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41. Star Wars Novels crispin, A.C., Rebel Dawn (This series is not available in an accessible format.) Lucas, George Star Wars From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker A Novel http://dpi.state.wi.us/rll/wrlbph/starwars.html | |
42. Reading Room Star Wars crispin, A. C.. 2. The Hutt gambit CL, NW, PK, FL. crispin, A. C.. 3. Rebel dawn ALL. crispin, A. C.. Star Wars Hand of Thrawn. 1. Specter of the past CL, http://www.library.ci.corpus-christi.tx.us/readingroomstarwrsadult.htm | |
43. Rainy Day Paperback Exchange- Bethel, CT- Inventory: Science Fiction And Fantasy crispin, A.C., Eyes of the Beholders (13), 2.25, STNG. crispin, A.C., Sarek, 11.00, h. crispin, A.C., Time For Yesterday, 2.00, ST, 39 http://www.rainydaypaperback.com/files/inventory/inventoryscifiseries.html | |
44. Used, Rare And Out Of Print Books And Textbooks Are All Available Online At Grea Author crispin, A C Pinnacle Books January 1, 1984. List Price $2.92. Usually ships in 1 2 weeks. 8. Yesterday Son. Mass Market Paperback http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/usedbooks/getSearchResults?author=Crispin |
45. CUSFS Library Star Trek Catalogue ( 36) 10573 Dillard J M Star Trek Bloodthirst ( 37) 10672 Lorrah J Star Trek The I.D.I.C. Epidemic ( 38) 10544 crispin A C Star http://www.srcf.ucam.org/cusfs/cat-startrek.html | |
46. Pandora's Books Online, Over 200,000 Genre Fiction Titles crispin, A. C. The Hutt Gambit (Series Star Wars Han Solo Trilogy 2.) Bantam 0553-57416-7 1997, 1st thus. (Paperback) Very good. http://www.pandora.ca/catalog.php?cat_parent=0&cat_id=62&page=2 |
47. A.C. Crispin On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online LibraryThing catalogs yours books online, easily, quickly and for free. http://cz.librarything.com/author/crispinac | |
48. BiggerBooks.com â Discount Bookstore. Bestsellers, New Books, Used Books An Author(s) crispin, A.C.PITTU, DAVID. Edition Abridged. ISBN10 0553477463. ISBN13 9780553477467. Cover Audio Cassette. Copyright 11/01/1998 http://www.biggerbooks.com/book/9780553477467 | |
49. Blogger: User Profile: A. C. Crispin Blog Name, Team Members. View this Blog, At Last! Writer Beware Blogs! A.C. crispin and Victoria Strauss Reveal All! Richard White Victoria Strauss http://www.blogger.com/profile/03716665918125126579 | |
50. A. C. Crispin Ann crispin has been a fulltime author since 1983, and is now Vice President of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. http://www.starwarschicks.com/books/Books/authors/crispin.html | |
51. V (1983) (TV) - Literature crispin, A C and Deborah A. Marshall. VDeath Tide. Pinnacle Books Inc 207pp (New York), 1985, 0523424698 crispin, A C and Howard Weinstein. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085106/literature | |
52. List Shelf Mostrar Estilos A B C D E (editar) Todos Los Campos Shadow World (Starbridge, Book 3) A. C. crispin. crispin, A. C.. 1991, social data edit info http://www.librarything.es/catalog_bottom.php?view=tsaavik&offset=240 |
53. Abbey, Lynn Daughter Of The Bright Moon Paperback Abbey, Lynn The Michael Jurassic Park Paperback crispin, A. C. Time for Yesterday Paperback crispin, A. C. V Paperback crispin, A. C. Yesterday s son Paperback crispin, http://spectre.caltech.edu/oldwobsite/catalog/catalog |
54. AudioBook Rentals Audiobooks For Rent Audio Book New Books On Tape MP3 New Relea STAR TREKYESTERDAY S SON , A , 1 , crispin, A.C. , AUDIO DRAMATIZED , SCI ,90 . STAR WARSREBEL DAWN , B , 2 , crispin, A.C. , DAVID PITTU , SCI ,180 http://www.iloveaudiobooks.com/the_list_s_to_z.htm | |
55. The Ultimate Werewolf, Edited By Byron Preiss Charyn, Jerome, At War with the Wolf Man, 1991. Collins, Nancy A., Raymond, 1991. *. crispin, A. C., and Kathleen O Malley, Pure Silver, 1991. http://www.hycyber.com/HF/ultimate_werewolf.html | |
56. Film/TV Series - Multiple Authors 1997 Alien Resurrection crispin, A.C. (film novelisation) .. 2 1984 crispin, A.C. - East Coast crisis (with Howard Weinstein) http://www.gaslightbooks.com.au/4part/filmtv.html | |
57. Science Fiction Checklist C crispin, A.C. (Note that the Starbridge series continues in the collaborative listing that crispin, A.C. EMERSON, RU (Emerson also writes Fantasy.) http://www.dondammassa.com/ck_sfc.htm | |
58. The Other Change Of Hobbit Science Fiction & Fantasy Bookstore: July 1999 Releas Star Trek crispin, A. C. Yesterday s Son. $3.99. Paperback reprint 1983 paperback; erroneously claims to be a first printing. Star Trek 11 The Yesterday http://www.otherchangeofhobbit.com/9907.html | |
59. Sarek; A. C. Crispin, Title Information Sarek; A. C. crispin, Title Information. Please scroll down if necessary to Title, Sarek; A. C. crispin. Publication details, Simon Schuster, 1994 http://libsonline.walthamforest.gov.uk/02_Catalogue/02_005_TitleInformation.aspx |
60. If You Like crispin, A C Time For Yesterday, Levitin, Sonia The Cure, Weber, David Excaliber Alternative. crispin, A C Yesterday s Son, Lisson, Deborah http://www.anniston.lib.al.us/time travel.htm | |
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