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Home - Authors - Fraser George Macdonald |
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41. Shakesville RIP george macdonald fraser posted by Melissa McEwan Thursday, January 03, 2008 permalink . george macdonald fraser, author of the Flashman novels, http://shakespearessister.blogspot.com/2008/01/rip-george-macdonald-fraser.html | |
42. Flashman - George MacDonald Fraser A review, and links to other information about and reviews of Flashman by george macdonald fraser. http://www.complete-review.com/reviews/frasergm/flashman.htm | |
43. Flashman Author George MacDonald Fraser Dies Aged 82 - Times Online george macdonald fraser, the creator of the Flashman series, has died aged 82. http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol/arts_and_entertainment/books/article3 | |
44. Hitchens On Flashman & George MacDonald Fraser (RIP) Hitchens On Flashman george macdonald fraser (RIP). I got a few tips about this last week or so when fraser died. This article is pretty good. http://minx.cc/?post=252314 |
45. George MacDonald Fraser | Obituaries | Guardian Unlimited george macdonald fraser, who has died aged 82, was the creator of Harry Flashman, one of the gems of the English comic novel. fraser was already 44 when he http://www.guardian.co.uk/obituaries/story/0,,2235102,00.html | |
46. George MacDonald Fraser - Authors - Random House george macdonald fraser was born in England and educated in Scotland. He served in a Highland regiment in India, Africa, and the Middle East. http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=9239 |
47. George MacDonald Fraser Tells Us How Political Correctness Is Destroying Britain HARRY FLASHMAN never knew george macdonald fraser. That was a pity, because Mr fraser knew every scrap about Flashman, from the points of his swaggering http://sayanythingblog.com/entry/george_macdonald_fraser_tells_us_how_political_ | |
48. Walking The Berkshires: Military History Carnival #10: George MacDonald Fraser E fraser This 10th edition of The Military History Carnival is dedicated to the late, lamented george macdonald fraser, who died on January 3rd. http://greensleeves.typepad.com/berkshires/2008/01/military-histor.html | |
49. Bloomberg.com: U.K. & Ireland 3 (Bloomberg) george macdonald fraser, the British author of novels about the swashbuckling exploits of heavy drinking, philandering rogue army officer http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601102&sid=abkw9qgFfr1s&refer=uk |
50. Maritime Compass: George MacDonald Fraser, R.I.P. george macdonald fraser, R.I.P.. The author of The Pyrates and the beloved Flashman series died Wednesday at age 82. Obituaries are available at The http://maritimecompass.blogspot.com/2008/01/george-macdonald-fraser-rip.html | |
51. George MacDonald Fraser On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online LibraryThing catalogs yours books online, easily, quickly and for free. http://is.librarything.com/author/frasergeorgemacdonal | |
52. Dispatches: George MacDonald Fraser Memory Chuck Thompson, author of Smile When You re Lying Confessions of a Rogue Travel Writer. http://chuckthompsonbooks.com/commentary/2008/01/george-macdonald-fraser-memory. | |
53. George MacDonald Fraser On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online (eng)G. M. fraser is actually two authors george macdonald fraser and george Milne fraser. Yra 122 pokalbiai apie george macdonald fraser knygas. http://lt.librarything.com/author/frasergeorgemacdonal | |
54. 'The General Danced At Dawn' - G. MacDonald Fraser - Fraser, George Macdonald Qu This quiz is compiled from the first of the trilogy of george macdonald fraser s wonderful books about a Highland regiment at the end of and just after http://www.funtrivia.com/trivia-quiz/Literature/The-General-Danced-at-Dawn---G-M | |
55. Globeandmail.com: Arts LONDON Author george macdonald fraser, the creator of the muchloved Flashman series, died Wednesday, his publisher said. He was 82. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080102.wfraser0201/BNStory/ | |
56. The Devil's Kitchen: RIP, George MacDonald Fraser RIP, george macdonald fraser. george macdonald fraser is dead. The novelist george macdonald fraser, author of the Flashman adventure stories, has died aged http://devilskitchen.me.uk/2008/01/rip-george-macdonald-fraser.html | |
57. Mike's Musings: RIP (and Thank You) George Macdonald Fraser I was saddened to learn of the death yesterday of the author george macdonald fraser. fraser, a Scot, created the Flashman series of novels, http://mahaffie.blogspot.com/2008/01/rip-and-thank-you-george-macdonald.html | |
58. Commentary » Blog Archive » George MacDonald Fraser, R.I.P. george macdonald fraser, the man who brought us Flashman and his epxloits (as well as the screenplay for Octopussy) died today at the age of 82. http://www.commentarymagazine.com/blogs/index.php/munson/1726 | |
59. The Unbearable Oddness Of Stevyn: George MacDonald Fraser (1925-2008) It is with some sadness that I read today of george macdonald fraser s death. I won t write my own obituary for him nor give you a resume of his life and http://stevyncolgan.blogspot.com/2008/01/george-macdonald-fraser-1925-2008.html | |
60. Abu Muqawama: The Last Testament Of George MacDonald Fraser The Last Testament of george macdonald fraser. No surprise that the last testament of the man who created Flashman would be a rant against political http://abumuqawama.blogspot.com/2008/01/last-testament-of-george-macdonald.html | |
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