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1. Patricia Crossley (author) On AuthorsDen Discover and contact Patricia Crossley on AuthorsDen. Get the latest information on Patricia Crossley, bio, books, news, events, short stories, etc. http://www.authorsden.com/patriciacrossley | |
2. Crossley Patricia: Art And Artist Resources For C Links In The Literature Databa crossley patricia art / artists links C Authors, Literature directory. crossley patricia resources. http://www.artsmoz.com/resources/Literature/Authors/C/Crossley_Patricia/ | |
3. 545 Webb Co. TX - Births, 1945 Surnames Aamodt - Gartin 0202 1945 m BRUNI MARY PATRICIA ANITA GONZALEZ FRED MARTIN BRUNI 0727 1945 . 1019 1945 f crossley patricia ANN DOROTHY ALDAH BENDER FRANK ROBERT CROSSLEY http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/tx/webb/vitals/births/1945/webb0145.txt | |
4. Sumo FAQ - Reference Masumi Abe Ken Coller John crossley patricia L. Cuyler Yuzuru Hiraga Richard A. Magahiz Ramon Miquel Achim Pawelczyk George Piternick Shari CusterPoza http://www.scgroup.com/sumo/faq/faq9.html | |
5. Authors At Author Network Patricia crossley patricia lives in Victoria, B.C. Born and brought up in England, she has lived in six different countries and uses experiences from her http://www.author-network.com/authors.html | |
6. Jasmine Jade Enterprises - Patricia Crossley Patricia is married to her own romance hero, Rod. She just celebrated the joyful weddings of both her sons, Matthew and Paul, during the summer of 2005. http://www.jasminejade.com/m-198-patricia-crossley.aspx | |
7. DiskUs Author Patricia Crossley Patricia Crossley. After many years as a second language educator, Patricia is enjoying a new career as a writer in Victoria, BC where Saturday Night is http://www.diskuspublishing.com/patriciacrossley.html | |
8. NHI Review: Books Melanie, Coracle Books Coracle Books, John Cartmelcrossley patricia Prime. Paul Summers, Big Bella s Dirty Café, Dogeater, John Cartmel-Crossley http://www.geraldengland.co.uk/revs/bss.htm | |
9. Fictionwise EBooks: Patricia Crossley Patricia Crossley,Fictionwise Excellence in eBooks; Fictionwise is the world s leading independent eBook retailer. Thousands of eBooks by best selling http://www.fictionwise.com/eBooks/PatriciaCrossleyeBooks.htm | |
10. Patricia Crossley, Invitrogen Corporation, Carlsbad, CA In Spoke's Business Dire Patricia Crossley s business address and phone, bio, title, job history, colleagues, and other professional information listed in Spoke s business directory http://center.spoke.com/info/pANiTYG/PatriciaCrossley | |
11. EBook Author Patricia Crossley Patricia Crossley is a multipublished author who lives with her own romance hero in Victoria on Canada s Pacific Coast. An educator and transplanted Brit, http://www.mindlikewater.com/ebook_catalog/profiles/crossley.html | |
12. ParaNormalRomance: Patricia Crossley Patricia Crossley. After many years as a second language educator, Patricia is enjoying a new career as a writer in Victoria, BC She writes romance with a http://www.paranormalromance.org/reviews/author.php?id=1758 |
13. Slake Archive - Patricia Crossley Patricia Crossley. Current books in The Archive A Suitable Father September, 2000. Search for Book Author s Last Name. Do you want to add a link? http://www.slake.com/rnd/author.asp?aid=2342 |
14. Patricia Crossley PATRICIA CROSSLEY. Title, Year, Note. Dancing with the Devil, 2002, 2003 EPPIE Award. http://www.romance-novels.org/authors/patricia_crossley.htm | |
15. Welcomes You To Her Website And The Best Of Spicy Romance Reviews and extracts from patricia s books. From New Concepts Publishing A Suitable Father (September 2000), Journey s End ( November 2000). http://www.patriciacrossley.com/ | |
16. LET'S LEARN ASTROLOGY The First Astrology Workbook For Beginners - CROSSLEY, PAT crossley, patricia G LET S LEARN ASTROLOGY The First Astrology Workbook for Beginners American Federation of Astrologers, 1987 Revised edition. http://www.antiqbook.co.uk/boox/ma9/33546.shtml | |
17. SRBA - IWATRS REPORT patricia R PD ISSUED 8107048 ADDITIONAL CLAIMANT CROCKER, patricia R PD . patricia PD ISSUED 63-20701 ADDITIONAL CLAIMANT crossley, patricia WOOD PD http://www.srba.state.id.us/NAM088.HTM | |
18. Crossley, Patricia Birthdate - Astrology Natal Chart Of Crossley, Patricia crossley, patricia birthdate astrology natal chart of crossley, patricia. http://www.astrologyweekly.com/birthdate/index2.php?celeb=Crossley, Patricia |
19. Alexa - Sites In: Crossley, Patricia Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank. http://www.alexa.com/browse/general/?&CategoryID=538274&mode=general&Start=1&Sor |
20. Adhesive Dispensing Arrangement - Patent 7238849 crossley, patricia Ann (Apartment 28, 33 Ossiers Road, London, GB) Fitter, Johan Christiaan (Apeldoorn, NL) Wolfowitz, Brian Lester (Sandton, ZA) http://www.freepatentsonline.com/7238849.html | |
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