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41. New Catholic Dictionary: Crashaw, Richard New Catholic Dictionary crashaw, richard. crashaw, richard. Poet; born London, England, c.1613; died Loreto, Italy, 1649. The son of a Puritan divine, http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/ncd02405.htm | |
42. Crashaw - Definition Of Crashaw At YourDictionary crashaw definition, words related to crashaw, proper usage and pronunciation of the word crashaw from crashaw, richard () 1613?49; Eng. religious poet http://www.yourdictionary.com/crashaw | |
43. Biography Of Crashaw, Richard Biographies of people living and dead of all nations. http://www.allbiographies.com/biography-RichardCrashaw-8464.html | |
44. Arts > Literature > Authors > C > Crashaw, Richard :: YFT :: Your Favorite Thing Find links and information about Arts, Literature, Authors, C, crashaw, richard, at your favorite things. http://yft.com/favorite-things/Arts/Literature/Authors/C/Crashaw,_Richard/ | |
45. CRASHAW, Richard ENCYCLOPEDIA crashaw, richard. ENCYCLOPEDIA richard III. ENCYCLOPEDIA richard I,. FIND MORE. richard M. Nixon defends secret political fund http://www.history.com/encyclopedia.do?articleId=206720 |
46. The Complete Poetry Of Richard Crashaw By Richard Crashaw (Used Alibris has The Complete Poetry of richard crashaw and other books by richard crashaw, including new used copies, rare, outof-print signed editions, http://www.alibris.com/search/books/qwork/1243616/used/The Complete Poetry of Ri | |
47. CRASHAW, Richard., Steps To The Temple. Sacred Poems, With Other Delights Of The 12mo., pp. 10, 138, 4, without A1 or G12 blanks; headlines on A4 slightly shaved, otherwise a very good copy in nineteenthcentury brown morocco neatly http://www.polybiblio.com/quaritch/E497.html | |
48. Music Collections - SJLibrary.org Pinkham, Daniel; crashaw, richard full entry. O Sing Unto God With the Harp (with Piano). Read,Ervin full entry. O Sing Unto the Lord (with Organ,with Piano http://www.sjlibrary.org/research/special/music_coll/index.htm?t=5&l=0&g=O |
49. The Poems, English, Latin And Greek, Of Richard Crashaw Specializing in rare books, outof-print books, used books, secondhand books, and other hard-to-find books. http://www.gusbooks.com/?page=shop/flypage&product_id=4109&CLSN_2380=11895723792 |
50. IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection There are no general critical sites about richard crashaw presently in the collection; Use these links to search for richard crashaw outside the IPL. http://www.ipl.org/div/litcrit/bin/litcrit.out.pl?au=cra-330 |
51. Princeton University Library Digital Collections: Browse Contributor crashaw, richard, 1613?1649. 347-352 Loves horoscope / richard crashaw. 13. p. 353 In limine thalami regii. Super Loure in ffranc. http://diglib.princeton.edu/xquery?_xq=getCollection&_xsl=collection&_pid=wilmot |
52. Richard Crashaw Find out more about richard crashaw from The History Channel s free online encyclopedia. http://www.thehistorychannel.co.uk/site/encyclopedia/article_show/Crashaw_Richar |
53. Richard Crashaw Quotes richard crashaw quotes,richard, crashaw, author, authors, writer, writers, people, famous people. http://thinkexist.com/quotes/richard_crashaw/ | |
54. English Poems. By Richard Edited By J. R. Tutin Crashaw : Riverrun Bookshop : by crashaw, richard edited by JR Tutin. Publisher Information JR Tutin 1900. two vols in one. 105 + 120 pp. teg. Edition First one of 500 copies http://www.riverrunbookshop.com/cgi-bin/rrbooks/10986 | |
55. Prose And Verse Criticism Of Poetry On Mr. G. Herbert s Book (richard crashaw). Hoggs, James. Extempore Effusion upon the Death of James Hogg (William Wordsworth). Homer http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/display_rpo/indexcriticism.cfm | |
56. Mysticism In English Literature By Caroline F. E. Spurgeon - Full Text Free Book crashaw, richard influence of; _St Teresa_ Descartes _Deonise Hid Divinite_ Dionysius the Areopagite, _Mystical Theology_ Donne, John _Ecstasy_; http://www.fullbooks.com/Mysticism-in-English-Literature3.html | |
57. Penchenatelier Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844 1889). Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749 - 1832). Blake, William (1757 - 1827). crashaw, richard (1613 - 1649) http://www.penchenatelier.de/en-kirche.htm | |
58. Richard Crashaw: "In The Nativity Of Our Lord God" richard crashaw (161349). In The Holy Nativity of Our Lord God A Hymn Sung as by Shepherds. CHORUS Come we shepherds, whose blest sight http://shakespeareauthorship.com/xmas/crashaw.html | |
59. 17th Century : Authors A-Z Page 1, British,Poetry,17th Century, British, 17th Ce crashaw, richard Crompton, Hugh Cutts, Lord D Anvers, Alicia D urfey, Thomas Dancer, John Daniel, George Daniel, Samuel Davenant, Sir William http://www.17thcenturynet.net/17.authors.a.z.page.1.shtml | |
60. WarriorLINK Warren, Austin, 1899. Search Subjects. crashaw, richard, 1613?-1649. Browse Catalog. by author richard crashaw; a study in baroque sensibility. http://rochester.dalnet.lib.mi.us/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=.GW&term=Richard Crashaw |
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