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41. Anne Frank Remembered The official site from Sony Pictures Classics is very outof-date (it appears to have been created before the film s 1996 release, and it hasn t been http://www.sonypictures.com/classics/annefrank/index.html | |
42. Anne Frank Tree To Be Felled News24 World News anne frank tree to be felled A Dutch appeals committee has upheld a court decision to grant a licence that will allow the owner of http://www.news24.com/News24/World/News/0,,2-10-1462_2252781,00.html | |
43. CBC.ca Arts - Spanish Company To Produce Anne Frank Musical anne frank The Diary of a Young Girl, considered the most widely read book on the Holocaust, is being turned into a Spanish musical. http://www.cbc.ca/arts/theatre/story/2008/01/04/annefrank-musical.html | |
44. Anne Frank And Me - Short Stories & Essays By Irene Frisch Essays and short stories about surviving the Holocaust and afterwards in Poland. http://www.annefrankandme.com/ | |
45. France's Own Anne Frank: Helene Berr's Holocaust Diary Flies Off The Shelves - I It has been described as a publishing sensation. Helene Berr was a young French student murdered in a Nazi concentration camp. http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,527687,00.html | |
46. "French Anne Frank" Diary Enthralls France, Journal Tells Of Young Jewish Woman The secret diary of a young Jewish woman recounting two years under the Nazi occupation of Paris is causing a sensation in France. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/01/11/entertainment/main3700858.shtml | |
47. Anne Frank: Surfing The Net With Kids The best anne frank sites for kids, teachers and families, from United Feature Syndicate. http://www.surfnetkids.com/annefrank.htm | |
48. UW CS&E - Sorry, Document Is Not Available We have provided links to other anne frank resources, both online and elsewhere; we hope they are of anne frank in the World (exhibition in new mexico) http://www.cs.washington.edu/general/annefrank.html | |
49. Lesson Exchange: Anne Frank Intro (Middle, Literature) As an intro the Diary of anne frank I faked a grammar game. Each student picked a ribbon out of an envelope and tied it on his/her wrist. http://www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/330.html | |
50. We Remember Anne Frank Scholastic.com Students meet two heroic women whose courage enabled them to risk everything to help anne frank. http://content.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=7647 |
51. Anne Frank, The Musical | AfterEllen.com Reviews and commentary on the representation of lesbians and bisexual women in entertainment and the media, including television, movies, books, http://www.afterellen.com/blog/jamielynn/anne-frank-the-musical | |
52. Anne Frank And Oskar Schindler In Memoriam anne frank and Oskar Schindler in memoriam, anne frank has become Adolf Hitler and SS`s most famous victim, a symbol of 10 million murdered in kz http://home8.inet.tele.dk/aaaa/Annefrank.htm | |
53. Bibliographies - Teachers - Simon Wiesenthal Center Multimedia Learning Center The End of Innocence anne frank and the Holocaust. 2nd ed. New York Braun Center for Holocaust Studies, AntiDefamation League of Bnai Brith, 1994. http://motlc.wiesenthal.com/site/pp.asp?c=gvKVLcMVIuG&b=394707 |
54. Anne Frank Awards - About The Awards The anne frank Awards recognise young people and educators who have shown great personal strength, moral courage, and determination to stand up for what is http://www.annefrankawards.org.uk/ | |
55. Anne Frank Conquers The Moon Nazis - A Webcomic For Discerning Tastes. Comic in which anne frank is brought back to life as a superhero to battle Hitler in the future. http://excelsiorstudios.net/comic.html | |
56. Anne Frank: Lessons In Human Rights And Dignity Inspired by the writings of anne frank, this Newspaper in Education project examines ways to understand ourselves, analyze prejudice, and deal with conflict http://www.sptimes.com/annefrank/ | |
57. France Finds Its Own Anne Frank As Young Jewish Woman's War Diary Hits The Shelv referring to anne frank. Although she expressed in her diary a wish to become a Dutch citizen , anne died stateless, her German nationality having been http://observer.guardian.co.uk/world/story/0,,2236004,00.html | |
58. Idaho Human Rights Education Center :: Boise, Idaho The Idaho anne frank Human Rights Memorial is a worldclass educational park inspired by anne frank s faith in humanity. It was built to promote respect for http://www.idaho-humanrights.org/Memorial/memorial.html | |
59. Holocaust And Anne Frank Links This page was written for all you hard working English and history teachers out there who need information for your students on the Holocaust. http://www.coollessons.org/holocaust.htm | |
60. LE JOURNAL D'ANNE FRANK ........................................................ This website requires the Flash4 plugin by Macromedia. http://www.annefrankmovie.com/ | |
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