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Coetzee J M: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||||
1. Literature 2003 J. M. coetzee Biography Bibliography Nobel Lecture Prose Nobel Diploma Photo Gallery Banquet Speech Other Resources literature articles http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/2003/ | |
2. John Maxwell Coetzee - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia John Maxwell J.M. coetzee (IPA /k t si / or Afrikaans IPA kut si e) (born 9 February 1940) is an author and academic from South Africa (now an http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Maxwell_Coetzee | |
3. Coetzee, JM | Authors | Guardian Unlimited Books JM coetzee (1940). I am not a herald of community or anything else. I am someone who has intimations of freedom (as every chained prisoner has) and http://books.guardian.co.uk/authors/author/0,,-43,00.html | |
4. J.M. Coetzee For further reading Countries of the Mind The Fiction of J.M. coetzee by A.R. Penner (1989); A Story of South Africa J.M. coetzee s Fiction in Context by http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/coetzee.htm | |
5. J. M. Coetzee - New York Times A retrospective on the career of the South African writer, a winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, with reviews and articles drawn from the archives of http://www.nytimes.com/ref/books/author-coetzee.html | |
6. Salon Books | "Disgrace" By J.M. Coetzee Review of the 1999 Booker Prize winner from Salon Books. http://www.salon.com/books/review/1999/11/05/coetzee/ | |
7. J.M. Coetzee - The New York Review Of Books Bibliography of books and articles by JM coetzee, from The New York Review of Books. http://www.nybooks.com/authors/523 | |
8. Coetzee John Maxwell coetzee, better known as J.M. coetzee, was born in South Africa on February 9th J.M. coetzee was married in 1963 and then divorced in 1980. http://www.english.emory.edu/Bahri/Coetzee.html | |
9. J.M. Coetzee -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Britannica online encyclopedia article on JM coetzee South African novelist, critic, and translator noted for his novels about the effects of colonization. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9104190 | |
10. J. M. Coetzee JM coetzee at www.contemporarywriters.com Professor JM coetzee was born in South Africa in 1940. He studied at the University of Cape Town and the http://www.contemporarywriters.com/authors/?p=auth108 |
11. An Exclusive Interview With J M Coetzee JM coetzee hardly ever gives interviews or press conferences. But he has made an exception for David Attwell, the world s foremost authority on coetzee. http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=1058&a=212382 |
12. Seattle Arts & Lectures - J. M. Coetzee John Michael coetzee was born in South Africa in 1940, the son of an attorney and a school teacher. He grew up outside of Worcester, living a provincial http://www.lectures.org/coetzee.html | |
13. Squall Lines: Books: The New Yorker JM coetzees Diary of a Bad Year. There are people who think of J. M. coetzee as a cold writer, and he might agree, or pretend to agree. http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/books/2007/12/24/071224crbo_books_wood | |
14. J.M. Coetzee's 'Diary Of A Bad Year' A South African novelist living in Australia has been asked by his German publisher to contribute to a book of \ strong opinions,\ giving him carte blanche http://www.statesman.com/life/content/life/stories/books/01/13/0113coetzee.html | |
15. Truthdig - Arts And Culture - Michael Gorra On J.M. Coetzee’s ‘Diary 2008/01/17 The Nobel Prize-winning author of such stunning (and controversial) novels as Waiting for the Barbarians and Disgrace offers up his 19th http://www.truthdig.com/arts_culture/item/20080117_gorra_on_coetzees_diary_of_a_ | |
16. J.M. Coetzee - University At Buffalo Libraries Today, J.M. coetzee lives in South Africa. He has published several other novels, the memoirs Boyhood Scenes From Provincial Life and YouthScenes from a http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/asl/exhibits/coetzee/bio.html | |
17. John Maxwell Coetzee Winner Of The 2003 Nobel Prize In Literature John Maxwell coetzee, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, by J.M. coetzee J. M. coetzee Biographie (submitted by Inga Schnekenburger) http://www.nobelprizes.com/nobel/literature/2003a.html | |
18. J. M. Coetzee: 1997 Levinthal Distinguished Speaker J. M. coetzee is the Booker Prize winning author of seven novels and several books of criticism including, Giving Offense. His newest book is a memoir, http://shc.stanford.edu/shc/1997-1998/events/coetzee.html | |
19. J.M. Coetzee J.M. coetzee. John Maxwell coetzee (pronounced cootSEE-uh ) is a South African author. On 2 October 2003, it was announced that he was to be the recipient http://www.geocities.com/keysofworld/coetzee4/ | |
20. J.M. Coetzee's Diary Of A Bad Year. - By Judith Shulevitz - Slate Magazine To thrive in the dry climate of JM coetzee s novels, you need extra supplies of fortitude and compassion. His latest novel, Diary of a Bad Year, http://www.slate.com/id/2179374/ | |
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