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Follett Ken: more books (100) | |||||||||||
61. Palm EBook Store Author Ken Follett Most people first heard of ken follett when he wrote Eye of the Needle (1978), a taut and original thriller with a memorable woman character in the central http://ebooks.palm.com/author/detail/5165 | |
62. "The Pillars Of The Earth" - Ken Follett On Flickr - Photo Sharing! I finished listening to ken follett s The Pillars of the Earth . This is the first book I listened to on my new Zen V Plus mp3 player. http://www.flickr.com/photos/sheenachi/1419769753/ | |
63. Oprah Picks Ken Follett's `The Pillars Of The Earth,' Matt Damon Is People's Sex Oprah Winfrey went for the big time Wednesday with her latest book club pick, choosing ken follett s 973page The Pillars of the Earth. http://blog.cleveland.com/entertainment/2007/11/afternoon_buzz_139.html | |
64. Literature-Map: Ken Follett What else do readers of ken follett read? What else do readers of ken follett read? The closer two writers are, the more likely someone will like both http://www.literature-map.com/ken follett.html | |
65. Follett, Ken | Charteous Sales Rank, Average 9 Latest 20 Change 0% (0). Topics Contemporary follett, ken Genre Fiction Historical Literature Fiction . http://charteo.us/taxonomy/term/8913 | |
66. Ken Follett Statue Unveiled In Vitoria ken follett statue unveiled in Vitoria Spanish news, news from Spain by thinkSPAIN.com. http://www.thinkspain.com/news-spain/14301/ken-follett-statue-unveiled-in-vitori | |
67. Eldersex And The City: Erica Jong's Book Party For Ken Follett There is something about being in novelist Erica Jong s apartment that makes a person feel a certain degree of mdash. http://gawker.com/news/eldersex-and-the-city/erica-jongs-book-party-for-ken-foll | |
68. Ken Follett â Www.greenwood.com ken follett had the purest of motives when he began writing fiction he did it for the money. But after Eye of the Needle catapulted him to...... http://www.greenwood.com/catalog/GR9415.aspx | |
69. Search Results - Borders - Books, Music And Movies ken follett. Paperback Available November 2007. list price $24.95 ken follett. Hardcover Available October 2007. list price $35.00 http://beta.bordersstores.com/online/store/SearchResults?type=1&contrib=Ken Foll |
70. Ken Follett — Blogs, Pictures, And More On WordPress The Pillars of the Earth (Deluxe Edition) (Oprahs Book Club) (Paperback) by ken follett (Author) With this book, follett risks all and comes out a clear http://wordpress.com/tag/ken-follett/ | |
71. The Salon Interview: Ken Follett - Salon.com Dec 2, 1998 Bestselling thriller author ken follett recently sat down to chat about his new book, Hammer of Eden. It s about a terrorist group that http://dir.salon.com/story/books/int/1998/12/02/cov_02intc/ | |
72. Fairfax County Public Library: Oprah Picks Ken Follett Oprah Winfrey has chosen ken follett s 1989 novel, The Pillars of the Earth, for her next book club selection. follett, who lives in Wales, considers the http://fairfaxcountypubliclibrary.blogspot.com/2007/11/oprah-picks-ken-follett.h | |
73. Debbiesidea.com: Ken Follett (1949 - ) ken follett was born in June 5, 1949 in Cardiff, Wales and lived there until the family moved to London ten years later. Barred from watching movies and http://debbiesidea.com/info/author/930/?PHPSESSID=378a62bd7c43c0102f4bc4237856c7 |
74. Audio Books On Cassette And CD - Audio Editions Audio Books On Tape And CD Jackdaws Cassettes Abridged Author ken follett Readers Barbara Rosenblat and Colin Stinton The ken follett Value Collection Cassettes Abridged http://www.audioeditions.com/showauthors.cfm?author_tex=Ken Follett |
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