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61. The Evaluation Exchange Community-Based Initiatives Issue: New And Noteworthy - Murphy, P. W., cunningham, J. V. (2003). Organizing for community controlled development Renewing civil society. Thousand Oaks, CA Sage. http://www.gse.harvard.edu/hfrp/eval/issue23/newfull.html | |
62. Wade Rathke: Book Club cunningham, J.V., Kotler, M. (1983). Building neighborhood organizations. Notre Dame, IN Notre Dame University Press. Delgado, G. (1986). http://www.chieforganizer.org/index.php?id=172 |
63. IAI -- Index By Author (Mar 1992; Volume 60, Number 3) J M Abstract PDF Cosme, J Abstract PDF Cox, D L Abstract PDF Crowley, P J Abstract PDF cunningham, J V Abstract PDF http://iai.asm.org/content/vol60/issue3/aindex.dtl | |
64. University Of Delaware: Archive Of Pagany Countee, 19031946 1927 Aug 19 TLS 1p Sep 8 TLS 2p 1928 Mar 2 TNS 1p Mills, Blanche Rogers 1927 Oct 25 TNS 1p F63 cunningham, J. V. (James Vincent), http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/findaids/pagany2.htm | |
65. Special Collections: Kentucky Poetry Project Collection Coxe, Louis Barred Owl ; cunningham, J.V. When Shall I be without Report ; Davenport, Mariana B. Suspended Moment ; Dehn, Paul Kaminos Rhodes http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/speccol/kypoetryproject.shtml | |
66. Jett W. Whitehead Rare Books cunningham, J.V. TRIVIAL, VULGAR, EXALTED EPIGRAMS. $50. 1st ed, limited, broadside. Printed in twocolor ink, 18.25 h. x 11.5 w. http://members.aol.com/poetryjett/Broadside.html | |
67. Essential Chaucer: General Prologue cunningham, J.V. The Literary Form of the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. Modern Philology 49 (1952)17281. Compares the techniques of description used http://colfa.utsa.edu/chaucer/ec28-1-8.html | |
68. The Book Collector - Alphabetical Index To Volume 23 (1974) cunningham, J.V., Bibliography of by Charles Gullans, 252. Dahlia Books, cat, 564 J. V. cunningham, 252. Hamer, Sidney Leamington Book Shop, 98 http://thebookcollector.co.uk/annualindices/bcindex1974.html | |
69. HistCite - Main: Russell, DG ANTAL JM; cunningham JV; GOODRUM KJ OPSONININDEPENDENT PHAGOCYTOSIS OF GROUP-B STREPTOCOCCI - ROLE OF COMPLEMENT RECEPTOR TYPE-3 http://www.garfield.library.upenn.edu/histcomp/russell-dg_w-citing/index-ncr-19. | |
70. Outpost 10F - Poetry Guild - "To My Wife" By J. V. Cunningham By James Vincent cunningham. And does the heart grow old? You know In the indiscriminate green Of summer or in earliest snow A landscape is another scene, http://guilds.outpost10f.com/~poetry/poetry/jvcunningham.html | |
71. Mary Anne McPherson Oliver: Conjugal Spirituality Or Radical Proximity cunningham, J.V. The Collected Poems and Epigrams. Chicago Swallow Press, 1971. Danby, Herbert. Keth, 5.6; Eliezer in The Mishnah. Oxford, 1933. http://www.spiritualitytoday.org/spir2day/91431oliver.html | |
72. Salem Press cunningham, J. V., 916 Cynewulf, 923 D *Dacey, Philip, 931 *Dana, Robert, 934 Daniel, Samuel, 938 D Annunzio, Gabriele, 945 Dante, 951 Darío, Rubén, 970 http://salempress.com/Store/samples/critical_survey_poetry/critical_survey_poetr | |
73. WHMC-Columbia--Open Places Collins, Martha; Cone, Alice; Cooley, Peter J. Cooper, Thomas A. Copeland, Ann; Cosens, Susan; CrockettSmith, D.L.; cunningham, J.V.; Dacey, Florence http://whmc.umsystem.edu/invent/3068.html | |
74. OU-COM Department Of Biomedical Sciences -- Kenneth Goodrum Antal, J.M., cunningham,J.V., and Goodrum, K.J. 1992. Opsoninindependent Phagocytosis of Group B Streptococci Role of Complement Receptor Type Three. http://www.oucom.ohiou.edu/dbms-goodrum/publications.htm | |
75. The Poems Of J.V. Cunningham:9780804009973:CUNNINGHAM J. V. :eCampus.com The Poems of JV Cunningham9780804009973CUNNINGHAM JV for $42.83 at eCampus.comSave 50 90% on new and used textbooks. http://www.ecampus.com/book/080400997X | |
76. INDEX I AUTHORS Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://ywes.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/XXXIII/1/295.pdf |
77. Subject Index Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_literary_scholarship/v2003/2003.1subject_i |
78. Neighboring And Its Role In Block Organizations An Exploratory Report Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://www.springerlink.com/index/M217068G07377817.pdf |
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