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21. Wanda Coleman's Book Club Who knows from Oprah? wanda coleman is the Most Out Poet There Is, and we offer our readers her nonhierarchical Top Ten to educate themselves. http://poetry.about.com/library/weekly/aa040301a.htm | |
22. Federal Assistance To Recipient COLEMAN,JAMES L COLEMAN,WANDA C In SC, FY 2003, Assistance to coleman,JAMES L coleman,wanda C in SC (FY 2003). Searching. coleman,JAMES L coleman,wanda C, $425000 http://www.fedspending.org/faads/faads.php?reptype=r&detail=-1&datype=T&sortby=t |
23. AFRICAN SLEEPING SICKNESS: Stories And Poems - COLEMAN, WANDA AFRICAN SLEEPING SICKNESS Stories and Poems; coleman, wanda. Offered by bookfever.com (Volk Iiams) http://www.antiqbook.com/boox/vol/25654.shtml | |
24. Timothy Coleman â Waverly Coleman : ZoomInfo Business People Information coleman, wanda, Swainsboro Technical College, Dr. Richard Thornton, vice president of instruction at Swainsboro Technical College, recently announced that . http://www.zoominfo.com/people/level2page7667.aspx | |
25. Heavy Daughter Blues. Poems & Stories 1968-1986. (EN) - COLEMAN, WANDA. Poems Stories 19681986. (EN); coleman, wanda.. Offered by Vrouwenindruk. coleman, wanda. Heavy Daughter Blues. Poems Stories 1968-1986. (EN) http://www.antiqbook.nl/boox/vin/11152.shtml | |
26. COLEMAN, Wanda - International Who's Who In Poetry 2005 coleman, wanda. Originally Published On September 2004. Published in book International Who s Who in Poetry 2005, Volume 1, Part 5 September 2004 http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a737766237~db=all~jumptype=rss | |
27. Blüs. - COLEMAN, WANDA: Blüs.; coleman, wanda. Offered by Ingeborg Domdey. http://www.antiqbook.de/boox/domdey/21253.shtml | |
28. Project MUSE I first became aware of wanda coleman and her work on July 16, 2002. One of my friends and I were talking about writers who were funky and pushing the http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/callaloo/v026/26.3coleman.html | |
29. MiPoesias Magazine Wanda Coleman April 2004 A native daughter, wanda coleman is the first C.O.L.A. literary fellow for the city of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs 20032004. http://www.mipoesias.com/April2004/coleman.htm | |
30. ABAA Antiquarian Booksellers Association Of America coleman (wanda) HEAVY DAUGHTER BLUES. Santa Rosa, California Black Sparrow Press (1987) Cloth, clear plastic dw, 220pp. No. 26 of 150 copies signed and http://search.abaa.org/dbp2/books1375.html | |
31. Dawn Treader Catalog African Sleeping Sickness Stories and Poems coleman, wanda Price US $55.00 First edition. One of 125 hardbound copies numbered and SIGNED by coleman. http://www.dawntreaderbooks.com/d-poetry-a.php | |
32. Bookfever.com POETRY Catalog #92 coleman, wanda IMAGOES Santa Barbara Black Sparrow Press, 1983. First printing, a trade paperback, issued simultaneously with hardcover. http://www.bookfever.com/Poetry_Catalog/default.htm | |
33. Wanda Coleman Books (Used, New, Out-of-Print) - Alibris UK Alibris UK has new used books by wanda coleman, including hardcovers, softcovers, rare, outof-print first editions, signed copies, and more. http://www.alibris.co.uk/search/books/author/Coleman, Wanda | |
34. Baraka's Daughter Killed coleman is the estranged husband of wanda Pasha, Shani Baraka s sister. . coleman, wanda Pasha s estranged husband, has not been identified as a suspect. http://www.nathanielturner.com/poetbarakasdaughterkilled.htm | |
35. TheReadingWarehouse.com: African Sleeping Sickness: Stories And Poems: Wanda Col wanda coleman poet, storyteller, and journalist - was born and raised in South Central Los Angeles. She is the recipient of grants from the Guggenheim http://www.thereadingwarehouse.com/book.php?ISBN=9780876858127 |
36. Stories, Listed By Author coleman, wanda. * Mother the Flesh, (pm) Yellow Silk. Yellow Silk Erotic Arts and Letters, ed. Lily Pond Richard Russo, Harmony Books 1990 http://www.philsp.com/homeville/anth/s42.htm | |
37. Wessel And Lieberman Booksellers: Browse By Author coleman, wanda. Mad Dog, Black Lady. Coleridge, S. T., Biographia Literaria; Or, Biographical Sketches of my Literary Life and Opinions. Two Volumes in One. http://www.wlbooks.com/cgi-bin/wlb455.cgi/find/author/Co.html | |
38. POETRY FROM ZYZZYVA coleman, wanda, Refugee from Vacaville, 2 coleman, wanda, Sorceress of Muntu, 52 Coolidge, Clark Tossed Elegy, 64 Conoley, Gillian, Overtime, 21 http://www.zyzzyva.org/published.poetry.htm | |
39. The Poetry Bookshop At Antiqbook.co.uk 103255 coleman, wanda African Sleeping Sickness Stories and Poems 100150 coleman, wanda - Heavy Daughter Blues Poems and Stories, 1968-1986 http://www.antiqbook.co.uk/boox/poet/books1000.shtml | |
40. Coleman News Celebrations Greatgrandparents are wanda Corder of Silver Valley, Roy and Billie McCorkle and Jerry and wanda Steffey of coleman, wanda Monroe of Valera and Kenneth http://www.colemannews.com/Celebrations.htm | |
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