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Gibson William: more books (100) | |||||||||||||
21. William Gibson Hates Futurists :: Tyeebooks.ca October 18, 2007Just don t call william gibson dystopian. The author of the cyberpunk classic Neuromancer, and eight novels since, admits his invented http://thetyee.ca/Books/2007/10/18/WillGibson/ | |
22. Study Guide For William Gibson: Neuromancer (1984) When Neuromancer by william gibson was first published it created a sensation. Or perhaps it would be more precise to say that it was used to create a http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/science_fiction/neuromancer.html | |
23. William Gibson A bibliography of william gibson s books, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/g/william-gibson/ | |
24. Space To Think | Review | The Observer The present has recently caught up with william gibson. The great prophet of the .. william gibson s new novel Spook Country is published by Viking http://observer.guardian.co.uk/review/story/0,,2146777,00.html | |
25. Go To William Gibson's Discussion Board postings on previous books by william gibson. 602, 8531. Re Do my homework please (Psychophant). January 21, 2008 0654 AM http://williamgibsonboard.com/ | |
26. Marshall McLuhan Meets William Gibson In "Cyberspace" Cyberspace A word from the pen of william gibson, science fiction writer, circa 1984 . . . A new universe, a parallel universe created and sustained by http://www.ibiblio.org/cmc/mag/1995/sep/doherty.html | |
27. William Gibson Originator of the term cyberspace , author william gibson is also credited with introducing the science fiction subgenre known as cyberpunk. http://www.nndb.com/people/723/000023654/ | |
28. UBC Archives - William Gibson - Description william gibson is generally recognized as the most important science fiction writer to emerge in the 1980s. His first novel, Neuromancer , is the first http://www.library.ubc.ca/archives/u_arch/wgibs.html | |
29. The Road To Oceania By william gibson. V ANCOUVER, British Columbia . william gibson is author of the novels Neuromancer and, most recently, Pattern Recognition. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/25/opinion/25GIBS.html?ei=5007&en=d57cc2565eb4ec5 |
30. William Gibson On NSA Wiretapping - Boing Boing They got william gibson on for a rare interview and he was fascinating, trying to place this in context as a spasm generated by humanity s inability to http://www.boingboing.net/2006/05/12/william-gibson-on-ns.html | |
31. ArtandCulture Artist: William Gibson In 1984, the publication of william gibsons first novel, Neuromancer, singlehandedly gave birth to a new, revolutionary subgenre of science fiction http://www.artandculture.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/ACLive.woa/wa/artist?id=113 |
32. No Maps For These Territories - William Gibson Documentry about william gibson. News, clips, and contact information. http://www.nomaps.com/ | |
33. Wired 13.07: God's Little Toys God s Little Toys. Confessions of a cut paste artist. By william gibsonPage 1 of 1 . william gibson s latest novel is Pattern Recognition. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/13.07/gibson.html | |
34. FUSION Anomaly. William Gibson They never get it right. and neither do I. william gibson Burning Chrome by william gibson, Thomas Krome - Burned Out on Loop (1998) http://fusionanomaly.net/williamgibson.html | |
35. William Gibson Homepage Features a biography, reviews of some of his books, and links to articles and interviews online. http://www.filmdiva.com/mrd/gibson/ | |
36. IT Conversations: Tech Nation (Tech Nation with Moira Gunn; audio from IT Conversations) Moira speaks with william gibson. Listeners know him best through his novels, including his first http://itc.conversationsnetwork.org/shows/detail389.html | |
37. Sci-Fi Site Of The Week: William Gibson's Yardshow An archived review of gibson s personal, now defunct website. http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue32/web.html | |
38. The 'spooky' Worlds Of William Gibson - CNN.com It s an illusion, william gibson says. A trick. Fiction is a construct that plays with your mind, creating a world within. http://edition.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/books/09/10/william.gibson/index.html | |
39. Salon: William Gibson, Webmaster Cyberspace s father spends some time with his progeny. http://www.salon.com/weekly/gibsonintro961014.html |
40. William Gibson - Penguin UK Authors - Penguin UK Find information on william gibson, including popular titles and books by william gibson. Read more with Penguin UK. http://www.penguin.co.uk/nf/Author/AuthorPage/0,,1000011988,00.html | |
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