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Fraser Kathleen: more books (85) | ||||
21. Karen Fraser â Malcolm Fraser : ZoomInfo Business People Information fraser, kathleen, Law Society of Alberta, In addition to Sally Thomason, the spokespersons for SSILA included Emmon Bach (Past President of the LSA), http://www.zoominfo.com/people/level2page13189.aspx | |
22. Kathleen Fraser - Photographer Biography, Photography - Photo.net kathleen fraser. A member of the photo.net community since November 25, 2005. photo.net Gallery Portfolio photo.net/photos/kathleen.fraser http://photo.net/shared/community-member?user_id=1916119 |
23. Kathleen Fraser Papers Papers of kathleen fraser, American poet, teacher and scholar. Influenced by the experimental poets of the New York School in the 1960s, fraser became a http://content.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/kt7199n8pr/ | |
24. Differences -- Sign In Page fraser, kathleen. Change of Address and Other Poems. An Interview with kathleen fraser. Contemporary Literature 39 (1998) 126. Howe, Fanny. http://differences.dukejournals.org/cgi/content/refs/12/2/47 | |
25. Fraser, Kathleen - Lena Pergola MP3 Download @ KOHit.net Download fraser, kathleen Lena Pergola MP3 for free. http://fraser-kathleen-lena-pergola-mp3-download.kohit.net/_/49490 | |
26. VISITAS fraser, kathleen, Line. On the line. Lining up. Lines with. Between the lines. Bottom Line, Translating the unspeakable Poetry and the Innovative http://www.rojas.uba.ar/programacion/visitas/wendytronrud.htm | |
27. CastRoller Radio Latest Episodes From Podcasts Tagged By All Users This week on The House, host kathleen Petty looks at the ongoing saga at AECL and with Attorney General Sheila fraser; kathleen also talks about our http://castroller.com/episodes/radio/feed | |
28. Project MUSE And kathleen fraser, after publishing small collections with Kayak Press in .. Like kathleen fraser, Fanny Howe seems to have been constrained in her http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/differences/v012/12.2keller.html | |
29. Carol Bergé: An Inventory Of Her Papers At The Harry Ransom Humanities Research fraser, kathleen. Harris, Marguerite, 1899. Hitchcock, George. Hollo, Anselm. Ignatow, David, 1914-. Kandel, Lenore. Levertov, Denise, 1923-. Lish, Gordon http://research.hrc.utexas.edu:8080/hrcxtf/view?docId=ead/00012.xml |
30. John Taggart Papers An Inventory Of His Papers At Syracuse University fraser, kathleen, 1935. George, Jon. Golden, Seán, 1948-. Goodell, Larry, 1935- Box 1, fraser, kathleen 1966. Box 1, Galin Press 1965-1967, undated http://library.syr.edu/digital/guides/t/taggart_j.htm | |
31. PUBLIC -//Stanford UniversityLibrariesDept. Of Special fraser, kathleen, 1937 Gander, Forrest, 1956- Greenfield, Amy. Griffith, Sarah. Grossman, Judith, 1937- Harper, Michael, 1931- Hartz, J. Harryman, Carla. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/spc/xml/m0768.xml | |
32. Books For Sale By Author - F fraser, kathleen. Il Cuore The Heart . Selected Poems 19701995. 1997. First edition. Introduction by Peter Quartermin. Very fine and bright stiff wraps http://www.longhousepoetry.com/catalog_f.html | |
33. Google Directory - Arts > Literature > Authors > F > Fraser, Kathleen Charles Bernstein and kathleen fraser at the Dia Center http//www.diacenter.org/prg/poetry/97_98/berfra.html Biographies and poems of Bernstein and http://www.google.ge/alpha/Top/Arts/Literature/Authors/F/Fraser,_Kathleen/ | |
34. Alexa - Sites In: Fraser, Kathleen Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general/?&CategoryID=84345&mode=general&Start=1&Sort |
35. Omniseek: /Arts & Humanities /Poetry /Poets /Fraser, Kathleen / il cuore the heartSelected Poems 19701995 kathleen fraser Introduction by Peter Quartermain the year of grey shadow, the large shape behind it, http://www.omniseek.com/srch/{13316} | |
36. Pseudonyms For Kathleen Fraser The Essential Fiction Reference. FictionDB has over 20000 author listings and over 90000 titles in romance, mystery, suspense and westerns. http://www.fictiondb.com/GenreDB/Pseudos.asp?AuthorNumber=2632&genre=R |
37. Poetry Center - Fraser, Kathleen - 09/28/82 Reader fraser, kathleen. Accession Number 483. Date 09/28/82. Length 45 minutes. Tape Quality good. Collection Poetry Center. Ethnicity white http://www.sfsu.edu/~newlit/newcatalog/445.htm | |
38. Excite España - Arts - Literature - Authors - F - Fraser, Kathleen Charles Bernstein and kathleen fraser at the Dia Center Guarder Biographies and poems of Bernstein and fraser from a reading series at the Dia Center in NYC http://www.excite.es/directory/Arts/Literature/Authors/F/Fraser,_Kathleen | |
39. Search Results For Fraser, Kathleen. - James & Mary Laurie Booksellers - Fine Bo Results for fraser, kathleen. Sort By Title Author Price Asc Price Desc fraser, kathleen. UrbanaPenumbra Press, 19711972.. Price $250.00 http://www.lauriebooks.com/cgi-bin/laurie/author/Fraser, Kathleen..html | |
40. Fraser,Kathleen Videos And Video Codes | Free Music Video Codes fraser,kathleen music videos and video codes and PcPlanets.com 1 source for free music videos. http://www.pcplanets.com/artist-305830-Fraser-Kathleen.shtml | |
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