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21. A Bret Easton Ellis Celeblog | Not An Exit Daily weblog focused on news about bret easton ellis, his novels, and their adapted films. http://notanexit.net/ | |
22. Salon Books | Great American Novelist Jonathan Keats declares bret easton ellis, author of Less Than Zero, American Psycho, and Glamorama, a Great American Novelist. http://www.salon.com/books/feature/1999/01/cov_22feature.html | |
23. Bret Easton Ellis By Robert Birnbaum - The Morning News elliss latest effort, Lunar Park, details the efforts of a writer named bret easton ellis to access a normal life (marriage, house in the suburbs, http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/birnbaum_v/bret_easton_ellis.php | |
24. BBC - Collective - Bret Easton Ellis Interview bret easton ellis is a phenomenon. Whether you want to kiss him or stab him with a knife a serrated 12inch Swiss Army is recommended - there is no http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/collective/A6127427 | |
25. Bret Easton Ellis On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online There are 112 conversations about bret easton ellis s books. Member ratings Disambiguation notice. Users with books by bret easton ellis http://www.librarything.com/author/ellisbreteaston | |
26. CTheory.net The fiction of bret easton ellis needs to be approached from two angles .. 38 bret easton ellis in Contemporary Literary Criticism Yearbook 1985, Vol. http://www.ctheory.net/articles.aspx?id=346 |
27. Bret Easton Ellis News - The New York Times News about bret easton ellis. Commentary and archival information about bret easton ellis from The New York Times. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/e/bret_easton_ellis/i | |
28. Less Than A Hero - TIME bret easton ellis keeps getting up to go to the bathroom. He gets up three times during the course of a twohour lunch. And he s kind of sniffly tookeeps http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1093714,00.html | |
29. Literature-Map: Bret Easton Ellis What else do readers of bret easton ellis read? bret easton ellis. What else do readers of bret easton ellis read? http://www.literature-map.com/bret easton ellis.html | |
30. Bret Easton Ellis | BretEastonEllis.com | 2008 bret easton ellis breteastonellis.com 2008 (?) please send all questions, comments and requests to info @ breteastonellis.com. http://www.breteastonellis.com/ | |
31. "This Is Not An Exit" - The American Psycho Page - Discussions On The Movie And bret easton ellis himself will be writing diary entries from Patrick in the year 2000, and emailing them out! I think this is definitely worth checking out. http://www.briankotek.com/psycho/frame.html |
32. Glbtq >> Literature >> Ellis, Bret Easton Perhaps the most accomplished of the Generation X writers, bret easton ellis creates works distinguished by transgressive themes, a fascination with http://www.glbtq.com/literature/ellis_be.html | |
33. AMERICAN PSYCHODRAMA | American Psycho | Book News | Books | Entertainment Weekl American Psycho, bret easton ellis controversial new novel about a yuppie serial murderer, refuses to die. Earlier this month, Simon Schuster CEO Dick http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,318714,00.html | |
34. NEWSMEAT ▷ Bret Easton Ellis's Federal Campaign Contribution Report Receive an alert every time new records are added to bret easton ellis s report. Your Email. Data for this NEWSMEAT report provided by the Federal Election http://www.newsmeat.com/celebrity_political_donations/Bret_Easton_Ellis.php | |
35. The Attractions Of Bret Easton Ellis: Author Of 'American Psycho' And 'Less Than You really wouldn t expect bret easton ellis to say anything other than that, seeing that he s calling at the behest of Lion s Gate, the small but http://www.metroweekly.com/feature/?ak=126 |
36. Bret Easton Ellis: The Man In The Mirror - New York Times What is fact and what is fiction in his new novel about an author of some repute named bret easton ellis? Don t ask him to sort it out. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/07/arts/07wyat.html | |
37. Kultureflash ::: Artworker Of The Week ::: Bret Easton Ellis As bret easton ellis knows, the danger of being precocious is to never mature. Starting with Less Than Zero, a glittering and grotesque odyssey of hedonism http://www.kultureflash.net/archive/139/priview.html | |
38. Ellis, Bret Easton - MP3 Music Downloads At EMusic Home » Audiobooks » ellis, bret easton Narrated by. James Van Der Beek. bret easton ellis Contemporary Fiction Fiction Literature Horror http://www.emusic.com/audiobooks/author/Bret-Easton-Ellis-MP3-Download/11826736. | |
39. Bookmunch - Online Book Reviews This was, after all, bret easton ellis. Author of Less than Zero, And Lunar Park features a domesticated bret easton ellis (a bret easton ellis that http://www.bookmunch.co.uk/view.php?id=1634 |
40. Ellis - Less Than Zero In 1985 twentyone-year-old bret easton ellis jolted the literary world with his first novel Less Than Zero. Readers and critics were both fascinated and http://www.univie.ac.at/Anglistik/easyrider/data/lesspage.htm | |
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