back of a limousine, alternately smoking a cigarette or smiling at the unexpected results of his own eloquence, william gibson http://archive.salon.com/tech/feature/2001/02/07/gibson_doc/ | |
73. Alexandra DuPont Interviews William 'Freakin' Gibson!!!! -- Ain't It Cool News: I had the good fortune recently to chat with cyberpunk author william gibson. Following are some highlights from our hourlong chat including brief http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=5140 |
74. âPRâ-otaku: Logging And Annotating William Gibsonâs âPattern Years later, the twentysomething prodigy (he worked with Stanley Kubrick as a youth) will bring william gibsons classic to the screen, when Seven Arts http://fawny.org/pr/ | |
75. The Penguin Blog: In Cyberspace Everyone Can Hear You Scream In 1984 william gibson invented the word cyberspace in his seminal novel Neuromancer and today, nearly 25 years later, a growing and significant number of http://thepenguinblog.typepad.com/the_penguin_blog/2007/07/in-cyberspace-e.html | |
76. Terry Gross Interviews William Gibson: National Public Radio: Fresh Air: Februar Terry Gross In william gibson s science fiction, the setting is a barren, postworld war three world, where multinationals have taken the place of http://artlung.com/smorgasborg/William_Gibson_Interview.shtml | |
77. ClassZone.com Born in 1914, william gibson spent most of his childhood in an area of New York City called the Bronx. His mother encouraged him to achieve beyond normal http://www.classzone.com/novelguides/authors/gibson.cfm | |
78. » GPod Audio Books: Neuromancer By William Gibson Read by william gibson abridged by Jeffrey Gorney text edited by John Whitman original music by Stuart Argabright, william Barg and Black Rain music by U2 http://www.greylodge.org/gpc/?p=119 |
79. News 8 Austin | 24 Hour Local News | LOCAL NEWS william gibson, the foreman of the grand jury that indicted US Rep. Tom DeLay on Wednesday, defends their actions. http://www.news8austin.com/content/your_news/default.asp?ArID=146685 |
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