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41. The Road To Oceania - New York Times william gibson is author of the novels Neuromancer and, most recently, Pattern Recognition. MOST POPULAR. EMailed; Blogged; Searched http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9506E6DF133BF936A15755C0A9659C8B6 |
42. William Gibson Book Reviews william gibson s 1984 novel Neuromancer galvanized the critical community and launched a subgenre. Among gibson s many contributions to postmodern culture http://www.mactonnies.com/gibson.html | |
43. Q&A: William Gibson, Science Fiction Novelist - WebWatch - Breaking Business And Science fiction novelist william gibson has been exploring the relationship between technology and society ever since he burst on to the literary scene with http://networks.silicon.com/webwatch/0,39024667,39168006,00.htm | |
44. The Infinite Matrix | William Gibson | Time Machine Cuba Time Machine Cuba, an essay by william gibson, in The Infinite Matrix, a magazine for people who enjoy science fiction as a literature of ideas. http://www.infinitematrix.net/faq/essays/gibson.html | |
45. William Gibson (1948-) Comprehensive william gibson interview in Addicted To Noise Disney Land with the Dead Penalty an article by william gibson http://www.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp/ishikawa/amlit/g/gibson21.htm | |
46. Hayden Christensen Is William Gibson's Neuromancer?! - Cinematical One of their sources says that Christensen will star in the bigscreen adaptation of william gibson s huge cyberpunk novel, Neuromancer. http://www.cinematical.com/2008/01/09/hayden-christensen-is-william-gibsons-neur | |
47. Q&A With William Gibson - The Boston Globe SCIENCE FICTION WRITER william gibson has a reputation for forecasting the future that dates to his first novel, Neuromancer (1984), in which characters http://www.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/19/qa_with_william_gibso | |
48. Centre For Language And Literature - Canadian Writers - William Gibson - Athabas william Ford gibson was born March 17, 1948, in Conway, South Carolina. His father, a civilian building contractor for the U.S. military, died when gibson http://www.athabascau.ca/writers/wgibson.html | |
49. BLDGBLOG: Gazprom City Well, william gibson says I NEVER IMAGINED ANYTHING THIS UGLY . http//www.williamgibsonbooks.com/blog/2006_11_01_archive.asp http://bldgblog.blogspot.com/2006/11/gazprom-city.html | |
50. Happily Trapped In Borges' Labyrinths: PW Talks To William Gibson - 4/25/2007 6: Scifi writer william Gibsonauthor of the forthcoming Spook Countrywrote the preface to New Directions reissue of Jorge Luis Borges classic Labyrinths. http://www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA6436259.html | |
51. William Gibson (BSS #133) : The Bat Segundo Show A quirky literary podcast featuring indepth interviews with contemporary authors and other figures. Interviews include David Lynch, John Updike, william T. http://www.edrants.com/segundo/bss-133-william-gibson/ | |
52. Rocket Radio - An Article By William Gibson by william gibson. published in Rolling Stone (June 15, 1989) gibson Electric Guitars THE BOY crouches beside a fence in Virginia, listening to Chubby http://www.voidspace.org.uk/cyberpunk/gibson_rocketradio.shtml | |
53. College Crier Once in a while though, someone comes along with a whole new envelope, and william gibson s envelope is bursting at the seams; bursting out of SciFi, http://www.collegecrier.com/interviews/int-0040.asp | |
54. This Just In...News From The Agony Column 0813-07 A 2007 Interview With william gibson ; NPR Report Scott Rosenberg Last Thursday, I had the opportunity to speak with william gibson about, http://trashotron.com/agony/news/2007/08-13-07.htm | |
55. William Gibson. Neuromancer Newsday william gibson IS A WELCOME NEW TALENT! Locus A SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENT! william gibson s Neuromancer is one of the finest first novels of the http://www.lib.ru/GIBSON/neuromancer.txt | |
56. New World Notes: Undercover William Gibson: What The Legendary Cyberpunk Author Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Undercover william gibson what the legendary cyberpunk author saw when he visited Second Life incognito http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2007/09/undercover-will.html | |
57. William Gibson Interview Transcript This is the raw transcript of the interview I did for the william gibson story I did for the Globe and Mail. I wish I d had more room to insert gibson s http://craphound.com/nonfic/transcript.html | |
58. CBC British Columbia - Studio One Book Club william gibson To kickoff the Fall 2007 Season of the CBC Radio Studio One Book Club, we are very pleased to announce the encore appearance of william http://www.cbc.ca/bc/bookclub/williamgibson2.html | |
59. Burning Chrome william GibsonThis document may not be reproduced without written consent of the author. It was hot, the night we burned Chrome. http://web.bentley.edu/empl/c/rcrooks/courses/350s96/gibson.html | |
60. William Gibson: 'Cyber' Is Going Away | Tech News Blog - CNET News.com The father of cyberspace says the term is becoming obsolete. http://www.news.com/8301-10784_3-9756972-7.html | |
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