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21. Firbank Ronald Books On World Of Books China Translate this page Ronald Firbank on 95bellstreet.com Ronald Firbank on Abrabks.net Ronald Firbank on Allbooks.tv Ronald Firbank on Amwellbookcompany.co.uk http://www.worldofbooks.cn/ap_firbank_ronald.html | |
22. Firbank Ronald Books On The Glass Key Green cloth boards stamped in gilt on the spine. Cloth a bit grubby else Very Good without dustwrapper. http://www.theglasskey.co.uk/ap_firbank_ronald.html | |
23. Talk:Morphix - Knoppix Documentation Wiki pattichiari it (http//ofdays.isuisse.com/library/wwwpattichiari/) firbank ronald (http//ohsoemo22a.ibelgique.com/library/firbank-ronald.htm) jujjj http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Talk:Morphix | |
24. Ronald Firbank - Trailer - Showtimes - Cast - Movies - New York Times A biography and related information about Ronald Firbank. http://movies.nytimes.com/person/778489/Ronald-Firbank | |
25. Glbtq >> Literature >> Firbank, Ronald ronald firbank s witty, campy novels mock the dominant homophobic, materialistic culture of early twentiethcentury England. http://www.glbtq.com/literature/firbank_r.html | |
26. A Biography Of Ronald Firbank By J Brooke A biography of ronald firbank by Jocelyn Brooke. ronald firbank (18861926). by Jocelyn Brooke. Contents. I. History. II. Style. III. Novels http://www.ourcivilisation.com/smartboard/shop/brookej/firbank/index.htm | |
27. Ronald Firbank www.sbu.ac.uk/~stafflag/ronaldfirbank.html Similar pages Knitting Circle ronald firbankronald firbank left Cambridge in 1909 without completing a degree. A pencil drawing of ronald firbank dated c1915 by Augustus John is in the National http://www.sbu.ac.uk/~stafflag/ronaldfirbank.html |
28. Firbank, Ronald.; THE NEW RYTHUM AND OTHER PIECES. firbank, ronald. THE NEW RYTHUM AND OTHER PIECES. London Duckworth (1962) First edition Cloth/boards, small quarto (5.5 x 9 inches), 135pp. 15 b/w plates. http://www.ilab.org/db/book1473_1627.html | |
29. Wessel And Lieberman Booksellers: The Princess Zoubaroff. By Firbank, Ronald. London Grant Richards, 1920. Last four pages are an integral catalogue of Other Books by ronald firbank .......Author firbank, ronald. http://www.wlbooks.com/cgi-bin/wlb455.cgi/30580 | |
30. Odette: A Fairy Tale For Weary People. : FIRBANK, (Ronald). A nice, bright copy. firbank s bibliographer, Miriam J. Benkovitz, notes two copies bound thus (with only stubs of the leaves on which the frontispiece and http://www.maggs.com/title/CL104725.asp | |
31. Dalkey Archive Press: Ronald Firbank Best known for his witty, ingenious novels, ronald firbank began his literary apprenticeship as a writer of short stories (or contes, as he called them), http://www.centerforbookculture.org/dalkey/backlist/firbank.html | |
32. Brgfirba Guide To The Ronald Firbank Collection Of Papers, 1896 is in English Berg Coll MSS firbank Guide to the ronald firbank collection of papers, 18961952 bulk (1905-1926) The Henry W. and Albert A. Berg...... http://www.nypl.org/research/manuscripts/berg/brgfirba.xml | |
33. ODETTE D'ANTREVERNES. - FIRBANK, RONALD, ODETTE D ANTREVERNES.; firbank, ronald,. Offered by Boston Book Company. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/bos/78772.shtml | |
34. Anecdotage.Com - Thousands Of True Funny Stories About Famous People. Anecdotes I love my hands, ronald firbank crooned, holding them out before him. firbank, ronald (18861926) British novelist noted for his flamboyant http://www.anecdotage.com/index.php?aid=6861 |
35. Het Grillige Leven Van Kardinaal Pirelli Gevolgd Door Valmouth. - FIRBANK, RONAL Het grillige leven van Kardinaal Pirelli gevolgd door Valmouth.; firbank, ronald KOMRIJ, GERRIT (VERTALING).. Offered by JOOT Just Out Of Time. http://www.antiqbook.nl/boox/joo/41400.shtml | |
36. Firbank, Ronald (Harper's Magazine) THINGS CONNECTED TO firbank, ronald. HUMAN BEINGS. Bowles, Paul. Buechner, Frederick. Burnett, WR (William Riley). Caldwell, Erskine. Cary, Joyce http://www.harpers.org/subjects/RonaldFirbank | |
37. Elysium Press: Catalog firbank, ronald, Sorrow in Sunlight, One of 1000 numbered copies. Endpapers by C. R. W. Nevinson. Alfonso Orosorio s copy with his penned, reverse signature http://www.elysiumpress.com/pages/catalog/ef.html | |
38. The Shy, Steely Ronald Firbank - TLS Highlights - Times Online Arthur Annesley ronald firbank was born at their Mayfair house in 1886; but the family moved to Chislehurst the following year, and the large house and http://tls.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,25338-2454703,00.html | |
39. Henry Sotheran Limited: Modern First Editions BENKOVITZ, Miriam J. A Bibliography of ronald firbank. A Defence of Fiction in the Form of a Critical Biography in Praise of ronald firbank. Macmillan. http://www.sotherans.co.uk/Books/Catalog.php?cat=mod07A |
40. Powell's Books - New Directions Paperbook #0614: 3 More Novels: Vainglory, Incli ISBN 9780811209755; Subtitle Vainglory, Inclinations, Caprice; Other firbank, ronald; Author firbank, ronald; Publisher New Directions Publishing http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780811209755 |
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