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Ellis Bret Easton: more books (100) | ||||||||||||
41. Fiction - Lunar Park - So we are told by bret easton ellis, the main character in Lunar Park. The story begins with a recollection of elliss life so far his troubled http://www.britishbookshop.at/shop/prod_summary.asp?id=4521&cat=329&ucat=332 |
42. LRB · Adam Phillips: Remember Me bret easton ellis has always been interested in the ways in which people dont pay attention, and in the cost of attention when it is paid. http://www.lrb.co.uk/v27/n23/phil01_.html | |
43. Lunar Park / Ellis, Bret Easton Test Und Preisvergleich Lunar Park / ellis, bret easton ab EUR 9,30 (18.01.08) im Ciao Preisvergleich. Lesen Sie 2 Testberichte und machen Sie ein Schnäppchen. http://www.ciao.de/Lunar_Park_Ellis_Bret_Easton__2110952 | |
44. A Star Of 1980s Fiction Tries For A Comeback | Csmonitor.com In its last pages, bret easton ellis s latest novel shows him at his best. But some of the rest may horrify. http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0823/p14s01-bogn.html | |
45. Ellis_Bret_Easton_ca bret easton ellis was born in Los Angeles, California on March 7, 1964. bret easton ellis, born and raised in Los Angeles, mentions numerous places and http://www.ncteamericancollection.org/litmap/ellis_bret_easton_ca.htm | |
46. Bret Easton Ellis Biography bret easton ellis s novels to date explore the apathy, boredom, and alienation of the brat pack or blank generation of affluent white youth in the http://biography.jrank.org/pages/4296/Ellis-Bret-Easton.html | |
47. Bret Easton Ellis Mellows Out - Minnesota Daily bret easton ellis characters dominate and outlive the novels that introduce them. American Psycho s Patrick Bateman inspired fan Web sites, http://www.mndaily.com/articles/2005/09/08/65003 | |
48. American Psycho: L'ipnoticità Del Disgusto - CineFile.biz Translate this page Analisi critica del romanzo American Psycho, di bret easton ellis. A cura di Alberto Cassani. http://www.cinefile.biz/ellis.htm | |
49. Ellis, Bret Easton (Harper's Magazine) ellis, bret easton. SUBJECT OF, 1 Article from 1995. CONNECTIONS. HAS BORN DATE, 1964 bretmania. The next generation. by Janine Wilkins http://www.harpers.org/subjects/BretEastonEllis | |
50. State Library Of Tasmania : Ellis, Bret Easton ellis, bret easton. Holmes, Andrew Sleb. McDonell, Nick - Twelve. Zeh, Juli - Eagles and angels. Return to author A-Z Search TALIS catalogue http://www.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/whatdo/reading/readalike/e/ellisb | |
51. Bret Easton Ellis Criticism Brett easton ellis has been called the voice of a new generation by some critics, and accused by others as being superficial. http://www.enotes.com/contemporary-literary-criticism/ellis-bret-easton | |
52. Ellis, Bret Easton - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Ellis, Bret Easton Hutchinson encyclopedia article about ellis, bret easton. ellis, bret easton. Information about ellis, bret easton in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Ellis, Bret Easton | |
53. Debris: American Psycho : A Novel Af Bret Easton Ellis | LibraryThing Alt om Debris American psycho a novel af bret easton ellis. LibraryThing fungerer som et bogkatalog og socialt netværk for bogelskere. http://dk.librarything.com/work/7135/debris/ | |
54. Bret Easton Ellis' 'The Informers' Getting Adapted - Cinematical But while I wait for Avary to stop writing bad Silent Hill films, I will have to get hyped up for another bret easton ellis adaptation The Informers. http://feeds.cinematical.com/~r/weblogsinc/cinematical/~3/115924398/ | |
55. The Pen Is Mightier: Bret Easton Ellisâ American PsychoâRachel Romá In the book, author bret easton ellis uses highly offensive terms, such as nigger and faggot, juxtaposed with scenes of graphic violence to portray a http://web.goddard.edu/pitkin/2007_spring/ThePenIsMightier.htm | |
56. Bret Easton Ellis' Inspired New Novel. - By Meghan O'Rourke - Slate Magazine Reserve me a spot in what looks to be a small party I really like Lunar Park, the tricky new novel by bret easton ellis. In this I seem to be nearly alone. http://www.slate.com/id/2124806 | |
57. SwissEduc: Ellis, Bret Easton: *1964 information on bret easton ellis and his books suitable for class reading, teaching information, teachers\ and students\ comments, http://www.swisseduc.ch/english/readinglist/ellis_breteaston/ | |
58. Books & Authors - 99.02.10 When bret easton ellis writes a book, the literary event can be subsumed . The persona, the bret easton ellis persona, plays a big part in the reviews. http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/bookauth/ba990210.htm | |
59. I American Psycho /I More Than It Seems - The Tech bret easton ellis has his talents as a writer, there can be little doubt. He has an ear for dialogue, a flair for the unusual, and a scathingly sarcastic http://www-tech.mit.edu/V111/N18/jackso.18o.html | |
60. Bret Easton Ellis: A Who2 Profile Novelist bret easton ellis rocketed to fame with his first book, 1985 s Less Than Zero, published while ellis was a student at Vermont s Bennington College. http://www.who2.com/breteastonellis.html | |
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