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Crews Harry: more books (100) | ||||||||||
21. CREWS, Harry.; Florida Frenzy. crews, harry. Florida Frenzy. Gainesville, FL University Presses of Florida, 1982. Softbound (no hardbound issued). First edition. Signed by the author. http://www.ilab.org/db/book1387_SKB-257.html | |
22. The Desert List: Crews, Harry harry crews is probably the best author who Id never want to meet. The Knockout Artist and Scar Lover are, basically, traditional moral redemption stories. http://thedesertlist.blogspot.com/2007/07/crews-harry.html | |
23. Classic Crews: A Harry Crews Reader (ORIGINAL COVER) - CREWS, HARRY Classic crews A harry crews Reader (ORIGINAL COVER); crews, harry. Offered by 84 Charing Cross Road Books. http://www.antiqbook.co.uk/boox/84char/0507W886854.shtml | |
24. ALL WE NEED OF HELL. - CREWS, HARRY, ALL WE NEED OF HELL.; crews, harry,. Offered by Columbia Books ABAA/ILAB. http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/cou/67135.shtml | |
25. Clemson University Libraries Suggestion No harry crews in library should add a couple of his works. Response We have the following works by harry crews. crews, harry, 1935 Blood http://www.lib.clemson.edu/suggest/sugg0904.htm | |
26. Powell's Books - A Feast Of Snakes By Harry Crews From the acclaimed author of such novels as Blood and Grits and Childhood comes a wildly weird and breathtakingly original visit to the rural South that http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=61-0684842483-0 |
27. Harry Crews On LibraryThing | Catalog Your Books Online There are 24 conversations about harry crews s books. Member ratings. Average (3.98). 0.5 stars Disambiguation notice. Users with books by harry crews http://www.librarything.com/author/crewsharry | |
28. Harry (Eugene) Crews Biography A Grit s Triumph Essays on the Works of harry crews edited by David K. Jeffrey, Port Washington, New York, Associated Faculty Press, 1983; Getting Naked http://biography.jrank.org/pages/4242/Crews-Harry-Eugene.html | |
29. Browse Carroll, Carver, Castaneda, Cohen, Collins, Corso, Crace, Creeley, Crews, crews, harry. Florida Frenzy. Gainesville, FL University Presses of Florida, 1982. crews, harry. Where Does One Go When There s No Place Left to Go? http://www.sweetbooks.com/c.htm | |
30. ABAA Antiquarian Booksellers Association Of America crews, harry. A CHILDHOOD The Biography of a Place. harry crews is magnificently twisted and brutally funny. Carl Hiaasen. http://search.abaa.com/dbp2/catalogues.php?catnr=2237&membernr=1569 |
31. Project MUSE In the novels of harry crews, the symbols of an industrial societycars and junkyards, highways and wreckage, factories and their offalhave come to http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/southern_literary_journal/v034/34.1abernathy.html | |
32. Harry Crews, Aging Wild Man Of Southern Literature, Publishes Again, Quietly - N Mr. crews, who has a substantial cult following championing his macho portrayals of the South, released his first book in eight years with little fanfare. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/22/books/22crew.html?ex=1313899200&en=8b623af6dd6 |
33. WHMC-Columbia--American Audio Prose Library, 1981-1993 (C3851)--INVENTORY crews, harry, a.t. 050, 051, Interview, 10 Feb 82, Unedited crews, harry, a.c. 064, Reading, undated, Edited. crews, harry, a.c. 065, Interview, undated http://whmc.umsystem.edu/invent/3851.html | |
34. JSTOR Harry Crews S A Childhood A Resource For Teaching Sociology A Childhood The Biography of a Place by harry crews illustrates the intersection of biography and history. As an ethnography it grounds concepts of http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0092-055X(198207)9:4<452:HCCAR>2.0.CO;2-W |
35. Author crews, harry. PS 3553 R46 F5 1982 c.2. Forum. Ball State University Getting Naked with harry crews. crews, harry. PS 3553 R46 Z49 1999 http://buffalostate.edu/library/archives/collections/nuwer_books.html | |
36. BiggerBooks.com â Discount Bookstore. Bestsellers, New Books, Used Books An Author(s) crews, harry. ISBN10 0671744895. ISBN13 9780671744892 plot becomes very strained at points, Scar Lover will not disappoint crews s fans. http://www.biggerbooks.com/book/9780671744892 | |
37. Zazieweb.fr - Forums > Forum Nouveaux Sites > 'Crews, Harry' Translate this page zazieweb.fr - Forums Forum Nouveaux sites crews, harry http://www.zazieweb.fr/site/lire.php?num=86652&PHPSESSID=3a802e51bd99229d16f4ddb |
38. Water Row Books - Crews, Harry All Books / Titles By crews, harry. A Feast of Snakes. New York Atheneum 1976. Soft Cover. Published in 1976 by Atheneum, this is the third printing of this novel by harry crews http://www.waterrowbooks.com/author.php?author=Crews, Harry |
39. Quill & Brush - Crews, Harry. All Books / Titles By crews, harry. THE MULCHING OF AMERICA A Novel. New York Simon Schuster (1995). First edition. harry, not at his best, but still there is no one else http://www.qbbooks.com/author.php?author=Crews, Harry. |
40. Lamson Library » Perspectives On Harry Crews Meeting harry crews / Tim McLaurin; The Use of I, Lovely and Terrifying Word Autobiographical Authority and the Representation of Redneck Masculinity in http://www.plymouth.edu/library/read/182466 | |
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