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Gentry Alistair: more detail | ||||||
1. Gentry Alistair: Art And Artist Resources For G Links In The Literature Database gentry alistair art / artists links G Authors, Literature directory. gentry alistair resources. http://www.artsmoz.com/resources/Literature/Authors/G/Gentry_Alistair/ | |
2. Alistair Gentry - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Alistair Gentry is an artist and author of a number of science fiction works, including the novels Their Heads Are Anonymous (1997), and Monkey Boys (1999). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alistair_Gentry | |
3. Blogger: User Profile: Alistair Gentry Alistair Gentry. Location United Kingdom. Blogs. Blog Name, Team Members. View this Blog, 100 Black Boxes. Contact. My Web Page. User Stats http://www.blogger.com/profile/12996097769000761139 | |
4. Alistair Gentry Alistair Gentry. Books Reviewed Their Heads Are Anonymous Vector, Sep 1997 by Ian Sales. If you have any comments on, or corrections to, these pages, http://www.santaroga.uklinux.net/ShowAuthor.php3?selected_author=Gentry,Alistair |
5. GoZone : Search For Alistair Gentry Alistair Gentry Excerpts from published and new work by the UK author. 0 Additional News search results for alistair gentry from the funZone http://www.gozone.com/search.htm?f_q=alistair gentry&f_zone=fun |
6. Alistair Gentry - Pipl Profiles Pipl profiles tagged Alistair Gentry. Quick facts, related people and much more. http://pipl.com/directory/tags/Alistair%20Gentry |
7. This Was Alistair Gentry's Website alistair gentry Extracts and new works by the UK writer and artist, including Their Heads Are Anonymous, Monkey Boys, Hypnomart and Werewolves. http://www.gentry.btinternet.co.uk/ | |
8. Alistair Gentry Web Site Web site of UK writer and artist alistair gentry. http://www.alistairgentry.demon.co.uk/ | |
9. Gentry, Alistair - Pulp.Net alistair gentry is a writer and artist, or an artist and writer. He was born in Bedfordshire and grew up in Essex and Suffolk. http://www.pulp.net/fiction/biogs/gentry-alistair.html | |
10. Gentry, Alistair Books At The Best Price Buy gentry, alistair books from the best shops. Click on the products or use the search form below to find the best prices for all books. http://books.kelkoo.co.uk/cpc_5101_vtl_author_c19273746.html | |
11. 100 Black Boxes By Alistair Gentry A hypertext fiction by alistair gentry, inspired by the black box flight recorders of crashed planes. Constructed from 100 words each by 100 characters http://www.btinternet.com/~gentry/100black/ | |
12. Animate! ⺠Films ⺠Hypnomart By Joe Magee & Alistair Gentry ⺠All alistair gentry. artists website. alistair gentry. alistairs own website Hypnomart a film by Joe Magee alistair gentry. 2001, 3 min 47 sec http://www.animateonline.org/films/hypnomart/all.html | |
13. British Artists Film Video Study Collection gentry, alistair Gerrard, Steve Giannaris, Constantine Gibbs, Gerald Gibson, Malcolm Gidal, Peter Gilbert and George Gill, Ken Gilli, Jonathon http://www.studycollection.co.uk/artistindex.html |
14. Visual Arts Programme ACF London gentry, alistair, see International Nectronautical Society Gersht, Ori, see Voluntary Memory Ghose, Nandita, see International Nectronautical Society http://www.austria.org.uk/art/archive/alphabet.html | |
15. Joe Magee And Alistair Gentry | Hypnomart HYPNOMART was devised as a collaboration by artists Joe Magee and alistair gentry and commissioned in 2000 by the Arts Council of England and Channel 4. http://www.periphery.co.uk/hypnomart/index.htm | |
16. 100 Black Boxes No more children to outlive. Ninetynine. Time for bed. Posted by alistair gentry at 416 PM . About Me. alistair gentry. View my complete profile. http://100blackboxes.blogspot.com/ | |
17. 01-mp3search.exe N°1 Among The Mp3 Searchers Alistair Gentry 2, HypnoBoy.mp3, 0.6, 01.09.03, alistair gentry, Gameboy Lament, 2001 7, Chimera01.mp3, 0.6, 03.04.20, alistair gentry, A story by AliWayloh, 2001 http://www.01-mp3search.com/Alistair-Gentry-top66-0001.html | |
18. Artfacts.Net: Alistair Gentry international gallery guide for modern, contemporary and emerging art. http://www.artfacts.net/index.php/pageType/artistInfo/artist/145310 | |
19. ESRC Genomics Policy And Research Forum: The film initiative, Three Times True by visual artist alistair gentry, is part of a programme of work by the ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum http://www.genomicsforum.ac.uk/default.aspx?newsId=36 |
20. Zounds @ 3 A.M. MAGAZINE - Globalization Or Globalisation: An Interview With Ali ANDREW GALLIX ASKS alistair gentry IF GLOBALIZ(S)ATION IS HAVING AN alistair gentry is a very talented young playwright and novelist from England. http://www.3ammagazine.com/magazine/issue_2/articles/zounds_part_1.html | |
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