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61. Göttingen State And University Library - Results/shortlist george gascoigne. Oxford ua Clarendon Press, 2000 george gascoigne. - Reprint der Ausgabe von 1575-77. - Westminster A. Constable, 1895-98 http://opac.sub.uni-goettingen.de/DB=1/LNG=EN/LRSET=2885/SET=2885/SID=1030159a-2 |
62. Early English Prose Fiction: Bibliography gascoigne, george 1573, A Hundreth sundrie Flowres bounde vp in one small Poesie. Gathered partely (by translation) in the fyne outlandish Gardins of http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/efts/EEPF/EEPF.bib.html | |
63. Index Of Names Beginning With G Garth, Samuel Deathday; Garrard, William His role in establishing the first royal Exchange; gascoigne, george poet and dramatist Deathday; gascoigne, http://www.thebookofdays.com/indexes/names/g.htm | |
64. History Of English Prosody TOC gascoigne, george. Goldsmith, Oliver. Guest, Edwin. Hodgson, Shadworth. Hood, T. (the younger). Jenkin, Fleeming. Johnson, Samuel. Ker, W. P. http://www.dirk-johnson.com/poetry/prosody/saintsbury/index.htm | |
65. Paul Gascoigne On George Best | Soccer Quotes Paul gascoigne on george Best. I ve had to deal with everything but everyone has helped me. george Best was a good friend of mine. We loved each other; http://www.soccerquotes.info/quotes/paulgascoigne/7 | |
66. DayPoems: George Gascoigne Index Poetry of george gascoigne. 1525?1577. A Lover s Lullaby The Night is Near Gone. Back to top. Comment on DayPoems? If you are like us, you have strong http://www.daypoems.net/poets/21.html | |
67. BBC - Liverpool Sport - George Cross In a similar treatment suffered by Paul Gazza gascoigne, george seems to be too often put on a pedestal by the British tabloid press, who wait to condemn http://www.bbc.co.uk/liverpool/sport/alternative/lfc/2004/06/george/index.shtml | |
68. Elizabethan Authors Home Page george Chapman, John Lyly, Authorship Controversy, Hekatompathia . woeful wight, griping griefs, george gascoigne, george Gascoygne, painted word, http://www.elizabethanauthors.com/ | |
69. Hawkesbury On The NET - Southern Highlands Cemetery Register: Mittagong, Rowes H Name george gascoigne. Died 21st August 1882. Age 23 years. Cemetery Mittagong, Rowes Hill Cemetery. Location row 11 plot 19 http://www.hawkesbury.net.au/cemetery/southern_highlands/rowes_hill/mrhc314.html | |
70. The Woodbridge Record, 1883 - George E. Gascoigne (_______ - _______) george E. gascoigne. ( ). NOTES. BIRTH ,; CHR ,; DEATH ,; BURIAL ,; SEX M. Father Mother george E. gascoigne ( - ) http://www.swoodbridge.com/family/WoodbridgeRecord/index.php?indi=I0854 |
71. Platonism And Bathos In Shakespeare And Other Early Modern Drama Roger Prior showed that a single source, either george gascoigne s The Poesies (gascoigne 1575) or his Whole Works (gascoigne 1587), was used for both plays http://www.gabrielegan.com/publications/Egan2005e.htm | |
72. George Gascoigne (The Lied And Art Song Texts Page: Texts And Translations To Li Free web archive of over 25000 texts (lyrics) to Lieder and other classical vocal pieces in more than 45 languages with over five thousand translations to http://www.recmusic.org/lieder/g/gascoigne/ | |
73. George Gascoigne - The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition - HighBeam Research The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition george gascoigne - From the HighBeam Research Archive. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1E1-Gascoign.html | |
74. Specimens With Memoirs Of The Less-known British Poets, Complete By George Gilfi gascoigne, george i. GipsiesFrom The Country Justice LANGHORNE, iii. GLOVER, RICHARD iii. Goodmorrow gascoigne, i. Good-night gascoigne, i. GOULD iii. http://www.fullbooks.com/Specimens-with-Memoirs-of-the-Less-knownx531120.html | |
75. George Gascoigne Biography - Biography.com Learn about the life of george gascoigne at Biography.com. Read Biographies, watch interviews and videos. http://www.biography.com/search/article.do?id=9307360 |
76. Elizabethan E-Texts gascoigne, george Jacosta (trans. 1566) The Posies (1575) Supposes (1566) Gifford, george A Dialogue Concerning Witches and Witchcraftes (1593) http://www.sourcetext.com/sourcebook/e-texts.htm | |
77. George Gascoigne (1525 - 1577) - Find A Grave Memorial Search Amazon for george gascoigne. Burial Church of St. John the Baptist (Barnack) Cambridgeshire, England Plot Whetstone Family Vault http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSsr=41&GSvcid=20295&GRid=21143 |
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