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41. David Gascoyne Biography This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article david gascoyne. http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Gascoyne_David.html | |
42. Blackwell Synergy - Br J Haematol, Volume 105 Issue 2 Page 437-440, May 1999 (Ar To cite this article Wing Y. Au, Randy D. gascoyne, david S. Viswanatha, Brian F. Skinnider, Joseph M. Connors, Richard J. Klasa, Douglas E. Horsman (1999) http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2141.1999.01347.x | |
43. CLEVERDON MSS. II gascoyne, david. SelfDischarged, a dramatic monologue for radio; Greenwood, david. Synopsis for untitled film; Hague, Réne. Material relating to david http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/lilly/mss/subfile/cleverd2writ.html | |
44. Directory - Arts - Literature - Authors - G - Gascoyne, David - Brasil B2B Marke Directory Arts - Literature - Authors - G - gascoyne, david - Brasil B2b Marketplace Company Directory and trade leads. Find buy and sell offers from http://br.tradeholding.com/odp/index.cgi?show=/Arts/Literature/Authors/G/Gascoyn |
45. David Gascoyne Books On John W. Doull, Bookseller, Inc. gascoyne, david. Collected Verse Translations. Edited by Alan Clodd and Robin Skelton. L Oxford University Press, 1970. First UK Edition. Pp. 128. http://www.doullbooks.com/ap_david_gascoyne.html | |
46. Katalog Stron : Arts : Literature : Authors : G : Gascoyne, David Katalog Stron internetowych, kategiria Katalog stron Arts Literature Authors G gascoyne, david. http://www.drabiny.net.pl/dmoz/index.php?c=Arts/Literature/Authors/G/Gascoyne,_D |
47. Arts Literature Authors G Gascoyne, David Directory Kishys Kishys Directory powered by DMOZ of Arts Literature Authors G gascoyne, david. http://www.kishys.com/directory/Arts-Literature-Authors-G-Gascoyne,_David.html | |
48. New Lives And Themes Davies, William david (19112001), New Testament scholar. Davis, Harold performing names Harold Alzana, gascoyne, david Emery (1916-2001), poet http://www.oup.com/oxforddnb/info/prelims/contents/05a/newlives/ | |
49. Books Sorted By Author At Nangle Rare Books PRESENTATION INSCRIPTION To John Lehmann, gratefully, david gascoyne December, 1983. 5 For david gascoyne on his sixtyfifth birthday http://www.nanglerarebooks.co.uk/author.php?author=David Gascoyne&authorID=55 |
50. David Gascoyne Books On Addyman Books SIGNED PRESENTATION FROM THE AUTHOR. For Mrs. Eckley, from a grateful guest, david gascoyne (P. 88 was written exactly 50 years ago the Nazi invasion of http://www.hay-on-wyebooks.com/ap_david_gascoyne.html | |
51. A Short Survey Of Surrealism:Gascoyne,David:9780714622620:eCampus.com Buy A Short Survey of Surrealism by gascoyne,david for $105.30 at eCampus.comISBN9780714622620. Save 50 90% on new and used books. http://www.ecampus.com/book/0714622621 | |
52. HSU Library Art - Dali - Paranoid Critical Transformation Method Author(s), Dali, Salvador, 1904 ; gascoyne, david,; 1916- ; tr. Translated by david gascoyne. / Portrait on wrapper. Class Descriptors, LC ND813.D3 http://library.humboldt.edu/art/Artists/Dali_Salvador/Dali_Paranoid_Critical_Tra | |
53. Twentieth-Century English Poetry: Bibliography gascoyne, david, 1916 1994, Selected Poems (Enitharmon) gascoyne,DSelectedPoems (gender=M). Geddes, Gary. 1998, Flying Blind (Enitharmon) Geddes http://efts.lib.uchicago.edu/efts/EngPo20/EngPo20.bib.html | |
54. NightThoughts David Gascoyne S Excess Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://camqtly.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/31/1/33.pdf |
55. GASCOYNE, David - Journal 1936-1937 - Death Of An Explorer - Leon Chestov Author gascoyne, david; Title Journal 19361937 - Death of an Explorer - Leon Chestov - new or used. http://j-books.secondhandbooks.eu.com/GASCOYNE, David--Journal 1936-1937 - Death | |
56. David Gascoyne Collection « Poetry At Beinecke Library Several new accessions to the david gascoyne Collection (GEN MSS 140) are now processed and available for use. The new accessions, acquired by gift and http://beineckepoetry.wordpress.com/2007/08/31/david-gascoyne-collection/ | |
57. Cancer Research -- Table Of Contents (July 1 1996, 56 [13]) Randy D. gascoyne, david Head, Peter J. Houghton, Deo Kumar Srivastava, Hailei Chen, Sorena NadafRahrov, Ilja F. Ciernik, and david P. Carbone http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/vol56/issue13/ | |
58. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg by Anspaugh, david J./ Ezell, Gene, Anthrax The Investigation of a Deadly Outbreak by Guillemin, Jeanne, A Short Survey of Surrealism by gascoyne, david/ http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-4693.html | |
59. Patentee Index gascoyne, david; Lawrence, Brian; Maruvada, Sriramakrishna; Potyrailo, Radislav; Schottland, Philippe; Sze, Micah Sakiestewa; and Wisnudel, Marc Brian, http://www.uspto.gov/web/patents/patog/week07/OG/patentee/alphaG.htm | |
60. David Gascoyne Self DrugTaking and the Arts. Visit IMDb for Photos, Filmography, Discussions, Bio, News, Awards, Agent, Fan Sites. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0309077/ | |
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