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41. Erasmus Darwin House erasmus darwin was one of the greatest polymaths of the 18th C. It has been said that no one since has ever rivalled him for achievements in such a wide http://www.erasmusdarwin.org/historyfm.htm |
42. Erasmus Darwin, Chronology And Major Publications Note In order to follow the career of erasmus darwin, I found it necessary to tease a chronology out of the various biographies by Desmond KingHele. http://darwin.baruch.cuny.edu/biography/erasmus_darwin/ed_chronol.html | |
43. Rocky Road: Erasmus Darwin In his posthumously published Temple of Nature, erasmus darwin outlined not only his belief in evolution, but his belief that modern life arose from simple, http://www.strangescience.net/erasmus.htm | |
44. Zoonomia Or The Laws Of Organic Life - DARWIN, ERASMUS Zoonomia Or the Laws of Organic Life; darwin, erasmus. Offered by Books On The Boulevard. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/bou/30128.shtml | |
45. Neurology -- Sign In Page erasmus darwin was the founder of evolutionary biology, a renown poet, an inventor, and a general medical practitioner. erasmus darwin wrote specifically http://www.neurology.org/cgi/content/full/66/12/1913 | |
46. Short List Of Indexed Books(page 576) - EBooks Search Engine darwin, erasmus The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. darwin, erasmus, 1731-1802 - A plan for the conduct of female education, in boarding schools, http://www.ebdb.net/List.aspx?p=576 |
47. The Collected Letters Of Erasmus Darwin - Cambridge University Press ED, sometimes used as abbreviation for erasmus darwin, as in letter 481 erasmus darwin and the Romantic Poets, p.x, 93-6n2, 94-18n2 http://www.cambridge.org/us/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521821568&ss=ind |
48. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) : Works And Heritage, Online Corpus Textes en anglais darwin, erasmus, Zoonomia (extract). Créer son extrait avec MonPDF Author , erasmus darwin. Editeur , J.Johnson , London http://www.lamarck.cnrs.fr/ice/ice_book_detail.php?lang=en&type=text&bdd=lamarck |
49. The National Archives | National Register Of Archives | Person Details | Archive darwin, erasmus (17311802) Physician Botanist and Poet. GB/NNAF/P151285 (Former ISAAR Other reference, see D King-Hele, Letters of erasmus darwin 1981 http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/pidocs.asp?P=P7462 |
50. History And Chronology Of Erasmus Darwin In Great Britain History and chronology of erasmus darwin in Great Britain. http://www.datesofhistory.com/Darwin-Erasmus-Great-Britain.biog.html | |
51. Darwin's Intertextual Baby: Erasmus Darwin As Precursor In Child Psychology. Identifiers, darwin (Charles); darwin (erasmus); Mikhail Bakhtin. Record Type, Journal. Level, N/A. Institutions, N/A. Sponsors, N/A http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=EJ491685 |
52. Machine Project » Erasmus On Saturday, April 28th, please join us for erasmus, a musical about the life of erasmus darwin. Best known as the grandfather of Charles darwin, http://machineproject.com/2007/04/02/erasmus/ | |
53. The Life And Letters Of Charles Darwin, Volume II - Full Text Free Book (Part 11 Publishes the Life of erasmus darwin. Sits for memorial portraits. Receives various honours. Makes a present to the Naples Zoological Station. http://www.fullbooks.com/The-Life-and-Letters-of-Charles-Darwinx294011.html | |
54. Erasmus Darwin Barlow -- Cook 332 (7544): 798 Data Supplement - Longer Version - He was an enthusiastic founding member of the erasmus darwin Foundation at Lichfield (1994). He published several papers on physiology and psychological http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/332/7544/798-a/DC1 | |
55. Browse The English Poetry Database The temple of nature; or, the origin of society a poem, with philosophical notes. By erasmus darwin London Printed for J. Johnson by T. Bensley, 1803 http://dev.hil.unb.ca/Texts/EPD/UNB/d.html | |
56. Darwin, Erasmus: Biography And Much More From Answers.com erasmus darwin British physician (17311802) darwin was born at Elston. He studied medicine at the universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh, obtaining. http://www.answers.com/topic/erasmus-darwin | |
57. List Of Scientists By Field darwin, Charles Galton. darwin, Charles Galton. darwin, Charles Robert. darwin, Charles Robert. darwin, Charles Robert. darwin, erasmus. darwin, erasmus http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/d.html | |
58. Scientific Identity: Portraits From The Dibner Library Of The History Of Science Scientist, darwin, erasmus (1731 1802). Discipline(s), Medicine ; Botany ; Engineering. Print Artist, Moses Haughton. Medium, Engraving http://www.sil.si.edu/digitalcollections/hst/scientific-identity/CF/display_resu |
59. Evolution Quotes erasmus darwin (180481) Brother of Charles. In fact the a priori reasoning is so entirely satisfactory to me that if the facts wont fit in, http://bevets.com/equotesd2.htm | |
60. Janus: Darwin, Erasmus (1731-1802) Physician Botanist And Poet Ms.a/311, Additional Manuscripts a Typescript of Portraits of erasmus darwin by Milo Keynes darwin, erasmus (17311802) Physician Botanist and Poet http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/node.xsp?id=CV/Pers/Darwin, Erasmus (1731-1802) Ph |
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