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Fielding Henry: more books (100) | |||||||||||||||
1. Henry Fielding - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Henry Fielding (April 22, 1707 October 8, 1754) was an English novelist and dramatist known for his rich earthy humour and satirical prowess, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Fielding | |
2. Henry Fielding Henry Fielding is regarded as one of the greatest artists among English novelists of the eighteenth century and was instrumental in the emergence of the http://www.ruthnestvold.com/fielding.htm | |
3. Literary Encyclopedia Henry Fielding Henry Fielding was born on 22 April 1707 in Glastonbury, Somerset, at Sharpham Park, the country house of his maternal and father, Sir Henry Gould, http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=1525 |
4. Henry Fielding Henry Fielding (17071754) Henry Fielding, the eldest of seven children, was born on April 22, 1707, at Sharpham Park, in Somerset, England. http://www.thedorsetpage.com/people/Henry_Fielding.htm | |
5. Henry Fielding Henry Fielding influenced the main tradition of the English novel through the eighteenth century (e.g., Smollett) and the nineteenth century (e.g., http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/novel_18c/fielding/index.html | |
6. Henry Fielding Henry Fielding s mother was Sarah Gould, daughter of Sir Henry Gould, a judge of the king s bench. It is probable that the marriage was not approved by her http://www.nndb.com/people/982/000084730/ | |
7. Henry Fielding -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on Henry Fielding novelist and playwright, who, with Samuel Richardson, is considered a founder of the English novel http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9034210/Henry-Fielding | |
8. Henry Fielding Henry Fielding. Biography List of Works Full Text Index Library of Congress citations. http://quixote.mse.jhu.edu/fielding.html | |
9. Henry Fielding - Wikiquote Henry Fielding (April 22, 1707 October 8, 1754) was an English novelist and dramatist known for his rich earthy humor and satirical prowess and as the http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Henry_Fielding | |
10. Henry Fielding Quotes - LitQuotes We hope you enjoy Henry Fielding Quotes from LitQuotes! To share Henry Fielding quotes with a friend click on the yellow envelope to the right of the quote. http://www.litquotes.com/quote_author_resp.php?AName=Henry Fielding |
11. Henry Fielding - Wikipedia Translate this page Henry Fielding (Sharpham, 8 aprile 1707 Lisbona, 8 ottobre 1754) è stato uno scrittore, drammaturgo e giornalista inglese, noto soprattutto come autore http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Fielding | |
12. Henry Fielding Henry Fielding(17071754) was playwright, journalist, reforming magistrate, and the inventor of the comic novel in English. Out of Fieldings practice of http://repositories.cdlib.org/ucsbenglish/HenryFieldingEncyclopediaArticle/ | |
13. FileRoom.org - British Playwright Henry Fielding British playwright Henry fielding henry Fielding Fielding wrote many controversial plays that offended the British nobles and royalty. His play. http://www.thefileroom.org/documents/dyn/DisplayCase.cfm/id/890 |
14. Henry Fielding | Books At MySimon Save money! We have Books comparison shopping information at mySimon. Compare prices and narrow the selection to items that have Henry Fielding at mySimon. http://www.mysimon.com/9000-11122_8-0.html?sdcq=dnatrs-19600_media_henry_fieldin |
15. Henry Fielding Brief biography of fielding with list of selected works. http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/hfieldin.htm | |
16. Henry Fielding - Free Online Library Free Online Library books by henry fielding best known authors and titles are available on the Free Online Library. http://fielding.thefreelibrary.com/ | |
17. Henry Fielding Collection At Bartleby.com henry fielding. 170754, English novelist and dramatist. Born of a distinguished family, he was educated at Eton and studied law at Leiden. http://www.bartleby.com/people/FieldingH.html | |
18. Henry Fielding An offthe-wall Incompetech British Authors entry for henry fielding. http://incompetech.com/authors/fielding/ | |
19. The San Antonio College LitWeb Henry Fielding Page Listing of major works and biographies from San Antonio College LitWeb. http://www.accd.edu/SAC/ENGLIsh/bailey/fielding.htm |
20. Fielding, Henry | Authors | Guardian Unlimited Books Critical Essays on henry fielding (ed Albert J Rivero) collects a broad swathe of modern scholarship and examines all the genres fielding worked in. http://books.guardian.co.uk/authors/author/0,,-67,00.html | |
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