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41. Lovell's 1871 P.E.I. Directory Summerside conners, peter A. blacksmith Connick, Thomas - shipwright Costan, John - preventive officer Crabb, George - harnessmaker Crabb, Thomas - postmaster, hotel http://www.islandregister.com/lovell_s.html | |
42. NJDARM: Archives Collection Guides: Department Of Institutions And Agencies, New conners, John 3 items. conners, Michael 1 item. conners, Patrick 5 items. conners, peter 7 items. Connerty, John 5 items http://www.state.nj.us/state/darm/links/guides/sinsh001box1-25.html | |
43. ACAT To Stage Man Who Came To Dinner The rest of the cast include David Carter, Gabriella Van Horn, Maria conners, peter Paton, Ryan Tracy, Don Chimera, Chaz Darnish, Georgetta Q. Spelvin, http://morningsentinel.mainetoday.com/happening/stories/12124789.shtml | |
44. SERVE With CHIPS: Spider-Man 4 Villain Revealed So, Dr. conners, peter Parker s onearmed professor in Spidey 2 returns for part 3. And according to this interview at iFMagazine.com with Dylan Baker AKA http://servewithchips.blogspot.com/2007/01/spider-man-4-villian-revealed.html | |
45. Within Memory: Leelanau County In The 20th Century May -November 2000 :: Leelana in excerpts from interviews with journalist Diane conners. peter and Betty Mann s black and white portraits enhance the messages the Witnesses share. http://www.leelanauhistory.org/archives/?id=31 |
46. South Bristol Cultural Center Will Host Poetry Reading By Peter Conners Canandaigua, NY (September 24, 2007) South Bristol Cultural Center is pleased to present a poetry reading and book signing by Rochester poet peter conners http://www.fingerlakes.org/press_releases/articles/9-24-07b.htm | |
47. St. Louis Public Library: St. Louis Obituary 1902 A - I E. *1/6 CAWLEY, peter *9/15 CAYNER, CYNIA A. *5/22 CECIL, SAMUEL R. 8/15 CERNEY, 6/18 conners, CATHERINE 6/9 conners, MARY *5/28 conners, peter *10/11 http://www.slpl.lib.mo.us/libsrc/obit02a.htm | |
48. Beloit Fiction Journal Index 1985-2006 Compiled By Erin Hanson A N conners, peter H. Death in Unknown Throats, 13, Spring 2000. Cordova, Jody, Salt and Pepper, 12, Spring 1997. Crenshaw, Paul, People Like Us http://www.beloit.edu/~english/BFJstoryarchive.htm | |
49. Peter Conners bayervideotours.com/peter%20conners/peterconners.html 3k - Cached - Similar pages MySpace.com - CharLee - 34 - Male - seventh circle of hell, - www Bright, Joy Division, Wire, WOLFMANGLER, The Cure, Up-Tight, Roy Montgomery, Birchville Cat Motel, Television, Loren Mazzacane conners, peter Wright, http://bayervideotours.com/Peter Conners/PeterConners.html |
50. COAFifthDistrict conners, peter 172 LeBlanc, Nancy 116 Stiebing, Barry 136 Conrad, Lisa 163 LeSage, Carol 193 Sutton, Amanda 199 Courseault, Melissa 162 Lopiparo, http://www.mslawyer.com/mssc/COAFifthDistrict.htm | |
51. RAHA Poetry: Peter H Conners: Made Of Clay peter H. conners. Do you see these marks? These are the marks of my father. The tips of his fingers. The swirl of his thumb http://kabulpress.org/rahapen/options_poetry_Peter3.htm | |
52. MySpaceTV Videos: Peter Video Channel peter conners reading the poem Kingdom of Worms from his forthcoming collection Of Whiskey and Winter. Of Whiskey and Winter will be published by White Pine http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.Channel&ChannelID=138849142 |
53. Chapters.indigo.ca: Of Whiskey And Winter: Peter Conners: Books p peter conners stunning prose poems are packed with keen sensitivity, dreaminess, and wit. I love his time travels, the vibrant layering of image and http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/Of-Whiskey-and-Winter-Peter-Conners/97818939 | |
54. MySpace.com - Peter - 37 - Male - Rochester, NEW YORK - Www.myspace.com/petercon Rochester poet and fiction writer peter conners will be in town next Thursday night for the latest installment of Just Buffalo s COMMUNIQUE Flash Fiction http://www.myspace.com/peterconners | |
55. Vital Records Of Lowell, MA - 1826 To 1849 - Births CR3 Ellen (conners), d. John and Ann, Apr. 11, 1842. CR3 James (O Connor), s. John, constable, and Ann, May 3, 1843. James, s. peter and Ellen Farnan, bp. http://www.ma-vitalrecords.org/MiddlesexCounty/Lowell/BirthsAtoC.html | |
56. Snow*Vigate Issue 2 Winter, 2007 Guidelines Snowvys News Blog Check out Doug Martin s review of peter Conner s PP/FF anthology at Brooklyn Rail. Check out Jason Crane s podcast interview with peter conners and a http://www.snowvigate.com/news.php | |
57. Books For Sale By Author - C conners, peter. Of Whiskey and Winter . Prose Poems. White Pine, 2007. First edition. Very fine and bright stiff wraps with strong square spine and crisp http://www.longhousepoetry.com/catalog_c.html | |
58. X-Men 2 - 2000AD Review Forum Dr. conners, peter Parker s teacher in Spiderman 2? He is so going to be the Lizard. Go to the top of the page. + Quote Post http://www.2000adreview.co.uk/forums/index.php?showtopic=550 |
59. The Religion Of The Lizard (Curt Connors), Spider-Man Foe Curt conners theological discussions with peter Parker in the new Ultimate SpiderMan series also hint at the character s Catholic background. http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Lizard.html | |
60. Starcher-Blog Rants Raves exchange between peter conners and peter Bricklebank, Starts with an interview with peter conners, then goes on to a reading from the http://starcherone.blogspot.com/ | |
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