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41. Richard Powers Reviews: Gain clover, joshua. Gain. Spin (July, 1998) 60. Bukiet, Melvin Jules. Gain Richard Powers Novel About the Life of a Corporation and the Death of a Woman. http://www2.english.uiuc.edu/powers/bib/reviews_gain.htm | |
42. Umeå Universitetsbibliotek > Aktuellt > Konst, Musik, Teater Och Film clover, joshua The matrix / joshua clover London BFI, 2004 ISBN 1-84457-045-2 (pbk.) £8.99 Placering ij 03450 Sinker, Mark If .. http://www.ub.umu.se/aktuellt/newbooks_dec_04/indexubi.htm | |
43. A Short List Of Contemporary Poets clover, joshua. Coleman, Wanda. Cooper, Jane. Maps Windows; Poems 1974. The Weather Of Six Mornings c1969. Crane, Hart. The Bridge A Poem c1932 http://www4.wittenberg.edu/academics/engl/faculty/rambo/rambo402/Shortlist.htm | |
44. First Ladies' Biographies American Ink, clover, joshua, 2003, Village Voice 1925 February. American, Jordanian First Ladies Promote Child Development, 2001, CNN.com 11 April http://www.firstladies.org/bibliography/index.aspx?firstlady=44 |
45. Boston Review | John Yau Reviews Jeff Clark, Joshua Clover, And Jennifer Moxley I believe Jeff Clark and joshua clover would agree with her. At their strongest, all three write lyrical poetry that departs from such wellknown postwar http://bostonreview.net/BR22.6/Yau.html | |
46. Complete Catalog Authors "C" clover, joshua. Madonna anno domini Poems. 1997. 64 pp. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2. LC 9645285 ISBN 0-8071-2147-9 cloth $26.95s ISBN 0-8071-2148-7 paper $16.95Tr http://www.lsu.edu/lsupress/Books/Author_Listing/authors_c.htm | |
47. Jacket 28 - October 2005 - Joshua Clover: Three Poems joshua clover. Three poems. Triple Sonnet I come across the paving stones The brief capital of disturbances. And within that city lies the city http://jacketmagazine.com/28/clover3p.html | |
48. CFP: Postmodern Culture Call For Reviews (4/1/05; Journal Issue) From PMC On 200 clover, joshua. The Matrix. BFI Modern Classics, 2005. Cohen, William A. and Ryan Johnson. Filth Dirt, Disgust and Modern Life. http://cfp.english.upenn.edu/archive/Cultural-Historical/0231.html | |
49. ASIL Timely Topics- ASIL Favorites clover, joshua / COMMENT Remember, We re The Good Guys The Classification and Trial of the Guantanamo Bay Detainees / 45 S. Tex. L. Rev. http://www.asil.org/inthenews/timelytopic/detention/timelyfavorites.html | |
50. Select General Bibliography For Representative Poetry On-line Baudelaire, Charles; Beatty, Paul; Becker, Robin; Beckman, joshua; Bell, Clifton, Lucille; clover, joshua; Cohen, Nan; Coleman, Wanda; Coleridge, http://rpo.library.utoronto.ca/display_rpo/bibliography_2001.html | |
51. UW Libraries - New Books: English & American Literature Author clover, joshua. Pub. Info Berkeley University of California Press, c2006. Location Suzzallo/Allen Stacks Call Number PS3553.L667 T68 2006. http://www.lib.washington.edu/subject/english/NewBooks072006.html | |
52. Journal Of European Studies -- Sign In Page clover, joshua (2001). That New Yorker feeling. Village Voice, 17 April 2001. Corey, Mary F. (1999). The World Throught a Monocle The New Yorker at http://jes.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/32/125-126/303 | |
53. Register Of Leslie Scalapino Papers - MSS 0668 7, 3, clover, joshua, 2002 2003. 7, 4, COCONUT (Bruce Covey), 2005. 7, 5, Codrescu, Andre, 1981 - 1999. 7, 6, Coffee House Press, 1985 - 2001. http://orpheus.ucsd.edu/speccoll/testing/html/mss0668a.html | |
54. Project MUSE clover, joshua. Camp Messianism, or, the Hopes of Poetry in LateLate Capitalism, by Christopher Nealon, 579602. Cognitive Science. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/american_literature/v076/76.4index.html | |
55. 34 . ROSTER OF OHIO SOLDIERS IN WAR OF 1812 Page 193. Vol. 2 Corwin, Oliver clover, joshua . Clifford, George . Cisna, Stephen Clevenger, William . Carsey, Randolph . Davis, James Clifton, Philip . Donemire, Daniel . http://www.ohiohistory.org/onlinedoc/war1812/roster/1812/txt/page0034.txt | |
56. Americana Exchange - Rare, Antiquarian And Used Books, Prints clover, joshua. MADONNA ANNO DOMINI. Winner of the 1996 Walt Whitman Award of the Academy of American Poets. Back cover blurbs by Jorie Graham (who was the http://www.americanaexchange.com/NewAE/ibi/fullcatalogue.asp?sellerid=171&catid= |
57. Bibliography On International Humanitarian Law, Search Results For: Military Tri clover, joshua S., Remember, We re the Good Guys the Classification and Trial of the Guantanamo Bay Detainees , in South Texas Law Review, http://www.ppl.nl/bibliographies/all/cloudresults.php?bibliography=humanitarian& |
58. Godard, Jean-Luc clover, joshua. Get Your Madis On. Band of Outsiders Criterion DVD essay. (http//www.criterionco.com/asp/release.asp?id=174 eid=261 section=essay) http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/jeanrenoir/Godard.htm |
59. Tattoo Design: RNF-00214 Irish, Ankle, Clover, Good Luck Picture By Josh Rowan - irish, ankle, clover, good luck The Tattoo Johnny gallery of free tattoo ideas is Johnny Stiletto, Joni Brace, Josh Reilly, Josh Rowan, joshua Weaver http://www.tattoojohnny.com/tattoo-design-view.asp?sku=RNF-00214 |
60. English 50 Syllabus (Intro To Creative Writing) clover, joshua. The Totality for Kids. PS3553.L667 T68 2006. Coalseam Poems from the Anthracite Region. PS548.P4 C63 1993. Cole, Henri. Blackbird and Wolf. http://www2.hn.psu.edu/faculty/jmanis/eng50syl.htm |
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