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         Genet Jean:     more books (100)
  1. The Thief's Journal by Jean Genet, 2009-09-24
  2. Genet: A Biography by Edmund White, 1994-10-04
  3. Selected Writings Of Jean Genet (Ecco Companions) by Jean Genet, 1995-05-01
  4. Querelle by Jean Genet, 1994-01-13
  5. Our Lady of the Flowers by Jean Genet, 2009-09-25
  6. The Balcony by Jean Genet, 2009-09-24
  7. The Declared Enemy: Texts and Interviews (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics) by Jean Genet, 2004-01-07
  8. Funeral Rites by Jean Genet, 2009-09-25
  9. Journal Du Voleur by Jean Genet, 1966-06
  10. The Maids by Jean Genet, 2009-09-25
  11. The Maids and Deathwatch: Two Plays by Jean Genet, 1994-02-16
  12. "Elle" (French Edition) by Jean Genet, 1989
  13. What Remains of a Rembrandt Torn into Four Equal Pieces and Flushed Down the Toilet by Jean Genet, 1988-06
  14. Prisoner of Love (New York Review Books Classics) by Jean Genet, 2003-01-31

1. Jean Genet - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Biography of the French novelist, playwright, and poet from this collaborative online encyclopedia.
Jean Genet
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Playwrights ... edit Jean Genet pronounced [ʒɑ̃ ʒəˈnɛ] in French) ( December 19 April 15 ), was a prominent, controversial French writer and later political activist . Early in his life he was a vagabond and petty criminal; later in life, Genet wrote novels, plays, poems, and essays, including Querelle de Brest The Thief's Journal Our Lady of the Flowers The Balcony ... The Blacks and The Maids

2. Jean Genet --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on Jean Genet French criminal and social outcast turned writer who, as a novelist, transformed erotic and often
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Jean Genet
Page 1 of 1 born Dec. 19, 1910, Paris, France
died April 15, 1986, Paris Jean Genet. French criminal and social outcast turned writer who, as a novelist, transformed erotic and often obscene subject matter into a poetic vision of the universe and, as a dramatist, became a leading figure in the avant-garde theatre, especially the Theatre of the Absurd Genet, Jean... (75 of 532 words) To read the full article, activate your FREE Trial Commonly Asked Questions About Jean Genet Close Enable free complete viewings of Britannica premium articles when linked from your website or blog-post. Now readers of your website, blog-post, or any other web content can enjoy full access to this article on Jean Genet , or any Britannica premium article for free, even those readers without a premium membership. Just copy the HTML code fragment provided below to create the link and then paste it within your web content. For more details about this feature, visit our

3. Jean Genet - Wikipédia
Translate this page Jean Genet (Paris, 19 décembre 1910 - id., 15 avril 1986) est un écrivain, poète, et auteur dramatique français. Par une écriture raffinée et riche,
Jean Genet
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Aller   : Navigation Rechercher Pour les articles homonymes , voir Genet Jean Genet Paris 19 d©cembre - id., 15 avril ) est un ©crivain po¨te , et auteur dramatique fran§ais . Par une ©criture raffin©e et riche, Jean Genet exalte la perversion, le mal et l' ©rotisme   travers la c©l©bration de personnages ambivalents au sein de mondes interlopes.
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    De p¨re inconnu (il s'appelait Blanc en fait d'apr¨s les archives de l'Assistance publique), abandonn©   la naissance par sa m¨re, le jeune Jean Genet est envoy© dans une famille nourrici¨re du Morvan XX e , regroupe alors une grande proportion des familles mandat©es par l' Assistance Publique pour recueillir et ©lever les enfants abandonn©s de la III e R©publique La famille adoptive de Genet lui offre l'©ducation communale, une m¨re de lait douce et aimante, un environnement prot©g©. L'enfant y est heureux, bon ©l¨ve et enfant de chœur , mais r©serv© et taciturne. De cette ©poque remontent les premiers ©mois masculins de Genet, en la personne du petit Lou Culafroy — qui deviendra plus tard

4. Jean Genet - Wikiquote
This page has been listed as needing cleanup since 200702-12. Jean Genet, French novelist, poet, and criminal. edit The Thief s Journal (1949)
Jean Genet
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edit The Thief's Journal (1949)
  • '"This violence is a calm that disturbs you."' '"But I would adore that thief who is my mother."' '"If the hero join cmbat with night and conquer it, may shreds of it remain upon him!"' '"I suffered at the time from an ugliness I no longer find on my childhood face."' '"By remaining inaccessible, he became the epitome of those whom I have named and who stagger me. I was therefore chaste. Fierce and pure, I was the theater of a fairyland restored to life."' '"To achieve harmony in bad taste is the height of elegance."' '"Yet, what is their violence compared to mine, which was to accept theirs, to make it mine, to wish it for myself, to intercept it, to utilize it, to force it upon myself, to know it, to premeditate it, to discern and assume its perils? But what was mine, willed and necessary for my defense, my toughness, my rigor, compared to the violence they underwent like a malediction, risen from an inner fire simultaneously with an outer light which sets them ablaze and illuminates us?"' '"Butcriminals are remote from youas in love, they turn away and turn me away from the world and its laws. Thiers smells of sweat, sperm, and blood. In short, to my body and my thristy soul it offers devotion. It was because their world contains these erotic conditions that I was bent on evil."'

5. Jean Genet
Jean Genet. Jean Genet Born 19Dec-1910 Birthplace Paris, France Died 15-Apr-1986 Mother Camille Gabrielle Genet (abandoned by her, d. 1919)
This is a beta version of NNDB Search: All Names Living people Dead people Band Names Book Titles Movie Titles Full Text for Jean Genet Born: 19-Dec
Birthplace: Paris, France
Died: 15-Apr
Location of death: Paris, France
Cause of death: Cancer - Throat
Remains: Buried, Spanish Cemetery, Larache, Morocco
Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Gay
Occupation: Novelist, Playwright Nationality: France
Executive summary: Theatre of the Absurd Father: Mother: Camille Gabrielle Genet (abandoned by her, d. 1919) Boyfriend: Abdallah Bentaga (d. Mar-1964, suicide) High School: Mettray (a French reform school) Vagrancy Smuggling Burglary Theft 1942 (imprisoned, Fresnes) Theft 1948 (10th conviction for this crime) Desertion Indecent Acts Dishonorable Discharge Suicide Attempt Risk Factors: Depression Author of books: Miracle de la rose , novel) , novel) Querelle de Brest , novel) Journal du voleur Wrote plays: Les Bonnes Haute Surveillance Le Balcon Les Paravents Do you know something we don't? Submit a correction or make a comment about this profile

6. Jean Genet Biography And Summary
Jean Genet biography with 461 pages of profile on Jean Genet sourced from encyclopedias, critical essays, summaries, and research journals.
Literature Guides Criticism/Essays Biographies Research Anything: All BookRags Literature Guides Essays Criticism Biographies Encyclopedias History Encyclopedias Films Periodic Table ... Jean Genet Summary
Jean Genet
About 461 pages (138,237 words) in 25 products
"Jean Genet" Search Results
Contents: Biographies Works by Author Summaries Reference Criticism Biography
Name: Jean Genet Variant Name: Jean Genot Birth Date: December 19, 1910 Death Date: Place of Birth: Paris, France Place of Death: Paris, France Nationality: French Gender: Male Occupations: novelist, playwright
summary from source:
of Jean Genet
1,036 words, approx. 4 pages
Dubbed "the Black Prince of letters," by his discoverer, Jean Cocteau, the French novelist and playwright Jean Genet (1910-1986) was obsessed with the illusory, perverse, and grotesque elements of human experience. His works present the world of the... summary from source:
of Jean Genet
10,281 words, approx. 34 pages
After Jean Genet's death in a modest Parisian hotel room, after a long bout with throat cancer, Jack Lang, the former minister of culture, said: "Jean Genet has left us, and with him, a black sun that enlightened the seamy side of things. Jean Genet...

7. Jean Genet - Wikipedia
Translate this page Jean Genet (Parigi, 19 ottobre 1910 – Parigi, 15 aprile 1986) è stato uno scrittore, drammaturgo e poeta francese, fra i più discussi del Novecento.
Jean Genet
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.
Vai a: Navigazione cerca Jean Genet (a sinistra) con Hans Koechler , Vienna 1983 Jean Genet Parigi 19 ottobre Parigi 15 aprile ) ¨ stato uno scrittore drammaturgo e poeta francese , fra i pi¹ discussi del Novecento In lui la vita e l'opera d'arte si intrecciarono profondamente al punto da rendere difficile la distinzione tra episodi inventati ed esperienze realmente vissute dall'autore. Il trionfo di questo atteggiamento ¨ l'autobiografia romanzata del Diario del ladro (1949), in cui Genet racconta la storia di un se stesso ladro, omosessuale e "marginale" mentre vagabonda lungo l'Europa degli anni trenta Il carcere, la vita di strada, l'attrazione per marinai e " guappi " dei bassifondi sono una costante della sua opera. Con Querelle de Brest , poi portato sullo schermo da Fassbinder , Genet ha fissato per sempre il mito omoerotico del marinaio. Nei suoi romanzi e nei drammi bene e male si intrecciano e si completano e l'erotismo, filtrato da un desiderio mai nascosto, si esprime in personaggi ambigui, violenti e a volte corrotti. Anche se non son sempre belli, gli uomini votati al male possiedono le virt¹ virili

8. Jean Genet - EVENE
Translate this page Jean Genet , genet jean - Ecrivain français. Découvrez la biographie de Jean Genet, ainsi que des anecdotes, des citations de Jean Genet, des livres de Jean
sas_pageid='4827/30333'; // Page : ExpressExpansion/ sas_formatid=126; // Format : dhtml-popup 1x1 sas_target=''; // Targeting SmartAdServer(sas_pageid,sas_formatid,sas_target); sas_pageid='4827/30333'; // Page : ExpressExpansion/ sas_formatid=151; // Format : leaderboard-haut 728x90 sas_target=''; // Targeting SmartAdServer(sas_pageid,sas_formatid,sas_target); document.write(blocmembre); dimanche 27 janvier
Jean Genet
Ecrivain français
Littérature française
Né en 1910
Décédé en 1986
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Biographie de Jean Genet
Il est en vérité malaisé d'établir une biographie de Jean Genet , dont on connaît finalement mieux la légende que la véritable existence. Enfant de l'assistance publique, il est envoyé en maison de redressement, s'engage dans la Légion , et mène dès lors une vie d'errance, entrecoupée de réguliers séjours en prison. En 1942, il publie '

9. Jean Genet - Britannica Concise
Genet, Jean French criminal and social outcast turned writer who, as a novelist, transformed erotic and often obscene subject matter into a poetic vision
Genet, Jean
Britannica Concise
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Jean Genet
born Dec. 19, 1910, Paris, France
died April 15, 1986, Paris
French novelist and dramatist. An illegitimate child abandoned by his mother, Genet began to write while imprisoned for burglary. His first novel, Our Lady of the Flowers (1944), portrays an underworld of thugs, pimps, and hustlers. Miracle of the Rose The Thief's Journal (1949) recounts his life as a tramp, pickpocket, and prostitute. He became a leading figure in avant-garde theatre with such plays as The Maids The Balcony (1956), and The Blacks (1958), stylized Expressionist dramas designed to shock and implicate an audience by revealing its hypocrisy and complicity in an exploitative social order. Admired by the existentialists, he was the subject of Jean-Paul Sartre 's huge and adulatory biography Saint Genet document.writeln(AAMB2); Images and Media: More on "Jean Genet" from Britannica Concise Sartre, Jean-Paul - French philosopher, novelist, and playwright, the foremost exponent of existentialism. Theatre of the Absurd - Body of dramatic works of the 1950s and '60s that expressed the existentialist philosophy of meaninglessness and the absurdity of life.

10. LinkedIn: Jean-Jacques Genet
JeanJacques Genet s professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a networking tool that helps users like Jean-Jacques Genet discover inside connections to
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    11. Jean Genet Page
    jean genet Prose, drama, photos. jean genet PAGE. But now I am afraid. The signs pursue me and I pursue them patiently. They are bent on destroying me
    Welcome to *the* JEAN GENET PAGE But now I am afraid. The signs pursue me and I pursue them patiently. They are bent on destroying me. Didn't I see, on my way to court, seven sailors on the terrace of a cafe, questioning the stars through seven mugs of light beer as they sat around a table that perhaps turned; then, a messenger boy on a bicycle who was carrying a message from god to god, holding between his teeth, by the metal handle, a round, lighted lantern, the flame of which, as it reddened his face, also heated it? So pure a marvel that he was unaware of being a marvel. Circles and globes haunt me: oranges, Japanese billiard balls, Venetian lanterns, jugglers' hoops, the round ball of the goalkeeper who wears a jersey. I shall have to establish, to regulate, a whole internal astronomy.                                                       from Our Lady of the Flowers ElectroAsylum Main Page Email? See it here
    Please visit our sponsor:  Last updated 9 January 2005. Electroasylum Communications

    12. Jean Genét
    Biography of the French novelist, poet and playwright from Books and Writers.
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    by Bamber Gascoigne
    Jean Genet (1910-1986) This French writer, a dramatist and convicted felon, became one of the leading figures in the avant-garde theater. Genet has described in his works an underworld of male prostitutes, convicts, pimps and social outcasts. For a long time he so addicted to theft that he stole diamonds from his hostesses at a literary reception. However, his life changed radically when such prominent figures as Jean-Paul Sartre and Jean Cocteau clamored successfully for his parole. He subsequently escaped the criminal world to become a writer, who glorified the underworld and homosexual love. "O let me be nothing but beauty alone! Quickly or slowly I will go, but I will dare what must be dared. I will destroy appearances, the casings will be burnt off and will fall from me, and I will appear there, some evening, on the palm of your hand, calm and pure like a statuette of glass." (from The Thief's Journal "In writing out for his pleasure the incommunicable dreams of his particularity, Genet has transformed them into exigencies of communication... Genet began to write in order to affirm his solitude, to be self-sufficient, and it was the writing itself that, by its problems, gradually led him to seek readers."

    13. Jean Genet (1910-1986)
    Biography of French playwright jean genet, plus links to all of his works currently in print.
    Jean Genet French novelist, playwright and poet Jean Genet was born in Paris on December 19, 1910. Abandoned by his parents, he spent much of his youth in an institution for juvenile delinquents. At the age of ten, he was accused of stealing. Although innocent of the charge, having been described as a thief, the young boy resolved to be a thief. "Thus," wrote Genet, "I decisively repudiated a world that had repudiated me." Between 1930 and 1940, he wandered through various European countries, living as a thief and male prostitute. Eventually, he found himself in Hitler's Germany where he felt strangely out of place. "I had a feeling of being in a camp of organized bandits. This is a nation of thieves, I felt. If I steal here, I accomplish no special act that could help me to realize myself. I merely obey the habitual order of things. I do not destroy it." So Genet hastened on to a country that still obeyed a more conventional moral code. In 1943, after being imprisoned for theft, Genet began writing. Ignoring traditional plot and psychology, Genet's plays rely heavily on ritual, transformation, illusion and interchangeable identities. His experiences in prison would inform much of his work. The homosexuals, prostitutes, thiefs and outcasts of his plays are trapped in self-destructive circles. They express the despair and loneliness of a man caught in a maze of mirrors, trapped by an endless progression of images that are, in reality, merely his own distorted reflection.

    14. Jean Genet Biography (1910-1986)
    jean genet was born on December 19, 1910, the illegitimate son of a Parisian prostitute, and orphaned seven months later. At the age of ten, he was accused
    jean genet


    selected books


    j e a n g e n e t : b i o g r a p h y ]
    "Anyone who knows a strange fact shares in its singularity."
    - Jean Genet
    facts selected books books ... sartre

      j e a n g e n e t : f a c t s
    • Name: Jean Genet
    • Born: December 19, 1910
    • Place of birth: Tanier Childbirth Clinic, Paris, France
    • Died: April 15, 1986
    • Place of death: Paris, France
    • Buried: Larache, Morocco j e a n g e n e t : b i o g . Jean Genet was born on December 19, 1910, the illegitimate son of a Parisian prostitute, and orphaned seven months later. At the age of ten, he was accused of stealing. Although innocent but having been described as a thief, the young boy resolved to be a thief. "Thus," wrote Genet, "I decisively repudiated a world that had repudiated me." At the age of thirteen, after being a ward of the state, he began a life of crime and adventure. From 15 to 18 Genet was in the Mettray penitentiary, a place of hard labour, where a code of love, honour, gesture and justice was enforced by the inmates, and where his sexual awakening occurred. He then joined the French Foreign Legion in Syria. He deserted and spent more periods in prison living by petty theft, begging, and homosexual prostitution. By the age of 23, Genet was living in Spain, sleeping with a one-armed pimp, lice-ridden and begging - a period which became the basis for The Thief's Journal , his record of a journey, in which no aspect of suffering, sordidness, and degradation was spared him.

    15. U B U W E B - Film & Video: Jean Genet
    Un Chant d Amour is French writer jean genet s only film, which he directed in 1950. Because of its explicit (though artistically presented) homosexual

    UbuWeb Film


    Jean Genet
    Un Chant d'Amour

    1950, Runtime: 25 minutes
    (From Wikipedia entry: Un Chant d'Amour
    Un Chant d'Amour is French writer Jean Genet's only film, which he directed in 1950. Because of its explicit (though artistically presented) homosexual content, the 26-minute movie was long banned and was also disowned by Genet later in his life.
    The plot is set in a French prison, where a prison guard takes voyeuristic pleasure in observing the prisoners perform masturbatory sexual acts. In two adjacent cells, there are an older Algerian-looking man and a handsome convict in his twenties. The older man is in love with the younger one, rubbing himself against the wall and sharing his cigarette smoke with his beloved through a straw.
    The prison guard, apparently jealous of the prisoner's relationship, enters the older convict's cell, beats him, and makes him suck on his gun in an unmistakably sexual fashion. But the inmate drifts off into a fantasy where he and his object of desire roam the countryside. In the final scene it becomes clear that the guard's power is no match for the intensity of attraction between the prisoners, even though their relationship is not consummated.
    Genet does not use sound in his film, forcing the viewer to completely focus on closeups of faces, armpits, and semi-erect penises. Originally produced as a porn movie of sorts, the film with its highly sexualized atmosphere has later been recognized as a formative factor for works such as the films by Andy Warhol.

    16. Biography Of Jean Genet - French Dramatist
    Discovered and championed by the existentialist jean Paul Sartre, the French writer jean genet was an exponent of the theater of the absurd,

    17. Glbtq >> Literature >> Genet, Jean
    jean genet s work has left a powerful legacy to postmodernity and remains a provocation to questions of gay identity.
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    Genet, Jean (19l0-1986)
    page: Jean Genet's work has left a powerful legacy to post-modernity and remains a provocation to questions of gay identity. Genet's fidelity to outcasts and the socially marginal, his simultaneous criticism of and participation in radical politics, his obsession with role-playing and identity, and his stylized violence and obscenity anticipate post-modern apprehensions and techniques. His commitment to the extremes of revolt contributed to the myth of "Jean Genet." Sponsor Message.
    Beginning with his first novel, Our Lady of the Flowers (1942), Genet openly embraced and affirmed his homosexuality, constantly recreating and manipulating his own identity throughout his career as a novelist, playwright, activist for the Black Panthers in the late 1960s, defender of the Palestine Liberation Organization, and friend of the French literati, especially Jean-Paul Sartre and Jean Cocteau (who aided in securing his official free pardon for criminal offenses in 1948). Genet's homosexuality and his awareness of his sexual "marginality" encouraged the empathy he felt toward oppressed groups in his later career. Although Genet's revolt is deeply rooted in his awareness of his "deviant" sexuality, his political work was not predicated on his personal identity; instead, Genet worked on surmounting a simple affirmation of identity and forging a general coalition of socially disaffected groups.

    18. - Jean Genet - UK - Electro / Comedy / Pop Punk -
    MySpace music profile for jean genet with tour dates, songs, videos, pictures, blogs, band information, downloads and more.
    Advertiser.SDC.DisplayedFriendEUD = "::0:0:ODI4NGVlZDg2ZmZmY2FjYXmp7hELe8yERaOoDekXun4WBybyORf3naUhX8EQuTOc1vBa-xblg0JkkFoo6s-BehCO1n7dvXzv-v8ur6wMNbJpitDA9J3s-YmKkmQsNxIN"; sdc_wrapper("tkn_leaderboardband", ",11021002", "Frame1"); User Shortcuts: Send Message Forward to Friend Add to Friends Add to Favorites Block User Add to Group Rank User Instant Message People MySpace Web Music Video Home Browse Search Invite ... Artist Signup
    jean genet
    Electro / Comedy / Pop Punk
    "goodbye, we were jean genet"
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    jean genet: General Info Member Since Band Website Band Members *Helena Hell Heffovska* - Keys, Vocals, Marakkas. *Bob Robert Hefferson* - Guitar, Vocals, Karaoke Cds. Influences Sounds Like queercore footnote Type of Label None jean genet's Latest Blog Entry Subscribe to this Blog Goodbye we were Jean Genet view more View All Blog Entries About jean genet We have taken a sleater kinney style indefinite hiatus. We were a queer girl/boy duo who wrote tasteless sordid songs by playing keyboard demos, drum beats and karaoke tracks with the odd badly played guitar riff. We attempted to distract audiences from our lack of talent by dressing cheap and covering our nipples in tit tape, throwing things at them, dancing and pissing on eachother.

    19. Village Voice > Film > Jean Genet On Film: BAM Series Honors French Rebel By Nat
    jean genet on Film BAM Series Honors French Rebel.,lee,76595,20.html
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    20. Jean Genet
    Writer Querelle. Social outcast and criminal who became a novelist and dramatist . Visit IMDb for Photos, Filmography, Discussions, Bio, News, Awards,
    Now Playing Movie/TV News My Movies DVD New Releases ... search All Titles TV Episodes My Movies Names Companies Keywords Characters Quotes Bios Plots more tips SHOP JEAN GENET DVD VHS CD IMDb Jean Genet Quicklinks categorized by type by year by ratings by votes titles for sale by genre by keyword power search credited with biography publicity contact miscellaneous Top Links biography by votes awards news articles ... message board Filmographies categorized by type by year by ratings ... tv schedule Biographical biography other works publicity contact ... message board External Links official sites miscellaneous photographs sound clips ... video clips
    Jean Genet
    advertisement photos board add contact details Photos Add photo(s) and resume with IMDb Resume Services
    Date of Birth: 19 December Paris, France more Date of Death: 15 April , Paris, France more Mini Biography: Sartre likens Genet to a saint for a very particular reason, a reason... more Trivia: Buried in the Spanish Cemetery in Larache, Morocco. His tomb there is... more
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  • (2007) (writer)
    ... aka Tehranian Condemned to Death (International: English title) Bonne bourre (2006) (inspiration)
    ... aka A Good F*** (International: English title) Jean je n'ai...
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