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21. Cushman Karen - Landmark Bookstore Online - Fiction, Management India s Largest Bookstore Online, Management, bookstore in india, buy books online, bestseller books, discount bookstore, book review site, buying books http://landmark.rediff.com/bookshop/buyersearch.jsp?pvvrnbr=4261&lookfor=Cushman |
22. Cushman, Karen Web 2.0 Homepage Authors, AZ ( C ) Cushman, Karen Author cushman karen. Our price $ Sales rank 1407346. complete product information. http://teens.idoneos.com/index.php/Authors,_A-Z/(_C_)/Cushman,_Karen | |
23. CUSHMAN PAGE Provides a brief introduction to the author and her works. http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/~kvander/cushman.html | |
24. IPL Kidspace: The Author Page When she was younger, karen cushman wanted to be a librarian, karen cushman remembers reading anything she could get her hands on when she was growing http://www.ipl.org/div/askauthor/cushmanbio.html | |
25. Karen Cushman [Teacher Resource File] Biography, bibliography, lesson plans for karen cushman. http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/cushman.htm | |
26. Karen Cushman - Authors - Random House karen cushmans first book, Catherine, Called Birdy, was a Newbery Honor Winner and her second, The Midwifes Apprentice, was awarded the Newbery Medal. http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=6224 |
27. Kenneth Oppel Interview Includes profile, awards, and excerpts from an interview with Cheryl Bowlan. http://www.achuka.co.uk/special/cushman.htm | |
28. HarperCollins | Kids | Teachers' Guides | Karen Cushman Provides background information on the author as well as guides for teaching Catherine, Called Birdy; The Midwife s Apprentice; and The Ballad of Lucy http://www.harperchildrens.com/schoolhouse/TeachersGuides/cushmanindex.htm | |
29. Reading Is Fundamental | Reading Planet | Book Zone | Meet The Authors And Illus karen cushman is an awardwinning author with a passion for imagining what Note In the next year, karen cushman s new book, The Passion of Saint http://www.rif.org/readingplanet/bookzone/content/cushman.mspx | |
30. Karen Cushman - Lesson Plans & Study Guides For Novels, Including Midwife's Appr Ballad of Lucy Whipple Lesson Plans (by karen cushman) 6 Appalachian State Univ. Catherine Called Birdy Lesson Plan (by karen cushman) Middle SCORE http://litplans.com/authors/Karen_Cushman.html | |
31. Karen Cushman Scholastic.com karen cushman, author of Catherine, Called Birdy and The Midwife s Apprentice, loves to research. She began writing children s books in order to find out http://content.scholastic.com/browse/contributor.jsp?id=2454 |
32. CBC Magazine: Author-Editor Dialogues AuthorEditor Dialogues. karen cushman and Dinah Stevenson. karen I never really thought of myself as a particularly lucky person, but it was my great good http://www.cbcbooks.org/cbcmagazine/dialogues/karen-dinah.html | |
33. SCORE: Catherine Called Birdie--Teacher Guide A copy of Catherine, Called Birdy by karen cushman; A computer with Internet access Students will view a web site with an Interview with karen cushman. http://www.sdcoe.k12.ca.us/score/ccb/ccbtg.html | |
34. Karen Cushman @Web English Teacher Lesson plans and teaching resources for books by karen cushman. http://www.webenglishteacher.com/cushman.html | |
35. Karen Cushman, Matilda Bone karen cushman returns to the Middle Ages, the setting for her Newbery Honor book Catherine Called Birdy and her Newbery Awardwinning The Midwife s http://www.rambles.net/cushman_matildabone.html | |
36. The Midwife's Apprentice By Karen Cushman Catherine Called Birdy also by karen cushman is also set in the middle ages. This is our focus book article with activities, related books and links. http://www.carolhurst.com/titles/midwifesapprentice.html | |
37. Karen Cushman - Hicklebee's - Hicklebee's - Artsopolis.com Meet karen cushman, Newbery Winner and author of The Loud Silence of Francine Green, Catherine, Called Birdy, The Midwife s Apprentice, Matilda Bone, http://www.artsopolis.com/event/detail/17964 | |
38. Cushman, Karen -- Britannica Student Encyclopaedia cushman, karen (born 1941), US author. cushman burst onto the young adult fiction scene in the 1990s with several critically acclaimed historical novels http://student.britannica.com/ebi/article-9310902 | |
39. Sun And Shield: Two More Good Books By Karen Cushman I have previously posted on two books by karen cushman, Newbery winner, and Newbery Honor winner. I have been privileged to read two more of her young adult http://sunandshield.blogspot.com/2007/12/two-more-good-books-by-karen-cushman.ht | |
40. The Midwife's Apprentice By Karen Cushman The Midwife s Apprentice book cover, description, where to purchase, release history. http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/c/karen-cushman/midwife-s-apprentice.htm | |
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