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Coleman Wanda: more books (64) | ||||||||||||
1. Wanda Coleman - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Coleman was born Wanda Evans, and grew up in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles during the 1950s and 1960s. She has received fellowships from the John P. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wanda_Coleman | |
2. Wanda Coleman Wanda Coleman was born in 1946 and is the author of Bathwater Wine (Black Sparrow Press, 1998), winner of the 1999 Lenore Marshall Poetry Prize. http://www.aalbc.com/authors/wandacoleman.htm | |
3. Black Sparrow Books - Wanda Coleman Wanda Coleman poet, storyteller and journalist - was born and raised in South Central Los Angeles. She is the recipient of grants from the Guggenheim http://www.blacksparrowbooks.com/author.asp?last=Coleman&first=Wanda |
4. Wanda Coleman Wanda Coleman is a former columnist for the Los Angeles Times Magazine. Her fiction currently appears in Crab Orchard Review, Fiction International, http://www.thenation.com/directory/bios/wanda_coleman | |
5. Wanda Coleman - Trailer - Showtimes - Cast - Movies - New York Times A biography and related information about Wanda Coleman. http://movies.nytimes.com/person/512912/Wanda-Coleman | |
6. Mills College :: English :: The Scene :: Writers Series Wanda coleman wanda Colemanpoet, performer, scriptwriter, journalistwas born in Watts and raised in South Central Los Angeles. http://www.mills.edu/academics/graduate/eng/the_scene/writers_series.php | |
7. Miami University Press | Rainbow Darkness: An Anthology Of African American Poet Wanda coleman wanda Colemans fiction currently appears in Crab Orchard Review, Fiction International, High Plains Literary Review, Obsidian III, http://www.orgs.muohio.edu/mupress/details/tuma_rainbowdarkness.html | |
8. USA Executions And Victims Since 1977 (as Of 09/25/07) 41 3/20/85 GA John Young Coleman Gladys Brice, Katie Davis 42 4/18/85 VA . Olga Perales 175 5/20/92 VA Roger coleman wanda Fay McCoy 176 5/22/92 TX http://people.smu.edu/rhalperi/victims.html | |
9. Wanda Coleman The Academy of American Poets presents a biography, photograph and selected poems. http://www.poets.org/wcole/ |
10. Salon.com Audio | Wanda Coleman Los Angeles based author wanda coleman is a nationally acclaimed performance poet. She is the author of numerous books of fiction, poetry and prose http://www.salon.com/audio/2000/10/05/coleman/ | |
11. Wanda Coleman- Still A Joke! That poetaster is wanda coleman an unintentionally funny poet. Her schtick is simple- shes a fat, unattractive black woman who hates the Aunt Jemima image http://www.cosmoetica.com/TOP16-DES15.htm | |
12. Wanda Coleman Okay, so I don t know if wanda coleman is a Venice poet in the sense of having actually lived there, which is a mere technicality. http://www.virtualvenice.info/poets/coleman.htm | |
13. Wanda Coleman, Wanda Coleman Poetry, Wanda Coleman Poems, The ISM wanda coleman, wanda coleman poetry, wanda coleman poems, the ISM, The California Crack, wanda coleman poem Mastectomy, wanda coleman poem Bedtime Story, http://www.afropoets.net/wandacoleman.html | |
14. Poet: Wanda Coleman - All Poems Of Wanda Coleman Poet wanda coleman All poems of wanda coleman .. poetry. http://www.poemhunter.com/wanda-coleman/ | |
15. Wanda Coleman Biography - Held A Wide Variety Of Jobs, Collaborated With Musicia Others often use the word uncompromising to describe my work, poet wanda coleman told Contemporary Poets. I find that quite pleasing. http://biography.jrank.org/pages/2395/Coleman-Wanda.html | |
16. African Sleeping Sickness; Author: Coleman, Wanda; Hardback; Book African Sleeping Sickness Author coleman, wanda. Author coleman, wanda Hardback; Book 332 pages Published November 1990 Black Sparrow Press http://www.netstoreusa.com/pxbooks/087/0876858132.shtml | |
17. Coleman, Wanda | Find Articles At BNET.com Find Articles results for coleman, wanda I finally assessed the book Nation, The, 9/16/02 by coleman, wanda · More from publication http://findarticles.com/p/search?tb=art&qt=Coleman, Wanda |
18. Coleman (Wanda); HEAVY DAUGHTER BLUES. coleman (wanda). HEAVY DAUGHTER BLUES. Santa Rosa, California Black Sparrow Press (1987) Wrs, 220pp. USD 35.00 other currencies; ordernr. 0314.25 http://www.ilab.org/db/book1375_03-14.25.html | |
19. JSTOR Doing Battle With The Wolf A Critical Introduction To The subjects of wanda coleman s poetry are black oppression, . A Critical Introduction to wanda coleman s Poetry 543 he wants to know what to do http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0148-6179(198923)23:3<539:DBWTWA>2.0.CO;2-K |
20. Twentieth-Century African-American Poetry: Bibliography coleman, wanda 1987, Heavy Daughter Blues (Black Sparrow Press) coleman, wanda 1990, African Sleeping Sickness (Black Sparrow Press) http://www.lib.uchicago.edu/efts/AAP20/AAP20.bib.html | |
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