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Dobler Patricia: more detail | ||||||
21. UW Press - : Talking To Strangers, Patricia Dobler In her first book of poems, patricia dobler records her memories of the Ohio mill town where she grew up in the 1950s. but the poems range over time and the http://www.wisc.edu/wisconsinpress/books/0951.htm | |
22. Carlow University Press Releases First Winner of Carlow University s patricia dobler Poetry Award Named The patricia dobler Poetry Award contest is open to any woman writer over the age http://www2.carlow.edu/news/pressreleases/prdetails.cfm?recordID=170 |
23. ~ B W R ~ Index Of Authors dobler, patricia, The Mill in Winter, 12.1, 61. Dobson, Rachel, Five Illustrations, 14.1; Illustrations, 14.2; Mandorla Series, 27.1, 3947. http://www.webdelsol.com/bwr/archives_index.html | |
24. BiblioVault dobler, patricia. Talking to strangers. Dobrenko, E. A.. Soviet culture and power a history in documents, 19171953. Dobrenko, Evgeny http://www.bibliovault.org/BV.browse_author.epl?SortChar=D |
25. TPQ OnLine - Patricia Dobler Review patricia dobler, Collected Poems, Autumn House, 2005, ISBN 1932870-05-9. The new Collected Poems of Patrica dobler is hefty only in the number of striking http://tpqonline.org/pdobler.html | |
26. VQR » PATRICIA DOBLER The awardwinning 82-year-old national journal of literature and discussion. http://www.vqronline.org/author/2223/patricia-dobler/ |
27. Uxb Review - Patricia Dobler - Salem On Literature patricia doblers poems in UXB POEMS AND TRANSLATIONS are weapons in a brutal, tender search for the targetthe heart of conflicting emotions. http://www.enotes.com/uxb-patricia-dobler-salem/uxb | |
28. Digital Past : Search Results . 1. Dundee Township Library Brochure, 1962......Search results 2 item(s) for dobler, patricia. Image Title Subject http://www.digitalpast.org/cdm4/results.php?CISOOP1=all&CISOFIELD1=CISOSEARCHALL |
29. Patricia Dobler Biography And Quotes Sites Browse author quotations and bio literature sites. http://www.matchc.com/d_authors/Patricia_Dobler.html | |
30. Patricia Dobler Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris Alibris has new used books by patricia dobler, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Dobler, Patricia | |
31. SULAIR: AmLitStudies: Poetry Now dobler, patricia. FAMILY DREAM. 1pp. T.MS. DUEMER, Joseph. THE ANIMALS IN HER DREAM. 1pp. T.MS. Poet s label. DUEMER, Joseph. NOTE. 1pp. T.MS. Poet s label. http://library.stanford.edu/depts/hasrg/ablit/amerlit/poetrynow6.html | |
32. New Haven BULLETIN: Patricia Dobler Poetry Award Winner will receive patricia dobler Poetry Award, in the form of roundtrip travel and lodging as a participating guest of Carlows MFA residency in Carlow, http://nhbulletin.blogspot.com/2007/03/patricia-dobler-poetry-award.html | |
33. Patricia Dobler Hitchcocktermpapers.com - Alfred Hitchcock Term then suddenly showup in an offspring or sibling (Ellis, 1982). In 1967, a study was conducted using 863 Scandinavian men (Ellis, 1982). patricia Jacobs http://www.hitchcocktermpapers.com/term-papers/5/patricia-dobler.html | |
34. Opportunities For Artists The patricia dobler Poetry Award Entry deadline April 1, 2007. The winner will receive The patricia dobler Poetry Award, in the form of roundtrip http://www.artswyco.org/callForartists.html | |
35. Read About Arts, Literature, Authors, D, Dobler, Patricia From Thumbshots.net Free thumbnails for your website! Free Web thumbnail preview image. Visualize sites in directory, search engine. View visual screenshot picture link. http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Arts/Literature/Authors/D/Dobler,_Pa |
36. UXB: Poems And Translations - Patricia Dobler - Used Books UXB Poems and Translations by dobler, patricia. Pittsburgh, PA Mill Hunk Books, 1991. UXB Poems and Translations patricia dobler - Used Books. http://www.biblio.com/books/80690040.html | |
37. Information.org - Reference: Biography: D Djebar, Assia@ Djorbenadze, Victor@ Djorkaeff, Youri@ Doan, Shane@ Doane, Melanie@ Doane, Thomas@ Dobie, J. Frank@ dobler, patricia@ http://information.org/Reference/Biography/D | |
38. STRONY : Arts : Literature : Authors : D : Dobler, Patricia STRONY Arts Literature Authors D dobler, patricia. http://www.strony.netkam.com.pl/index.php?c=Arts/Literature/Authors/D/Dobler,_Pa |
39. 'Collected Poems (Autumn House Poetry) (Autumn House Poetry)' By Patricia Dobler Buy Collected Poems (Autumn House Poetry) (Autumn House Poetry) by patricia dobler (Books) for $19.95 American Poems. http://www.americanpoems.com/1932870059/Collected_Poems_Autumn_House_Poetry_Autu | |
40. Huff N Puff Forums :: View Topic - Patricia Dobler I just came across this forum while looking up something about my mother, patricia dobler, on the Internet. I don t know if those of you posting with her http://www.huff-n-puff.net/newforum/viewtopic.php?t=2683 |
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