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61. Gushue.net :: /books.php farmer, philip José To Your Scattered Bodies Go farmer, philip José - The Fabulous Riverboat farmer, philip José - The Book of philip José farmer http://gushue.net/books.php | |
62. Ook - Trout Fishin' It was in the philip José farmer section. I pulled it off the shelf and was stunned to have a long lost secret revealed. farmer was in fact the writer, http://ookworld.com/troutfishin.html | |
63. Philip José Farmer - Wikiquote philip José farmer (born 26 January 1918) is an American author, principally known for his science fiction and fantasy novels and short stories, http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Philip_José_Farmer | |
64. Franz Rottensteiner- Playing Around With Creation: Philip José Farmer Writing in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction for March, 1961, Alfred Bester singled out philip José farmer as one of seven SF authors meriting http://www.depauw.edu/sfs/backissues/2/rottensteiner2art.htm | |
65. Review: To Your Scattered Bodies Go By Philip José Farmer farmer sucks all of the sense of wonder out of the idea in the first twenty pages and then uses the setting for an obnoxious, pointless, http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/reviews/books/scattered.html | |
66. The Fix | The City Beyond Play By Philip José Farmer And Danny Adams Being the early labors of philip José farmer and the later workings of his grandnephew, Danny Adams, novella The City Beyond Play is a pristine piece of http://thefix-online.com/reviews/city-beyond-play/ | |
67. SF REVIEWS.NET: The Maker Of Universes / Philip José Farmer While not exactly classics themselves, philip José farmer s World of Tiers series is a collection of highly energetic and enjoyable adventures in a classic http://www.sfreviews.net/makerofuniverses.html | |
68. Concat SF Collectors Core Checklist - Books farmer, philip José A Feast Unknown (1969); farmer, philip José Flesh philip José The Other Log of Phileas Fogg (1973); farmer, philip José http://www.concatenation.org/sfguidebooks.html | |
69. Mark/Space: Anachron City: Library: Authors: Philip José Farmer A bibiliography with links to related literary indices. http://www.euro.net/mark-space/PhilipJoseFarmer.html | |
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