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         Fontane Theodor:     more books (100)
  1. Classic German Literature: works of Freytag and Fontane in a single file with active table of contents by Gustav Freytag, Theodor Fontane, 2009-12-11
  2. Effi Briest (Penguin Classics) by Theodor Fontane, 2001-07-01
  3. Before the Storm (Oxford World's Classics) by Theodor Fontane, R. J. Hollingdale, 1985-06-27
  4. Short Novels and Other Writings: Theodor Fontane (The German Library ; V. 46) by Peter Demetz, Peter Gay, 1987-12-01
  5. A Man of Honor by Theodor Fontane, 1976-10
  6. Theodor Fontane: The Major Novels (Anglica Germanica Series 2) by Alan Bance, 2010-08-26
  7. Theodor Fontane: Literature and History in the Bismarck Reich by Gordon A. Craig, 1999-11-04
  8. Effi Briest (German Edition) by Theodor Fontane, 1999-06-01
  9. Bildergesprache: Zur Funktion von Kunst und Kultur in Theodor Fontanes L'adultera (German Edition) by Winfried Jung, 1991
  10. Summer in London by Theodor Fontane, 2006-12-11
  11. Irrungen, Wirrungen. Mit Materialien. (Lernmaterialien) by Theodor Fontane, Michael Fuchs, et all 1999-12-01
  12. Delusions, Confusions, and the Poggenpuhl Family: Theodor Fontane (German Library) by Peter Demetz, J.P. Stern, et all 1989-12-01
  13. Theodor Fontane: An Introduction to the Man and His Work by Alan R. Robinson, 1976-12
  14. Oftmals auch auf rauhen Pfaden: Das leben des Theodor Fontane (German Edition) by Gerd Mesenhol, 1994

1. Theodor Fontane - Wikipedia
Translate this page Theodor Fontane lebte bis zum 7. Lebensjahr in Neuruppin. Sein Vater veräußerte das in der Mitte der Stadt gelegene Apotheken-Geschäft wegen seiner
Theodor Fontane
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Theodor Fontane, 1890. Foto von Julius Schaarw¤chter Heinrich Theodor Fontane 30. Dezember in Neuruppin 20. September in Berlin ) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller und approbierter Apotheker. Er gilt als bedeutendster deutscher Vertreter des poetischen Realismus

2. Theodor Fontane --  Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Britannica online encyclopedia article on Theodor Fontane writer who is considered the first master of modern realistic fiction in Germany.
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Theodor Fontane
Page 1 of 1 born Dec. 30, 1819, Neuruppin, Brandenburg
died Sept. 20, 1898, Berlin writer who is considered the first master of modern realistic fiction in Germany. He began his literary career in 1848 as a journalist, serving for several years in England as correspondent for two Prussian newspapers. From this position he wrote several books on English life, including Ein Sommer in London Fontane, Theodor... (75 of 334 words) To read the full article, activate your FREE Trial Commonly Asked Questions About Theodor Fontane Close Enable free complete viewings of Britannica premium articles when linked from your website or blog-post.

3. Theodor Fontane - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Theodor Fontane (IPA f n ta n ; December 30, 1819 – September 20, 1898) was a German novelist and poet, regarded by many to be the most important
Theodor Fontane
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Born 30 December
Died 20 September

Theodor Fontane IPA [fɔnˈtaːnə] December 30 September 20 ) was a German novelist and poet , regarded by many to be the most important 19th-century German-language realist writer.
edit Youth
Fontane was born in Neuruppin into a Huguenot family. At the age of sixteen he was apprenticed to an apothecary , his father's profession, subsequently becoming an apothecary himself, and in , at the age of 20, wrote his first work ( Heinrichs IV. erste Liebe , now lost). His further education was in Leipzig where he came into contact with the progressives of the Vorm¤rz . Fontane's first published work, the novella Geschwisterliebe (or "Sibling Love"), appeared in the Berlin Figaro in December 1839. His biographer Gordon A. Craig in Theodor Fontane: Literature and History in the Bismarck Reich (Oxford University Press, 1999) observes that this work gave few indications of his promise as a gifted writer: "Although the theme of incest, which was to occupy Fontane on later occasions, is touched upon here, the mawkishness of the tale... is equaled by the lameness of its plot and the inertness of the style in which it is told, and [the characters] Cl¤rchen and her brother are both so colorless that no one could have guessed that their creator had a future as a writer." His first job as apothecary was in Dresden after which he returned to his father's shop, now in the provincial town of

4. Theodor Fontane | Xlibris
Translate this page Zitate, Biographie, Interpretationen, Kurzinhalte, Bibliographie zu den Werken von Theodor Fontane.
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    Theodor Fontane
    Einem so herrlichen Mann und hohen Kunstgenossen wie Fontane wird man nicht durch 'einige freundliche Zeilen' gerecht. Wilhelm Raabe. »'Ich weiŸ nicht – ich kann seine Romane nicht mehr lesen!' sagt mir der oder jener, den ich nach ihm frage. Wir wollen uns nichts vormachen: sie sind ein wenig verblaŸt und verstaubt – diese umst¤ndlich sorgsame Art, Dinge zu erz¤hlen, die uns nicht halbwegs so wichtig erscheinen wie einstmals ihm, diese r¼hrend einfach verschlungenen Probleme, die wir nicht etwa ¼berwunden haben (das gibt es gar nicht), sondern die er nicht so tief, so menschlich ersch¼tternd empfunden hat, daŸ sie uns heute noch fest packen. Seine Tragik ist nicht die unsere [...]« Kurt Tucholsky: »Der alte Fontane. Zum hundertsten Geburtstag«. In: 'Berliner Tagblatt' vom 25. Dezember 1919

5. Fontane Theodor « Lizzy’s Literary Life
Archive for the ‘fontane theodor’ Category. Effi Briest Theodor Fontane. Posted in fontane theodor, foreign fiction, german literature on June 24,
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Effi Briest - Theodor Fontane Posted in fontane theodor foreign fiction german literature Welcome to the finest German novel of the 19th Century. In 1919 Thomas Mann said that if one had to reduce one’s library to six novels, Effi Briest would have to be one of them. 

6. Theodor Fontane - Britannica Concise
Search for Theodor Fontane at Encyclopædia Britannica Online for all this plus dictionary definitions, magazine articles, and more.
Fontane, Theodor
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Theodor Fontane
born Dec. 30, 1819, Neuruppin, Brandenburg
died Sept. 20, 1898, Berlin
German writer. He began his career as a journalist and wrote books based on his travels before turning to the novel late in life. Before the Storm (1878) is considered a masterpiece of historical fiction. Effi Briest (1895), known for its superb characterizations and skillful portrayal of his native Brandenburg, is one of his several sympathetic treatments of women in circumscribed domestic lives. He is considered the first master of modern German realism document.writeln(AAMB2); More on "Theodor Fontane" from the 32 Volume Fontane, Theodor - writer who is considered the first master of modern realistic fiction in Germany. German literature - While some German novelists, for example Gustav Freytag in his novel about North German merchants, Soll und Haben (1855; Debit and Credit), did heed the economic circumstances of social development, German realism was not greatly concerned with this central theme of European realism. The novels of Theodor Fontane, however, owe much to Sir Walter Scott's extensive use of conversation as a way of ... Strachwitz, Moritz (Karl Wilhelm Anton), Graf von

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What else do readers of Theodor Fontane read? Theodor fontane theodor Storm Alexandre Pushkin Pearl S. Buck Steffi Von Wolff Lessing Boleslaw Prus fontane.html
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8. Fontane Theodor — Blogs, Pictures, And More On WordPress
Effi Briest Theodor Fontane. Welcome to the finest German novel of the 19th Effi Briest - Theodor Fontane. lizzysiddal wrote 6 months ago Welcome to
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Effi Briest - Theodor Fontane
Welcome to the finest German novel of the 19th Century. In 1919 Thomas Mann said that if one had to reduce one’s library to six novels, Effi Briest would have to be one of them.  This was my fourth Lizzy's Literary Life
Effi Briest - Theodor Fontane
lizzysiddal wrote 7 months ago : Welcome to the finest German novel of the 19th Century. In 1919 Thomas Mann said that if one had to Tags: foreign fiction german literature
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Unterm Birnbaum; fontane theodor. Offered by in t Profijtelijk Boeksken.
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Leipzig, 100 pp., hard cover, 12 x 18 cm, Eine Novelle, Insel-Bücherei nr.206, Omslag wat verkleurd / Cover discoloured Goed / Good / Bien / Gut.
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11. Theodor Fontane - Wikipedia
Translate this page Theodor Fontane (Neuruppin, 30 december 1819 — Berlijn, 20 september 1898) was een Duits schrijver van balladen, romans en recensies, op de overgang van het
Theodor Fontane
Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie
Ga naar: navigatie zoeken Theodor Fontane Theodor Fontane Neuruppin 30 december Berlijn 20 september ) was een Duits schrijver van balladen romans en recensies , op de overgang van het realisme naar het naturalisme
bewerk Leven
Fontanes ouders waren hugenoten , die vanuit Zuid-Frankrijk waren overgekomen en in Neuruppin een apotheek hadden geopend. Daar, en eveneens in Swinem¼nde , bracht Fontane zijn jeugd door. Hij be«indigde de school vroegtijdig om in Leipzig en later Berlijn als apothekersleerling te werken. In Berlijn kwam hij in 1842 met Georg Herwegh in contact; zijn eerste gedichten waren ge¯nspireerd door de Vorm¤rz . Zijn eerste successen kwamen echter als lid van het collectief Tunnel ¼ber der Spree : de PreuŸenlieder waren ballades over verdienstelijke figuren. In 1850 huwde hij; hij maakte een aantal reizen naar Engeland . Zijn vroege gedichten waren in de stijl van Moritz von Strachwitz , en Fontane was in die tijd een enthousiast radicaal-democraat, die achter de liberale revolutie in 1848 stond. Hij verhuisde in 1855 voor vier jaar naar Engeland, waar hij als vrij journalist werkte (onder andere over de Krimoorlog berichtte hij).

EFFI BRIEST; fontane theodor. Offered by
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ISBN : 2070762130. Gallimard. 2004. In-8In-8 Carré. Broché. Bon état. Couv. convenable. Dos satisfaisant. Intérieur frais. 346 pages. ¶ L'Imaginaire. Trad. de l'all. par A. Coeuroy. Préface de J. Rovan.
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13. Theodor Fontane - Kostenloses Mp3-Hörbuch Bei
Translate this page Theodor fontane theodor Fontane (1819 - 1898). Fontane wurde am 30.12.1819 in Neuruppin geboren. Er stammte aus einer in Preußen heimisch gewordenen

Theodor Fontane (1819 - 1898)
Fontane wurde am 30.12.1819 in Neuruppin geboren. Er stammte aus einer in Preußen heimisch gewordenen Hugenottenfamilie. 1836-1840 Apothekerlehre in Berlin, bis 1859 als freier Mitarbeiter im Büro eines Ministeriums. Fontane lebte von 1855 - 1859 in England als Berichterstatter. Von 1860 bis 1870 arbeitete er als Redakteur, 1870-1889 als Theaterkritiker. 1876 Sekretär der Akademie der Künste Berlin und freier Schriftsteller. 1894 Dr. phil. h.c. Fontane starb am 20.9.1898 in Berlin. (Quelle: Projekt Gutenberg
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14. Theodor Fontane - LoveToKnow 1911
THEODOR FONTANE (18191898), German poet and novelist, was born at Neu-Ruppin on the 30th of December 1819. At the age of sixteen he was apprenticed to a
Theodor Fontane
From LoveToKnow 1911
THEODOR FONTANE (1819-1898), German poet and novelist, was born at Neu- Ruppin on the 30th of December 1819. At the age of sixteen he was apprenticed to a chemist, and after qualifying as an apothecary , he found employment in Leipzig and Dresden . In 1844 he travelled in England , and settling in Berlin devoted himself from 1849 to literature. He made repeated journeys to England, interesting himself in old English ballads , and as the firstfruits of his tours published Ein Sommer in London Aus England, Studien and Briefe (1860) and Jenseit des Tweed , Bilder and Briefe aus Schottland (1860). Fontane was particularly attached to the Mark of Brandenburg , in which his home lay; he was proud of its past achievements, and delighted in the growth of the capital city, Berlin. The fascination which the country of his birth had for him may be seen in his delightfully picturesque Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg (1862-1882, 4 vols.). He also described the wars of Prussia in Der schleswig -holsteinische Krieg im Jahre 1864 (1866) and Der deutsche Krieg von x866 (1869). He proceeded to the

15. Theodor Fontane
Translate this page Die fontane-Seite, mit Kurz- und ausführlicher Biographie, einer Aufstellung seiner Werke, vielen Zitaten und Fotos, sorgfältig recherchiert.

16. Theodor Fontane Collection At
fontane, theodor. All that is good, true, beautiful, and important in the German realistic novel comes from theodor fontane. —On fontane
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17. Berlin: The City As Body The City As Metaphor
fontane produced his best work after he became the drama critic for the liberal newspaper Vossische fontane, theodor Encyclopædia Britannica Online.


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Fontane, Theodor
General Info Works b. Dec. 30, 1819, Neuruppin, Brandenburg
d. Sept. 20, 1898, Berlin writer who is considered the first master of modern Realistic fiction in Germany. He began his literary career in 1848 as a journalist, serving for several years in England as correspondent for two Prussian newspapers. From this position he wrote several books on English life, including Ein Sommer in London (1854; "A Summer in London") and Jenseits des Tweed (1860; Across the Tweed: A Tour of Mid-Victorian Scotland). From 1860 to 1870 he wrote for the conservative newspaper Kreuzzeitung, and between 1862 and 1882 he published a four-volume account of his travels in the March of Brandenburg. He combined historical and anecdotal material with descriptions of the Prussian landscape and the seats of historic families. He also wrote popular ballads, Männer und Helden (1850; "Men and Heroes") and Balladen (1861; "Ballads"), stirring celebrations of heroic and dramatic events, some drawn from Prussian history. Fontane produced his best work after he became the drama critic for the liberal newspaper Vossische Zeitung and was freed from the earlier conservative restraint. Turning to the novel late in life, he wrote, at the age of 56

18. Theodor Fontane
fontane was particularly attached to the Mark of Brandenburg, in which his home lay; he was proud of its past achievements, and delighted in the growth of
This is a beta version of NNDB Search: All Names Living people Dead people Band Names Book Titles Movie Titles Full Text for Theodor Fontane Born: 30-Dec
Birthplace: Neuruppin, Brandenburg, Germany
Died: 20-Sep
Location of death: Berlin, Germany
Cause of death: unspecified
Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Occupation: Author Nationality: Germany
Executive summary: Before the Storm Military service: Prussian Army (1844-) German poet and novelist, was born at Brandenburg on the 30th of December 1819. At the age of sixteen he was apprenticed to a chemist, and after qualifying as an apothecary, he found employment in Leipzig and Dresden. In 1844 he travelled in England, in 1849 settling in Berlin and devoting himself to literature. He made repeated journeys to England, interesting himself in old English ballads, and as the first fruits of his tours published Ein Sommer in London (1854), and several other studies. Fontane was particularly attached to the Mark of Brandenburg, in which his home lay; he was proud of its past achievements, and delighted in the growth of the capital city, Berlin. The fascination which the country of his birth had for him may be seen in his delightfully picturesque Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg (1862-82), in four volumes. He also described the wars of Prussia in several journalistic works. He proceeded to the theatre of war in 1870, and, being taken prisoner at Vaucouleurs, remained three months in captivity. His experiences he narrates in

19. Theodor Fontane - Research And Read Books, Journals, Articles At
Research theodor fontane at the online library.

20. THEODOR FONTANE (1819-... - Online Information Article About THEODOR FONTANE (18
theodor fontane (1819 - Online Information article about theodor fontane (1819-
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Online Encyclopedia Originally appearing in Volume V10, Page 608 of the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica. Make a correction to this article. Add information or comments to this article.
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Spread the word: it! THEODOR See also: FONTANE See also: German poet and novelist, was See also: born at Neu- See also: Ruppin on the 3oth of See also: December 1819 . At the See also: age of sixteen he was apprenticed to a chemist, and after qualifying as an See also: apothecary , he found employment in See also: Leipzig and See also: Dresden . In 1844 he travelled in See also:

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