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Fleming Ian: more books (101) | ||||||||||
61. IUB To Host First Ian Fleming Academic Symposium: IU News Room: Indiana Universi From May 29 to June 1, IUB will host the firstever academic symposium devoted to the author who introduced us to the legendary British super-spy, http://newsinfo.iu.edu/news/page/normal/948.html | |
62. Ian Fleming's Distinguished London LiteraryTraveler.com ian fleming has the distinction of having created one of the most popular and enduring literary characters in the worldthe suave and sophisticated British http://www.literarytraveler.com/authors/ian_fleming.aspx | |
63. Welcome To The Imperial War Museum London Home Page : For Your Eyes Only Ian Fle To celebrate the centenary of ian flemings birth, Imperial War Museum London is producing the first major exhibition devoted to the life and work of the http://london.iwm.org.uk/server/show/ConWebDoc.4910 | |
64. Ian Fleming James Bond will feature in a new novel, 40 years after ian flemings last portrayal of the British superspy, after deal between his creators estate and an http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/system/topicRoot/Ian_Fleming/ | |
65. Fleming, Ian Lancaster fleming, ian Lancaster. encyclopaedia header. Encyclopaedia Search. Click a letter for the index fleming, ian Lancaster. fleming, ian Click to enlarge http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0001332.html | |
66. Authenticate Signed Ian Fleming Books » Rod Collins How to identify genuine ian fleming signatures fully illustrated with an example of every first edition signed. http://www.rodcollins.com/wordpress/authenticate-signed-ian-fleming-books | |
67. Make Mine A 007...Casino Royale ian Lancaster fleming was born in London on May 28th, 1908 into a wealthy English family. According to biographer John Pearson, young ian loved oldstyle http://www.atomicmartinis.com/007/fleming.htm | |
68. Ian Fleming's Creation - James Bond Wiki Since the fictional James Bond s creation, hundreds of reports by various news outlets have suggested names for ian fleming s inspiration of Bond. http://www.jamesbondwiki.com/page/Ian Fleming's Creation | |
69. James Bond Stamps On Sale For Ian Fleming Anniversary - Original Entertainment: James Bond stamps are set to mark the anniversary of James Bond 007 creator, ian fleming, whose British superspy has become an icon of the last century. http://www.postchronicle.com/news/original/article_212123544.shtml | |
70. Fleming, Ian Books And Biography ian fleming, 1908 1964 ian fleming was born in 1908 in London, England. He attended Eton College and then the Royal Military College at Sandhurst. http://www.bestprices.com/cgi-bin/vlink/book_person?p_id=129055&id=nsession |
71. Ian Fleming - Authors - Random House ian fleming, best known for his James Bond novels, wrote only one childrens bookand it is a classic! Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is the name of the flying, http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=8857 |
72. Spymaker - The Secret Life Of Ian Fleming (1990) Spymaker The Secret Life of ian fleming An action-packed spy thriller about the man who created James Bond. ian fleming drew upon his own. http://movies.go.com/spymaker-the-secret-life-of-ian-fleming/d815195/action | |
73. First Edition Of Casino Royale, Inscribed By Ian Fleming First edition of Casino Royale, inscribed by ian fleming, offered by The Manhattan Rare Book Company. http://www.manhattanrarebooks-literature.com/fleming_casino_royale.htm | |
74. Ian Fleming (1908-1964) British Writer. (19081964) British writer. ian fleming was a British journalist, secret-service agent, and writer, who created James Bond. http://classiclit.about.com/od/flemingian/Fleming_Ian.htm | |
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